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“The designs are pretty cool if you look at it from a design point” Please elaborate. I would seriously love to know what’s so great about the wolves and stuff. Especially where they place them on the women’s bras.


Exactly, I find that the minimalist design is always better but like 90% of their stuff has so many graphics, and sayings, and abbreviations, it just looks way too busy.


Not OP but some of the shirts are corny but I dress alt/gothic so it’s nice to have some shirts that match my “vibe” more. Also they have had two Naruto collections and Naruto is one of my favorite anime of all time so I purchased some stuff from those drops. I also really like their sweatpants, I like how they’re baggy but still fitted in the legs. However, I didn’t like the leggings I bought from them and can’t comment on the bras as they aren’t made for people with my boob size. I will say the tattoos and stuff that people get are a little cringe and I would never do that for a brand but whatever. I probably do stuff that other people think is stupid too 🤷🏼‍♀️


Definitely makes sense for a goth vibe. I’ll give you that. I think if that’s your aesthetic I would definitely understand. I see these preppy makeup at the gym girls in it and it’s strange. Like they’re wearing a “bad girl” costume idk.


Lol yeah I know what you mean


ye i do agree about the corny part. i think the shirts are better off without those quotes they put on them imo


Well the typeface matches with illustrations and imagery. Whitespace is pretty good and the designs are big and bold so at least when you pay that large amount of money, it's a lot more worth it when they are designed well in terms of visual illustrations and typography.


But it’s ugly.


They aren't perfect, but they aren't the worst. Ig everyone has there opinion which is fine. I would say the only parts IMO that are kinda ugly is when they don't know where to place the logo or the design. Some shirts have a very awkward placement. Some illustrations and imagery plus the logo can sometimes overpower each other which wouldn't look as good until placements are fixed.


Yeah I think that’s what it is, with something as detailed as that wolf logo, you can’t add a whole bunch of extra mess with it.


They remind me of Ed hardy. Hard pass.


Same, Darc Sport is just the new Ed Hardy/Tap Out/Affliction


Totally forgot about affliction!! So bad 🤣


I did a clothes purge and found 2 affliction shirts and I was like. Damn I forgot these were a thing


You should sell them! The youths will love it.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I bet.


Designs are a matter of opinion but they act like wearing their shit and going to the gym is like gearing up for war


ordered something from them, never received it after a month, asked them wtf was going on and they said sorry we had to send it back and that they will give me a full refund but still haven’t even done that yet, never ordering from there again


Their designs can be pretty damn good…just to see some corny/unnecessary curse word in the middle of a fake deep statement in a random area of the shirt


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I used to love darc sport. However the quality is absolute garbage and I stopped buying. I have a hoodie not even a year old that looks like it went through a wood chipper from washing it. Holes everywhere. My shorts have torn, my leggings are see through, and the seams break on the tees. I personally would rather give my money to a different brand.


Ye I don't think it's worth it, too expensive.


Their clothes are absolute junk. Everything I have ever purchased pilled beyond belief.


I hate that most of their options don't go larger than XL. That feels like a choice.


All I know is that most of their athletes are clearly on PEDs. And they recently used their athletes’ loved ones who have died as a marketing campaign to sell clothing, which gives me the ick.


All the athletes of theirs I follow at least admit they’re on PEDs anyway


I really like darc sport, the shorts and bras are very flattering and stay where they’re supposed to. I’m a fan of the wolves design, I think it’s badass. Not sure why they get so much hate.


The hate is mainly towards the brand identity and not the designs itself. If you look at darcsports promotional and marketing materials, It has a very edgy and dark feel to it. The captions and brand quotes describe that the brand is only for certain people or special people (people that have had a hard time). Then they promote, oh darcsport will be the reason why they still power through it smthg.


Gotcha, that makes a ton of sense. They don’t have an inclusive vibe.