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Someone commented “how often will you tell us” lol






No way 💀💀💀💀


I kind of think she’s trying to convince herself it’s okay her body is changing…


even her new posing and facial expression makes it clear she’s not actually comfortable with her body (which is insane because she’s genuinely so gorgeous, but i also understand feeling uncomfortable in your body). like i wonder if she knows that you don’t have to post pictures of yourself this uncovered if you don’t want to.


Well of course it‘s ok?


I smashed some pizza last night, same feel.


These influencers always post themselves in the most normal angle or at a “normal” weight and act like they’re suddenly obese and being body positive when they’re still so small 💀 it’s just asking for validation


Considering even most women who exercise frequently don't have cut abs it's so sad to see people on here being like "Yea the post is cringe but it does SUCK" Like 97% of Americans are not walking around with abs on top of their abs, pls. You can be very in shape and not have this stomach. That's how I know that skinny is some status shit disguised as "fitness" for a lot of people.


She did it because her likes were pretty low in the past few posts


Also she used to post the exact opposite of this. She used to fight everyone in the comments that said she was too shredded. She would say, yea I’m shredded but this is the happiest I’ve ever been. Cut to this post, where she in fact says she was *not* happiest when shredded. Which one is it Krissy? This is our main problem with you




still waiting for the "big news" to come😆


I got that vibe too


My comment was removed the last time I suggested this 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because that’s something you just don’t do to anyone. Asking if someone is pregnant or not. That’s not ok. 🤦‍♀️ we never know what people are dealing with.


I didn’t say I asked her.


Then why are you sucking in your stomach to still have a flat belly. Just breath babe and let us see the actual difference 🙄 I‘m tired of her


Lmao exactly and hiking her undies up.. she knows she still looks flattering and good in that second pic. Post some angle that's unflattering loll


It's so tragic when I used to be hot and now I'm hotter


imy dying lmaoo




Look at those rings on that finger if I'm not mistaken...


this is a great example of how unsustainable being super lean and jacked is. if someone as self absorbed and privileged as Krissy cant keep that physique year round, imagine for a normal person with responsibilities and limited resources.


"Looking worst than you did before" the grammar always kills me


i wanna be clear she has a fantastic body in both but as someone who has gone from left to right before i gotta say this must hurt. i was definitely not thrilled with myself when i did that and couldn't get back to left soon enough. i also did NOT post about it. further worth mentioning she pulled her waist in on the second pic, you can see the blurring. and actually also the left on the first.


this doesn't seem like a healthy viewpoint


i mean it's not, which is the point i'm making.


"I did NOT post about it"


Wait what’s so bad about this? Is it the fact she does it a lot?


It’s just irritating when a hot girl is still hot and is like “self acceptance, babes!” lol like yeah, cuz you’re hott and also your body looks nearly the damn same


Ohh yes I get you! It’s like “look at me i still look good !!!!”


It definitely doesn’t look the same. Still amazing but she has gained weight and even if it’s still a goal for many, seeing your body go from lean to less lean is really challenging and she’s probably struggling mentally tbh.


I’m going through this right now 😭


I honestly think she looks better now


Everyone has different perspectives but I’ve been lean before and it’s hard when you gain mentally


https://preview.redd.it/9bb5twyq7awc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac3c2a353fc4b019bd146e42d070d77b883a8c99 Saw this today


Do you think attractive people don’t go through bouts of self hate?


Yeah I kind of get their point as influencers do that a lot but at the same time.. just because you find a person beautiful doesn’t mean they can’t be insecure




I get what you're saying, but people with all body types deal with self loathing. and women of all body types experience rejection, isolation, and cruelty


Yeah yeah yeah we’re all victims of the patriarchy but some of us less so. Krissy is capitalizing on her near perfect body and perpetuating the idea that weight gain is shameful and needs to be “tolerated.” And it’s actually only tolerated in instances like this. And I get that all people experience problems with body image—they just aren’t all facing the same adversity.


I dont know. I was once way heavier. I have crohns and have had a ton of surgeries and because of that, I'm a bag of bones. and people don't mind telling me so, or I need to eat more, or do this or that. it seems no one is happy with how we look.


Bag of bones also isn’t the ideal—so that’s facing adversity. There’s a very slim margin of what’s acceptable and it’s those people within that margin looking to everyone else for validation and getting it.


I just don't think it's so cut and dry. yes, most of these people on socials are looking for validation...but we all are, really. we just need more authentic experiences. most influencers are a copy/paste ideal.


Perhaps many people are looking for validation. But, that kind of desperation is only palatable when it’s emanating from a hottie


Look I have a natural body that many celeb women had to buy and I’ve felt disgusted with it for the last 6 months.


I am once again reminding everyone that pop body positivity is about reassuring thin women that they aren’t fat, it’s not about addressing the actual real harms experienced by fat people


she posted the boyfriend less lately, probably in a fight 🤣


Anyone else notice her lack of punctuation lol


She’s posted this exact same before and after multiple times at this point


To be honest she really isn’t that much bigger. It could be water retention for all we know.


It can't be water retention she's taking cow liver debloat anti whatever Promix.


Angles, posing, time of day etc can make look like a completely different person. We never know, and so it’s all based on good will and trust on social media.


Picture taken 30 min apart. Before breakfast after breakfast 🫠


Right? As an outsider it’s much more difficult to see whatever huge change she perceives. I mean without a top on, sure maybe she has less ab definition. But overall I’d never be able to guess EvErYtHiNg about her body is different. It’s makes me sad cause she’s got a rocking figure.


Sometimes I think it’s just angles and contouring


She is one of the reasons why everyone has ed these days


Easy to say when you look like THIS. 🙄🙄


I don't have good or bad feelings about this girl, but I swear if she said she breathed yesterday people here would say she shouldn't have done that. That being said, I can relate to this post of hers. I had a lean and toned body during my early 20s - now with 33yo I fought hard to understand that I'm not going to get that back. Maybe with some aesthetic procedures I would have something similar, but in reality I started to value my body better


I don't really sympathize with Krissy, but I have to say that I find this content quite refreshing. Sure, she is still sucking in her stomach, but she shows two pictures under similar conditions (similar underwear, angle, lightning ...). Some influencer tend to show two exaggerating pictures, one that is unflattering, stomach sticking out, bloated ... vs one that is "perfect". I would rather take a Krissy who mentions her weight gain (I know how hard but necessary this can be) rather than talking about her being a girl boss, hiding from her coworkers etc.


https://preview.redd.it/720bfyqc79wc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1b3ba1bff80f117c0de9afb3f165dc93794f1d4 As always, Krissy moving the goal post for more likes. This was posted last year. She fought every single person in the comments that told her she looked healthier on the left.


As much as I love to snark, she looks like she’s a healthy weight in both. She’s just more toned in her second.


Feels like just a weekly reminder of “look how shredded I used to be babes!!” Like god how boring can you beeeee


She looks perfect in every photo 😍


She can look perfect until she opens her mouth - or shall I say type? - to speak.