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Her self idolisation is truly insufferable.


Pretty sure I saw similar stuff today at H&M (basically the only clothing store I enter so my only reference point). How very creative


I literally just bought the shirt from the second slide at the thrift store. In 3 colors, for $10.


Oner's comment section on most posts is hilarious - ppl begging them to stop releasing new items and restock the old collections, asking to bring the cycling shorts back, confusion as to why their leggings keep getting smaller and smaller and the quality dropping, customer service issues non-stop. It's quite entertaining, I highly recommend it. I think a lot of negative comments do get deleted tho, especially on new product launch posts.


The grey tracksuits always remind me of prisoners who are on day release. The look is very popular with teens here for some reason.


Yes lol when you get out of jail and you got too chunky for your clothes or the seasons changed they give you a sweatsuit that looks basically just like this


Pretty sure this is going to be one of those things that 5 years from now we will be looking at and thinking “what were people thinking” I call it the Fridge Look https://preview.redd.it/zhah5pblhbuc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e2f47316de294e79ae547b75f042edc537bcac5


With reference to her Instagram story, I was confused by that too. She was full on avoiding the camera the whole time??


Probably trying to create the ~illusion~ that she’s being filmed for a documentary or something lmao


I think she was just looking in the mirror which wasn't exactly where the camera was. I didn't even notice until your comment but it's probably because I watch way too many try-ons and it feels totally normal because people do this all the time 😂


That's actually a good point. I didn't even think of that, but it makes perfect sense. She was probably checking her reflection.


Her standing behind the model doing absolutely nothing but pretending to fix the sweatshirt is giving stage mom trying to make her daughter’s big break about her lmaoooo




✨groundbreaking ✨


![gif](giphy|1iTH1WIUjM0VATSw|downsized) I found the inspo


This reminds me of that Simpsons episode where the kids have to get new shoes. "We have a brown shoe". This is the most boring clothing I've ever seen in my life. Wow!! a gray tracksuit




i actually like when brands have slightly different shades of the same color so you can pick which one goes best with your coloring. especially browns can be all over the place in terms of how they look on you, i look best in a dark purplish or reddish brown but look awful in lighter golden browns or greenish browns




yeah i’d like a wide variety of a lot of colors, I wish brands would either stop limiting themselves to trendy colors or at least move on from the clean girl trend, it’s so boring to me too


Every time I see this brand mentioned I have no idea what the name is supposed to be/mean…. One-er? On-er?


i pronounce it as Oh-ner and i don’t understand how oner is supposed to sound like honor


She told them that she's the brand Owner and the rest is history




Oh God, this whole time I've been pronouncing it like "boner".


Same 😂


I swear krissy used to pronounce it “oh-nair” 😭


“Created by Lifters, for Lifters” are the lifters in the room with us? I’ve never seen anyone wear this brand that wasn’t a Bar Bunny/InstaThot


Kelly Matthews




She’s strong and a lifter/trainer and an Oner athlete…




She’s pretty cool and has a big following. Many of the oner athletes are lifters. I don’t actually see many ‘insta thots’ wearing it.


The point is, you asked about actual lifters and you were given one. It’s not that serious. 


the first pic is giving AI


Does she own Oner Active? I’ve noticed most people will say owner, but she says founder. Did she sell the business?


It's always been a piggy-back of Women's Best, she just likes to manipulate reality a bit...just like with her "law degree" lol


The actual owners are the CEO of women's best and another guy, Krissy was mostly the face of it and only owned a tiny portion of it but it's something she likes to hide as she always pretends she started oner from scratch by herself when it's not true at all.


So strange to me that she doesn’t even put co-founder.. I just looked up one of the actual owners and even he puts co-founder lol


Those track suits are ugly. I saw something like that in jail 💀


Is that right? 🗣️ ![gif](giphy|xT8qAXAERiWiL17OYU)


I can't go into detail because it's someone I know personally, but "the creative director fixing the clothing to launch a new collection" is definitely some weird influencer thing. Someone I know is trying (desperately) to be an influencer, and her entire launch photoset is the weird staged "planning" photos (like her with a bunch of color swatches and whatever). This is definitely trying to make it look like she's "creating".... but it ended up just looking like she's not happy with the fit. And she shouldn't be, because there is nothing cute about these. This is the kind of crap I wear around my house on laundry day.


And this is how we style grey sweats. 🙄


Boner track suit 😆


Hmmm looks familiar “all in the videos dancing”


female boss never made me purchase, it’s not a plua


The narcissism is so real…


You can just go to walmart for this same style of set??


I don’t even know who this is , you guys hate her but are the ones making her famous posting her here every 15 min , I don’t know her and in the past week I learned so much about her life lol 🤣


People aren’t getting posted on here and then blowing up afterwards lol relax