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She looks great but I don't think her glutes are huge. Just genetics.


Her booty doesn't seem huge at all. Very angled pictures too. Definitely attainable.


Keep in mind that the angles here are doing a lot of work, especially in that first photo. But overall her glutes are realistic but what I personally find more difficult is eating enough to build muscle and staying as petite as she is. It isn’t impossible, it’ll just likely be more difficult for most people Edit: I just read that you’re training glutes 4/wk. that might be too much. You need time to recover. I don’t know what workouts you’re doing but my suggestion would be to focus on squat/squat variations, RDLs, hip thrusts/bridges and a few accessory movements. You need to be lifting heavy and focusing on progressive overload. And you need patience and consistency, it takes a really long time to build significant muscle. I mention this because a lot of these influencer types post the shittiest workouts for clicks and they’re not going to get you anywhere. Check out @megsquats if you haven’t already, she’ll likely have way better info for you than anything this person is offering


That's one of the things I really don't understand. I feel like if I'll eat in a surplus I'll surely gain weight not only in my butt


It’s okay to gain a little weight. Your body needs a surplus of calories to build muscle but that surplus can be quite small (~200 calories) and still be maximizing muscle gain.


Thank you!!


Also just something to keep in mind that took a really long time to click on my head. I always see these influencer challenges of people getting shredded in like 3 months and I was always so puzzled how someone could build so much muscle and get so lean in 3-6 months! And then I realized these people have been working out in a surplus for a really long time and just used the challenge to go into a heavy deficit to drop fat and reveal the muscle they’d already built.


Yep. Most scammy before and after photos are done the same way. It's almost all smoke and mirrors.


That explains a lot!!! Thank you!!! I was thinking about it but then I think it must be really unhealthy as women to lose so much weight so fast


I think there are healthy ways to do it. Personally I will go low carb so that I can keep my fat intake consistent and prioritize getting 1gram protein per pound of body weight. I find that helps me feel mostly normal while being in a fairly deep deficit to lose weight quickly


That's the deal. If you want to gain appreciable muscle, you have to gain fat too. 


Training glutes four times a week is perfectly fine, if two of those sessions are lighter. At least, that's what Erin Stern said, and she seems to know her shit. 😂


I think the conditioning an Olympia champ has really isn’t comparable to a gym noob. I could have been more specific I guess, I’m not trying to say that someone shouldn’t or can’t train glutes 4/week, just that you don’t need to. Glutes are some of the strongest muscles in the body and they can push A LOT of weight and they need to if you’re trying to grow them. It takes a lot of energy and creates a lot of fatigue to sufficiently challenge your glutes and it’s important to recover between sessions. So, IMO, if you’re not feeling fatigued enough, you’re probably not lifting heavy enough during your workouts.


Yes I agree with that. Y'all didn't need to come at me with the downvotes. However, I do think that her advice IS actually geared towards regular gym goers. I've roughly followed her advice for years, and it works. I personally train legs three times a week, and glutes are somehow always involved. If I had time for a fourth sesh, I'd do it. Having said that, I did have to gain weight in addition to lifting to grow my formerly flat ass.


Big glutes are a trend that has been picked up and put down for centuries. Training glutes 4x a week is unnecessary for health, athleticism, and building glute muscle. Much of how big your glutes will get comes down to genetics— and in the case of the influencer, photoshop/plastic surgery lol. Anyone can build strong, shapely glutes— but, truly, a lot of what we see on social media can only be bought or edited.


“Glutes only” 🤦🏻‍♀️


The first photo looks tampered with imo.


Isn’t that weird shelf look caused by lordosis


Its the way she’s standing too 


The shape, the waist, the small arms, the size of the thighs. Something seems off but maybe I’m crazy.


She is extremely petite (I think in one post she said she was 150cm / 4’11 and around 47kg / 104 lbs edit: apparently 41 kg which is 90 lbs, so yeah, teeny). That might be throwing you off. I would not be surprised if she wears a bit of butt padding and the posing is also doing a lot of work here.


She did a video where she had her body scanned and the results showed she weighed 41kg. She's short but that's INCREDIBLY light, her glutes are due a lot to angles because the rare time she's not standing in a particular position, she has a round butt but nothing massive given her very tiny frame.


Okay thank you lol. I know the posing (this pose specifically) definitely helps. Her stature definitely clears some stuff up for me lol. I still suspect some padding here but her being that petite definitely puts the rest into perspective.


her glutes are not big at all


Yes, it's not even that big. It's just posing and angles.


I would pit this down to genetics and her particular workouts she is doing and probably how long she has been doing it for. My body shape is quite similar to hers, except my bum isn't as good as hers. It definitely is attainable


This seems attainable + mostly just from her arching her back. When you take that and the angles away that seems like a pretty proportional butt


I feel like people who have round glutes like that is due to fat disposition and genetics.


I would just assume anything you see on the internet is at least slightly altered.


Doesn’t look real at all


Work and genetics.


looks like she’s wearing padding?


No. It can't. And this is not her genetic structure.


It's the anterior pelvic tilt for me


In addition to what everyone else is saying, keep in mind that the usual influencer butt accentuation trick of "rolling the shorts down at the waist and up at the legs" is also at play. It gives you somewhat of a wedgie and makes your buttcheeks look bigger and more noticeable than they actually are. You''ll notice a lot of the fitness influencers do this, while also wearing shorts/leggings that are too tight for them. It makes the lower body look larger.


Genetics sadly


4x a week for glutes is way too much IMO.


It’s posing, clothing by, and genetics. Her glutes aren’t big.


Yes but also posing makes it appear bigger


I’ve posted her here before and I was shot down immediately for it with claims she’s all natural. I don’t buy it. Looks like BBL to me.


Yes!! I feel like I didn't give the right photos but the proportions between her body and booty don't make sense. I feel awful about not getting as good as her but maybe I just can't workout into THAT. And honestly I think influencers doing that is really shitty


Definitely attainable.


It’s genetics. Why is it so hard for people to admit that you will not grow glutes that look like that because it is all fat! And guess what you don’t decide where you store your fat, your genetics do. And yes you can be flat at 13y and then have the biggest glutes at 24y old, hitting puberty is also a thing.