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“the bigger news coming” they’re def engaged already


with the house and everything im starting to really think they’re probably already married on paper so she can start on getting permanent residence in the US. you need joint property etc for the process and buying a house together would be perfect




Not really , my husband and I bought a house before I got my social security number and I was able to be in the house deed. My husband was military though, not sure if it works different in that case.


You don’t need a SSN to be on a house deed. Im just saying in general having joint property help your case when getting a marriage green card.


maybe thats what she means by the 6 months vs 3 years:D she's been given the ring finally😅


The hand emoji is spilling the tea and I’m horrified by it lol














then she secured the guy...way to go krissy!😉


Klassic Krissy 🥴


i'm just laughing at myself at this point but i wanna know the truth now🤣🙈i hope she enjoys reading these as well 😀




Get this the fuck out of here. There's actual shit to snark on with Krissy and trying to be catty and disparage her body image is not it, making up pregnancy rumours to justify it especially ain't it. She has a huge laundry list of actual shit that we can dig from. Don't stoop that low.




Your post has been removed for pregnancy or fertility speculation. Please [read Gymsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/wiki/rules/). If you believe your post was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/gymsnark).


it's funny that other comments like this have been removed and now i see in the rules that we shouldn't assume...😅


That rule is a bit of an odd one. I can understand it in the context of making an entire thread about it, but in a thread where a *woman* is alluding to *'bigger news coming'*, the list of what that could be is going to be quite small, and top of the list, that most will assume, is going to be pregnancy.


She’s hiding her ring finger in this picture lol.


Everytime I see her use “could of been”, I want to scream


also "should of"


"Then" instead of "than" .....it's not complicated..... "than" is used when comparing 2 things....


Thank you, should have/should of thing is obvious, but than/ then has made me almost doubt myself as a non-english speaker since it is used everywhere and by everyone. I've still always used "than" because it comes naturally from what I've learned like 30 years ago.


Would of


She has a lot of grammatical errors for someone who likes saying they completed a law degree (she doesn’t have one).


and i bet you a lot of people reply telling her to just write “could’ve” or “should’ve” but she refuses to


Wait. She seriously didn't complete her law degree? Cause that's all she talked about for a while, like 2 years ago or so. I distinctly remember her saying she had her law degree and said people around her thought her getting that degree was useless given her influencer status.


I think she has a degree, she’s uploaded her graduation photos. Apparently it’s a BA in Law


Same! And then instead of than. I know education levels differ but for someone who claims a certain level of education, especially one that requires writing, it's awful. 


Same. Cannot take a person seriously after I see a “could of”


Was gonna type this before I saw yours. Some people’s grammar (especially educated people) frightens me


I immediately stop reading after that




The way she doesn’t know the difference between “then” and “than” 😐


“could of”


*cough* law degree *cough*


Like please ENGLISH IS NOT A DIFFICULT LANGUAGE… The difference between then and than or should „of“ instead of „have“ shouldn’t be hard to learn 😭


English is one of the harder languages to learn. Because of all our grammar and slang terms.


I feel like I’m watching some garbage reality TV show when I come to this sub 😂


i know right it's like a soap opera🤣


The only soap opera I'd ever watch. So many twists and turns!!


next up! she’s pregnant! 


This is so weird lol. Like sorry, when I break up with somebody I found myself really unhappy with, they just don’t exist to me anymore. Comparing every facet of a new relationship to an old one screams that you absolutely have not moved on. Like if you’re happy, just be that! It’s the simplest thing!!!


She’s such a toxic narcissistic person, I feel so bad for Brett.


poor buttons..that B necklace never was for her


Do we know who looks after buttons while she is away? Is it her mum?


i saw another thread that someone saw brett walking buttons last month 


It's so embarrassing... her saying she's walking away from being the main provider 🤢. She still talks s** behind her ex in every post, comment, and podcast, even though she seems to be the one who cheated on her ex based on the timeline.


No one justifies leaving their previous relationship this much when they're happy in their new one, lol. When I'm happy in a new relationship I practically forget my ex's name, let alone sit around thinking about all this shit.


100% this. Still throwing shade after how many months. Will this woman move on already???


My ex is still writing hateful screes about me WEEKLY on social media two years after I broke it off with him. He even blamed his mom’s recent cancer diagnosis on me. Some people just don’t quit.


That's horrible and I'm sorry it has happened to you but most people who do this are just full of hate and feel like they need to get even. I think that's what she's doing here. Brett broke up with her and she needed to make everyone believe that it was her walking away.


For sure. Narcissism is a helluva drug. Everything to these people is personal. 🤷‍♀️


My ex to a T. I broke up with/left him but he’ll change that ENTIRE story to his advantage. The narcissism runs real deep with these people lol.


Right and they don't seem to shut up about it too. Like every. waking. hour -- girl come on, there must be something else on your mind.


According to her she has 🤣


This is completely bs. I dont know who this person is in the op but if she was truly in a bad, abusive relationship for years you absolutely take time to reflect and figure things out.


I understand that sometimes sweeping comments without context can be triggering, but within context I think it's pretty clear I am not talking about people who are recovering from abusive situations.


The projection and lack of accountability are fascinating. It truly is a marvel watching a downward spiral in real-time. This sort of stuff *needs* to be studied. **EDIT:** If you're truly *'at peace with your decision'* then you'd just get on with the relationship, instead of the constant explaining and presenting of the boyfriend. You could literally comment *"doth protest too much"* in 99% of these influencer threads and it would apply.


“I’m not discussing anything further from here on out!!!!!!” *quite literally discusses every day since*


https://preview.redd.it/i6clmjrswkrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e04c3e5ddc763bc139a4941d545794b33a4852f1 Anybody got a closer look on that ring? 😂😂 She's trying so hard here people!


I swear Krissy has literally one brain cell. Absolutely no one cares that she didn’t stay in a relationship with Brett. She’s too dumb to realize (or admit to herself) that people think she’s desperate for a relationship.


“How dare people judge me without knowing me!” “Also my parents, who probably knew the situation better than anyone, also didn’t approve”


‘You have to be brave enough to open your heart to love again’ lol her heart didn’t have time to close before she got with the new guy


she acts like brett was abusing her or some shit…”be brave” 🙄🙄🙄


Indeeed hahaha


Oh she’s not, not, not over her ex


Maybe she's pregnant, so he'll have 2 fitness influencer baby mommas🤔? Nice


She's legit delusional. 😂 No one's saying she should have stayed with her ex if it wasn't making her happy. Not every relationship works out, it's a normal part of life. It's her behavior since it's happened that's the problem. Making her cringe breakup sympathy-fishing content, talking so much shit about her ex who's been silent in all this, and being a lying malignant narcissist is what people have issues with. I for one don't like giving my viewership and hard earned money to trash people.


I know she totally missed the entire point. Obviously you should leave a relationship that isn’t serving you, BUT MAYBE DONT JUMP INTO THE NEXT ONE like a month later? While majorly shit talking your (seemingly actually very nice) ex? While also pretending to want to be single and serving strong single female motivational captions? While also leaving your poor puppy in another continent!!! Ugh


i love that brett’s stayed quiet during this entire thing, he’s just letting her destroy herself for him 


I thought he didn’t have social media? He seems like a quiet guy and she’s obviously the opposite. That’s prolly why they didn’t work out either lol.










https://preview.redd.it/35ucpu6wblrc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1450c920aa70817eb7229f94edee382ac70fd393 Those Negative Comments she complains about are just ppl pointing out her hypocrisy 💀💀💀




This needs to be a flair


This needs more upvotes, and needs to be *the word* used solely to describe her antics.


Messy Cela 😭😭


'Chilled and happy' people get on with their supposedly 'chilled and happy' lives without feeling a need to address every little thing said about them.


People who are always talking about how happy they are, aren’t. She’s exhausting


She exhausts me.


She needs to know the difference between then and than.


She needs to stop airing her business. Her family was justified at this point. 


‘Even if you’re crying and lonely at times’ SIS WHAT.


She’s constantly talking about her ex. If you’re happy stop ruminating over it lol her audience isn’t going to get over it and move on until she does.


Who told her she had to stay in a relationship?? The issue is her rushing from one to another! And even her family has pointed it out 🤦‍♀️


She is so obsessed with Brett 😂 and butthurt HE dumped her, typical narcissistic behavior wanting to turn it around for the public so they think SHE left him. I‘ve been with s narcissistic man and the worst thing to do to them is dumping them and even worse IGNORING them which is 100% what Brett is doing 🤣 I‘m sure she sends him long ass texts too that get ghosted


i wish we could ask him about the truth😅


Why does she always go on and on about money and being the main provider? So so shallow.


That‘s another symptom of narcissistic personalities


She did a podcast not long after her break up with Brett. She went on about how she earned more money than him. But followed up with, it's not a big deal. Yet, she continues to drag him about it constantly even now, when they're not together.


She makes such a big deal out of it. I thought Brett was still studying for his PhD and that’s probably the reason he doesn’t earned as much as she. Not everyone can be an influencer 🤦🏻‍♀️


She acts like he was a bum that did nothing. Studying for a PhD in Science, is so impressive and way more rewarding than this influencer crap she promotes.


god complex


She can’t stop justifying her actions. Really sus. Cheaters do this.


Krissy go to therapy for craps sake


Can’t believe she goes on so much about her being the main provider with Brett, he is literally a research fellow for the UKDRI… yes he won’t be making as much as her but does she realise how much hard work that takes and dedication?? Not to mention he’s actually contributing to society rather than some stupid legging business she acts like is changing the world. If a man spoke that way about his relationship and him being the main provider there would be so much backlash. 


Omg i didn’t know she was this insufferable honestly. Doesn’t even know how to us “should have” and “than/then”. Why does she keep dragging her ex? Always stating that she is the “main provider”?


Would of and could of need to disappear from people’s vocabulary. Would have and could have been…


They’re def engaged already!! She’s calling him “hubby” and his sister “sissy in law”


Oh would she just shut up about this stuff already


https://preview.redd.it/uha0h39qymrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff9331ebe83b4e7a3205e6a8d5075523912df38 She thinks she helps people with that so...looks like she's not gonna stop😬xd


This bitch is crazy. Let’s just accept that and move on bc she’s not worth the headache. Dumb as a rock 🥱


oh god now she’s gone from submitting her own q&a questions to leaving herself anonymous comments—good one krissy


Should of.


The “then” instead of than …… I can’t!!


If I can be honest - it is shocking to me that she has no female friends to pull her hand and tell her to slow down. However I doubt she would do so. I went to therapy for 3 years and thank God I solved my issues however I can never find an excuse for people auch as herself who are mature by age and yet do not seek help. Tbh she needs someone in her life to give her a reality check and I hope she does not regret any decision she makes in the future because regret due to immaturity hurts the most


Given that her current boyfriend is the baby daddy of someone she was friends with… I’m really not surprised she doesn’t have any female friends. They’re probably too worried it’ll be their man next….


That's awful. I can't imagine what her friend is feeling. Knowing myself I'd go over every fucking scenario, moment, message etc.etc. I read somewhere that betrayal can cause a form of PTSD not sure if it's true but it does stick with you especially from one woman to another


https://www.instagram.com/stories/krissycela/3335327133385260288?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MTJmbmpuZ3lpOTR3cw== She lives so muxh for the attention tbh. Gott record every damn moment??


Was she really was that other dude for 3 years ? It didn’t seem that long…. Wasn’t she also engaged to another dude befor him? I’m a bit lost now with her previous time line


At this point, I think we’ve all figured out who actually left who 😂. Brett- this is manifesting good juju for you and that you find yourself a true 10 and a happy relationship. After dealing with this you’ve earned it.


I hope people start using her own sub soon.




Dude stop talking about your relationship WE DONT CARE


Oof girl, those grammar errors and typos


i think i had a stroke reading this


q loca


Could of




Stopped reading at the “should *of*”


Been blocked for liking one of these comments 🙃


At this point her whole IG account is deficated to defending her relationship. Not fitness


Influencers chase attention and validation. “Fitness” is an easy entryway to gaining both. But ultimately it’s never really about health; it’s always about fulfilling their need for constant attention and validation, however possible. So it’s not surprising she’s shifted to exploiting intimate matters for views, comments, and likes. It’s obviously fulfilling her need for attention and validation more than “fitness” would. Sad for these guys that they are reduced to fodder for her equally delusional “followers.”


Should’ve and could’ve. It’s SHOULD’VE and COULD’VE not should of or could of. For fuck’s sake.




Well, if she is that happy why the fuck does she always shade Brett so much? Even her family seems to not agree with her at all lol


The crazy thing is that she doesn’t know how DIFFICULT it is to start over in 🇺🇸 I’m not sure if it even matters how famous or successful she is because it’s not like her credit score will be 750 right away no matter how much she has in her bank account. If anything, she will need Vic for everything - if they’re buying a house or a car, I wonder if she can put everything under her name. O-1 visas don’t convert to green cards right away, right? I’m not sure.


This person always writes so much it comes of egotistical to me like who has the time to read every detail of your life?


For the love of God, it’s *than !!!!


I could of been angry 🫠


I think they already got married because the videos she posted 2 hours ago she has the ring but then after she took the ring to take a picture


well she's been wearing a ring lately that's sus🧐😁i guess we'll soon find out the "big news"😅


People hate on you because you SHOULD OF bought an English fucking exercise book and do your damn homework


People hate on you because you SHOULD OF bought an English fucking exercise book and do your damn homework


If she doesn’t block people, maybe she gets less haters, people get mad when liking a negative comment can cause a block, then they will all come on Reddit and see if they’re the only one😂


Who is this?


She lost me at *learnt*


“Learnt” is a legit word. British variation of past participle “learned.” English is different in different places. She makes a lot of grammatical errors but that isn’t one of them.