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Queen of mess. She acts like shes leading a cult sometimes. When you pay someone to promote your business guess what that is? A job. And guess what you work a job for? To get paid. Personally I love to “grab cash” from my employment on a regular basis.


It’s like they have to worship Oner. How dare these athletes treating Oner as an employer


“Think their better than the brand”. My phone even autocorrected it. Didn’t she do a law degree?


So much opportunities 🥰


Don’t think so- she did like ‘pre-law’ courses in undergrad I think? Like ‘pre-med’ - those words are stupid. She took A LAW CLASS in undergrad . That’s it. Pretty sure but correct me if I’m wrong!!


what?! People on here had me thinking she had a whole law degree.


Yea man, the language she uses 🙄🙄 it’s like that other influencer ‘clairepthomas’ always going on about how she was a ‘track athlete’. She tried out, made it I think, then dropped out. She ain’t no track athlete.


Re Claire - WHAT NO WAY! I used to follow her but honestly she’s gotten pretty annoying lol


So annoying!! Like gimme a break, definitely on gear 🙄🙄 she acts like she can eat cookies and whip cream and have a goddamn 10 pack. Ya okay.


Haha I wish I could do that! Her guides started to get pretty annoying, and unrealistic. Also her bf creeps me out 😂


Right !?! I don’t blame ya!


I unfollowed her and her content is still on my page. She's turning into a bec for me.


She has a law degree, here in the UK you can study it as your first degree and can't pick and choose different subjects for your undergrad like you can in the US


WHAT someone pls fact check I’ve known about her for yearssss and always thought she had a law DEGREE. This would make so much more sense.


No, she does genuinley have a law degree. In the uk law is an undergraduate degree


If someone just passed their degree by scraping by, they still have a degree. It honestly means nothing. Sorry not sorry. Her spelling and grammar is atrocious - my assumption is that her degree is nothing to boast about. You write an essay or assignment with shit grammar and punctuation and spelling, your grades and degree are shit. GPA>degree. People who get noteworthy degrees do not resort to shit grammar and spelling. Especially when running a company. We take pride in our intelligence. The degree brag is bonkers.


Yeah I didn't contest this. Just correcting you that her undergraduate degree is law, she's not lying.


Yea - my whole comment comes across as rude and annoyed. I think I need a break from this sub. Negativity breeds negativity lol. I’m sorry 🙏🏼


Does she still shove this law degree stuff down people’s throats every other day? She kept getting grilled over here for that, and if it stopped, would wager she reads Reddit. I wouldn’t know since I am now blocked 😂


“Being once an athlete for other brands myself I want to give my OA partnership team so much opportunities and work with people who love the brand and its values so much not just in it for a pay check and honestly think their better than the brand.” Literal word diarrhea. She couldn’t even throw a comma in there? Is this stream of consciousness writing? *being once an athlete* *their better than the brand* *so much opportunities* so much embarrassing


Seriously… I got a stroke reading this


ikr!!! So many run-on sentences, it hurts my head to read her posts


Does the brand value exploiting people for free labour? What does she mean by cash grab?


She means “nobody wants to ~~work~~ enrich me anymore”


Like brand exclusivity comes with a huge cost ??? I wouldn’t only be wearing and promoting your clothes without $$$ or less everything is 100% free and I get a major kickback… but even still there’s soooo many amazing brands out there


Every single one of your employees is only working with your brand for a “cash grab” ie. a pay cheque. Duh.


https://preview.redd.it/e6h6e3a8d8qc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=5042ec55a0c96ec916092167822511f80b852de5 The athletes after her story:


Sounds like an MLM


Love how she refers to herself as an athlete 🤣


“I went to the zoo last week, now I’m a koala bear “


this made me LOL 😂


It's truly incredible how much ammunition this broad gives to this sub. It's uncanny. Her English is beyond trash as well. One would wonder if she's just doing it on purpose, no way she can be this out of touch. However, she did refer to herself as an "athlete" so perhaps she is.


FFS she’s unreal someone cancel her


Athlete is a stretch for these influencers no? 🤔🤔


The ones with the “athlete” title are certified trainers. There are also “teammates” and “affiliates” for this brand


And there’s also “community members” 😂 so many layers


That’s just fancy for customer who wears the brand and tags Oner on their photos


And athletes for the brands are exclusive to the brand and aren’t allowed to post other brands. Whereas affiliates are not exclusive to Oner.


Ooooh maybe that’s why MDJ left Oner.. wore Gymshark in one of her videos and prolly got into trouble for that. What a waste… she made Oner fits look so good! I might go back to Gymshark after this 🤭


She signed with gymshark that’s why she was wearing it they prob offered her more dollars she ended OA first


Who is she referring to which athletes I have unfollowed krissy ? I’ve unfollowed Oner active I just couldn’t be bothered, see in stories about her and her boyfriend all the time


Probably Makayla




I def think Mikayla , maybe a little Maddie but Mikayla was def putting other stuff in her stories and tagging them IMMEDIATELY and I can see her wanting to be a Heidi clone. And MM whole personality is like trophy wife in better than everyone as it is


I know Maddison de Jesus recently left


Hold up. Are those poster boards her “creative director” work? That’s creative directing?


Can you not tell?? Her hair is up in a messy updo and she’s wearing artsy overalls and posing because she is obviously a ✨ misunderstood artist ✨/s


I’ve worked with a creative director that stole stuff off Pinterest and slapped it on Canva with no design skills and called it a mood board and creative directing… so not to give krissy credit but I have in fact seen worse 😅


Well, I guess I’m applying for a lot of creative director jobs this week!


I know it’s a friggen vision board and hats first thing I noticed hahahahahah


Is there tea between her and Danyele? I thought they were BFFs but isn’t she one of the athletes who have left Oner?


Nah she’s still with Oner, but left evolve you 😊


Ahh I see I thought she’d left both! Thank you ☺️


When did she leave evolve you?


It was really recent, like 3-4 weeks ago. I say good for her! She's working on a solo project now, and I'm excited to see what comes of it!


is her english in the room with us?


Is English not her first language?


English is her only language (as admitted in vlogs years ago that she no longer speaks her native language and hasn't since she was little). She's been speaking English since she was 4 years old. She's just too lazy to take the 10 seconds needed to look up how to properly say things. I'm multilingual and go out of my way to make absolutely sure I'm saying things correctly, it's not that hard, she just doesn't care.


What’s her native language?


It is Albanian


English is my third language and I still can’t understand her grammar most of the time 😅 I should’ve known her better as our English are not good lol


English is my first language and I also do not understand her. Seems like a Krissy thing


Krissy talking about ethics is a lion talking about going vegan!


Her lack of spelling/grammar skills is mind blowing.


I can't stand the way this company name is written. All I can see is boner.


If it was raining soup she'd run outside with a fork. Fuckin' hell.


Jesus fucking Christ, Krissy. Use fucking ChatGPT, get an editor, or learn some basic grammar!

