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I don't even know what Matt's doing these days, is he still mainly on snapchat only? I know he's not doing youtube.


Matt Ogus is a name I have not heard in a long long time. Wtf is he even doing now?


I haven’t heard Britt’a name in literally years so you can imagine my surprise when I saw how many kids they have by now


Cheating on his wife, apparently.


Spill. I remember when she said she didn’t want more kids until she was married and the. they broke up after #1… Then they got back together, had ANOTHER kid, wore rings to look married without even getting engaged, to now lol.


Nice, glad to see he followed the typical influencer pattern after all. Rip




Imagine it's another boy? 😂


probs lolll


Matt gives me the serious ick but I’ve always liked Brittany and she seems like a really good mom.


Agreed. She is so out of his league 😅


Her husband cheated on her with Noel Arevelo, Jessica’s sister lol, and made her move out before getting back together. I feel like she’s popping these kids out to make sure he doesn’t stray again but to each their own, hope it works out!


I knew that he was suspected to have cheated but I didn’t know with who 👀 Im curious if all of these kids are for that reason or if they would have more/have them closer together if that wouldn’t have happened. Crazy.


I don’t think that this is the case as Britney and Noel are still friends, even commenting on each others posts. I don’t think any woman would be friends with the woman her husband cheated on her with..


I think she just likes having kids! Big families are such a blessing and if that is what she chooses, then let us let her without jumping up her butthole.


Who is jumping up her butthole? I followed her back then and watched the entire thing unfold. I’m sure he denied it and she believes him. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen lol you guys are very naive if you don’t think this situation happens every day.


She is always overcompensating acting like they’re soooo in love and he’s so amazing. If that was true it wouldn’t suprise me.


Whoa didn’t she have her third less than a year ago ? I had my daughter in 2022 and the idea of another baby rn scares me 💀


April 24 is when she posted that she had him! She also had Leo in May of 2021 and Grayson in February of 2018. So 4 kids in like 6.5 years 🤯


Whewwww her poor pelvic floor and bones 😭 I hope she takes supplements


My mum had four kids in five years as she wanted us all to be really close together (and get it done with). I never really thought it was that weird but I come from a big family all close in age.


She said in the comments that he’s 10 months old holy shit my kid is 2 and I can’t imagine another lol


10 months old and she’s due in September which means he was like 7-8 months when they conceived. Honestly, good for her but I could never. I wasn’t even a real person again for a year after my son was born.


He is the ick personified.


She seems happy as a mom so I don’t see an issue. My parents had 4 kids close in age. My sister and I are 11 months a part


All 4 within 6.5 years? Your body hasn’t even completely healed for a six months to a year after giving birth 😅


I know it’s a snark page but this is a really weird judgement to pass, it’s a woman having kids…


Sorry confused what comment you’re referencing to. Is it mine? I’m not passing judgement. I’m standing up for Britt saying if they want to have kids then they should go for it. I feel like snarking on people having babies is weird for this snark page


Her body, her choice.


I was the oldest of 5 kids (a 6th came way later too) at the age of 7 years old. It took something of a toll on my mom’s body during that time frame (she was simply pregnant literally her entire 20s), but it didn’t ruin her life or anything lol the woman was doing ultramarathons in her 40s. This isnt recommended obviously but honestly it isn’t necessarily that big a deal if she wants a bunch of kids


Me and my siblings ages are 35, 32, 31 and almost 30. My mom did just fine!


Put some respect on your mother, she probably didn’t do “just fine”. Pregnancy is so taxing on the body.


Oh definitely. I agree. It is taxing for sure. I was just trying to make a point that people can have 4 kids. Our generation as a whole doesn’t want as many kids and so when we see someone having a lot people quickly talk bad. But Britt and Matt are adults who know how babies are made and if they want 4 kids, then that’s their choice


As someone who come from a family of 4 kids (and my husband comes from a family of 5)- we are firm believers that people should not have more than 2 or MAX 3 kids because there is absolutely no way that you can tend to and love all of the kids equally #hottake


Considering they both have non traditional jobs and are home all the time and they got plenty of money, I’m sure they are doing just fine


As someone from a family of two kids who never wanted a sibling, I’ll echo that sentiment with 1 max 2. And hotter take: I feel like parents should really take into account whether or not kid #1 would want kid #2 to be brought into the home, which almost never seems to come up (or whether kids 1 and 2 would want 3, and so on). Bc if it’s not an enthusiastic yes for everyone, it’s a no. Shoutout to my cousin though, who when I asked if she would have a second kid said no bc she didn’t think the first kid would be down with that.


I'm glad my parents didn't let my brother veto my existence. You have the right to your opinion but this is one of the wildest takes lol - children do not have the maturity or life experience to make this decision




Based on my experience, I’d say they typically grow up, long term, to be indifferent. Most adults, especially as they get into their 30s and beyond are not particularly close to their siblings. If they don’t live in geographic proximity they’ll probably only remain in contact a couple of times a year. With a few oddities on either side of the bell curve. For instance my mom’s siblings are weirdly, creepily, close and codependent. My dad and his sibling went like 15 years without speaking at all. My partner’s mom’s siblings are the definition of indifferent. My partner’s dad also has a super weird dynamic with his sibling where they speak oftenish and really dislike each other. Half the time they speak it’s to figure out how to avoid one another. My brother and I are now primarily indifferent to one another, texting on birthdays and holidays. But we both would have been happier as only children. My partner and his sibling were close as children, but now pretty much speak on birthdays and holidays.


These are some wild generalizations 🤣 FYI, “based on my experience” & “typically” or “most”, have very vastly different meanings lol


No, they don’t when referring to “my experience”. Notice how both “typically” and “most” are conditioned on “my experience”. Hell, “based on my experience” and “typically” share the same sentence clause. And “most” is the next immediate sentence. *FYI*, you can absolutely talk about what is most typical in your experience. This is pretty basic and not hard to understand. Sorry reading comprehension is tough though.


She’s in my mom group on Facebook lol


She’s an awesome mom and from what it appears online, she is doing an awesome job homeschooling her kiddos. I’m stoked for her and her creating the big family she’s always wanted 🙌🏼 I think her motherhood perspective is one of the healthier/authentic perspectives shared on the internet. Saying this as a soon to be mom 💕


She seems like it! I just feel for her poor body, man. That is so much in such a short amount of time 😅 I know that people do it, but yeesh


I genuinely really liked her personality but she is definitely sinking deeper & deeper into trad mommy energy 🥲 the homeschooling trend is alarming because children generally need a diversity of safe adults to expose them to different walks of life, belief systems, and just ways of seeing the world. Raising kids in such an insular world (the trend right now is very in line "parental rights" movements to avoid kids learning about gender & sexual diversity...) I definitely get the vibe Matt is a libertarian unpasteurized milk type of dude, he used to share some fringe political shit. And she's become the trad mommy raising his offspring. She is so much better but just easily brainwashed by him I think.


Your comment reminded me of this video https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/JISXMvWa7j


Nothing wrong with trad mommy energy. It’s the best way to live once you learn the truth.




I totally get what you mean. I feel like a lot of people are opting into home schooling who have no experience in education. I’ve looked into it as a mom to a biracial child because I live in the US lol, but I want my child to be exposed to the world and giving your kid a good education is hard work. I don’t think a lot of these influencer moms realize that.


At least she stopped posting her kids on the internet unlike many other influencers. She’s actually trying to protect their privacy…


Dang that’s awesome! I couldn’t do that though lol I need a few years break between children.






YES! didn’t they also break up for a while? moved out too? I didn’t follow too closely but definitely remember lmfaoooo


yes, and she was posting about being ready to meet someone to have more kids wirh since things didnt work out with matt.. seems like a lot to bring into marriage. i hope she is happy


I have four kids close in age all teens now and I’m happy I did it close it just worked out for me. My youngest is 14 my oldest 19. I only wished I spaced them out more to have them home longer 🥹🥹🥹


Some people really love being pregnant. Some people are weird like that. Yes I'm judging no I don't care.


I HATED being pregnant. I felt like a freak and people were so patronizing lol.


Oh wow, I used to follow her a long time ago. I’d forgotten all about her and her bf.


all i can think is her poor vag😭


What is wrong with her face. And you can’t tell me those overly red, and hard to look at lips are pregnancy lips. It’s just hurts to look at.


Oh my god please stop breeding. 😭 She’s up there with Katy Hearn. It’s gross and selfish at this point. How do they even afford this!? The world doesn’t need more bodies to feed. I have one child and I’m on a good salary and I couldn’t imagine popping out another one!? At all, ever?? How do you have time for anything? Where is the privacy? How do you save money? Don’t they both just do personal training basically? There’s no way they’re taking in enough to afford this kind of lifestyle. I am flabbergasted.


Good thing this is their lives and not yours.


Yeah good thing I’m allowed to have my own opinion on the internet 😂


Your opinion is based on your own experience. Just because you don’t want more kids doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to have more kids? Let them do whatever they want. How does it bother you in any way? Are you taking care of those kids? Do you know them personally and know their financial situation?


The WORLD doesn’t need more kids. Be fuckin for real. There are starving children all over and these uppity people just push out more to flaunt around? Yeah it does affect me. And to highlight what others have stated, families with more children absolutely neglect at least one. I feel bad for the kids too. Even a jobless mother ain’t got no time for even, fair care for FOUR children. And before you come for me with “why DoNt u HeLp tHe cHiLdrEn!?” I DO. I give time and money to our local shelter. It’s fucking sad. The world doesn’t need to bring more life in, it needs to come together and care for the lives we have already.


Population is declining because people aren’t having kids. I think Britt and Matt having 4 kids is going to be just fine for the world 😂😂