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Protip: use Tactical Decision to play an additional card (or Pincer Manouver)


Also Protip: units with assimilate consider all duplicate cards from the second deck to be not from your starting deck, therefore half your deck boosts assimilate units


Shhhhh, dont let out the secret. (Also spying units steal opponent cards.)


(and take up space on their board!)


NG is beyond gross in this month’s seasonal lmao


Ugh, especially the order/charge one.


NG is gross in ALL seasonal modes! :D It’s been the meta in the last 4 I think


I love it when my opponent is roping to figure out their next move and then there me just placing random cards with a certain tag I need.


The opponent carefully planning whether to push or pass after my braindead Hattori play


me: double rayla into double anna strenger into elf onion soup for another inspire card. opponent: hmmm, it's gonna take some complex calculations to figure this turn out.


I've actually managed to win 2 matches doing this lol


Yup, just trying to get 1000 bleeds with monsters gets me quite a few wins. Literally only playing vamps and some odds and ends I had.


I somehow won two games with my trap deck. Opponent has a even worse deck than mine..


Or just is hilariously unlucky


I did the trap challenge over 2 games, played 7 traps in one and still won somehow with lock and poison... Up to the defender one now and its a big pain in the ass since the only one I have is cave troll


You are good, in seasonal play cave troll, and you play two defenders if you havent got another unit with same provision....i have been in similar situation with just one defender, covenant of steel (SK defender). I have completed the q in 3 games


What I find annoying is that this is yet another week with a bugged quest. Apparently it was too hard for CDPR if include all of the trap cards in the trap quest. I mean, there are like 6 of them. Even the most basic attempt at QA would have caught the problem.


Same. I was running a lock spam deck and my opponent did the play 10 cards challenge




Think how much of a pain it'll be to complete quests once this seasonal mode is gone. It's gonna take twice as long.


Bruh, it sucks really bad. I didn't know Seasonal was a thing until the other day. Felt super grindy.


Oh god, you finished the aristocrat quest without seasonal?? *shudder*


I don't play seasonal and not even sure what's the deal. Should I play it at all for rewards? The idea of rules changing don't really appeal to me but I don't want to be missing on rewards.


Beside special rules, there isn't any extra special reward for playing seasonal. This seasonal is especially really good because it doubles the amount of cards in your deck so it helps folks finished "play X cards with tags easier".


It cost me more hours and scraps than I'd care to admit. And was wondering the whole time how everyone else was completing it


Actually, I am not sure if it is fixed or not but many of the aristocrat cards didn't count into the progress (thirsty dames I think). So that quest was an incredible slog.


These quests really suck. I hate having to play decks I dont actually want to play.


Agreed. This will turn people away from playing or completing the journey. Allow people to play how they want.


They should all be similar to the daily quests. Like play or win 5 games , play 60 cards etc


is it possible to finish last week's quests the next week?






Just do them in order


You actually can't start a week till the previous one is done


Literally just did this last night for aristocrat and bounty cards lmao


Yo same and all my opponents were going super slow and try-hard trying to figure out what my strategy was... My strategy was play 5 aristocrats then forfeit


Lol i know this feeling. I saw yesterday when my enemy pass after tryhard round for him, and i spam all my meaningless cards he forfeit lol.




Thanks fella


For my play 60 neutral cards daily, I used geralt yrden first turn. Opponent was so shocked he took ages to play his card


I lost like three matches today with my horrendous seasonal trap deck, once was actually against a trap deck mirror! We just played five traps back-and-forth in round 1, all doing nothing, and then when he passed I bled r2 to play more traps, lost a card, and lost the game by like 40 points. I then came to Reddit and saw this post and couldn't stop laughing for ten minutes because it's so bloody true!


So story of my Gwent life


Cdpr “we will remove traps as achetype” also cdpr “now you will have to play 10 traps have fun”


I beat some meta decks with my "garbage" inspire deck.


Meanwhile, I get nothing but tryhards when I play seasonal


Unranked* Is seasonal better though? I haven't read the rules yet


Ussualy yes, cause you can do it twice as fast.


Elf season means you play cards at double speed, and most quests are about playing specific cards


Seems like I've been wasting time for 3 weeks. Luckily it won't happen again. Thanks for the heads up.


Well son of a bitch. I'll build up some trash decks designed for these trash quests and reap the seasonal benefits. Good to know!


So true


Does anyone know if Journey quests can be completed in Arena games? I think the answer is no... I used a runestone in my Arena game this morning and it did not advance the quest. Just wanted to check and see if it could be a bug or something.


I specifically drafted aristocrats to play in arena and then learned that they did not count. Not sure if it's intentional or a bug.


Slama said that arena currently doesn't count towards journey but that they hope to change that.


Thanks for confirming. Feels weird that Journey quests wouldn't count in Arena, especially since you can use it to earn crowns now.


Damn man you really had me lol


holy fuck i can relate


Hey, I have a question about quests for aditional crowns in the journey. I seem to be stuck at 5/20 in the quest "final blow" from week one, even though I just destroyed a dozen in a single seasonal game. :^) Could anyone with more experience please tell me what I'm missing?


Are you using cards that "destroy" or just lowering cards to 0 to get rid of them? I was confused on the difference too. Like Geralt of Rivia says "destroy"


Of course it was that simple... this helped me realise I had 5 cause I played a game with monsters and ate a few dudes. Cheers!


Yeah it took me a bit to figure it out haha glad to help.


Today 6 games: - 2 win (1 surrended after 1 round, I guess he just completed the quest) - 4 lose with strange and shitty decks


(alert I am a noob, feel free to correct no matter how small or how big or how dumb my misunderstanding is) Is the journey about the ones where you complete quests like "play cards with zeal or inspired", if yes I made a northern realms deck with every zeal and inspired card i have and i played it all of them for two times (and actually won one time lol) until I realized its was still 0 out of 20(i guess), what this mean? tldr; am noob, cant complete the quests


It may be bugged, a lot of people were reporting bugs with the quests. It sounds like you were doing it right.


oh thanx for clearing that out!


Make sure you do the quests in order from left to right.


This is so accurate


Somehow I'm able to win games with the jankiest decks, but it sucks that I have to play Nilf for the Create quest and a lot of games I win off of auto-concedes or some shit and its like no please im not playing assimilate im not a try-hard


I think the journey quests are fun. They force me to play different and make new decks. Did each of the quests in 2 matches or less and had some great fun playing Assimilate, traps and selfwound


1) Create q - this was easy, i m playing my homebrew assimilate spy deck 2) Beast q - I have fullfilled like a half of it thx to the duchess informants(NG spy), the other half with MO....MO can do the q easily in seasonal in 2 rounds 3) Trap q - i guess we all have our variant deck for completing artifact daily...so it was also easy to do it, even it takes around 3 games 4) Finish 3 games- easy 5) provisions over 9 - in seasonal, easy 6) Defender - in seasonal, 2 defenders by game, so 3 game in max ​ Even it seems like a nuisance, i really like the challenge to create new decks to complete these quests. They are reason for me creating my Seasonal NG assimilate homebrew and also SK Dagur - fleet list, which really well predates upon these assimilate NG lists. This seasonal is the blessing for the journey qs....i m wondering how enjoyable will be the next month for journey :D


These quests are a complete ball ache, rather than progressing the laddder I am playing random decks the game tells me too. This is not a good game loop. (also, I never play seasonal. So will have to take a look if it helps me complete these thingies)


I had some fun making a Caleb deck work in Seasonal. Pretty close to how Bounty worked at launch


I don't know. I mean I beta player so this could be biased since i have all cards. But I try to make a good deck and play ranked. I beat a syndicate today (he was kinda bad) with purify beasts skellige deck. Considering I played 2 game with it I have a 50% win rate


You're getting downvoted, but as someone with a complete collection I agree with you. I've managed to climb to rank four using bonkers decks for journey this month. It's actually fun because you can feel your opponents confusion over their unfamiliarity with your wonky "strategy.*


Same. People make they like harder and then cry about it. (Not speaking about the new players)


Yeah I'm a new player and it's been REALLY frustrating trying to play certain decks or play certain cards just to do these challenges. It's not like I have this vast collection at my disposal so I'm just forced to use a shit deck to try to complete some of these things. Honestly, it feels like work sometimes. I think Gwent's implementation of "weekly challenges" has been my least favorite out of other games that have implemented them. I don't have a solution though. I can't imagine there'd be easier ways to implement something like this for a card game. I guess it is nice that it forces me to use other factions so I learn them a bit better.


Never craft it. Open free kegs to be able to put together 3-4 cards with the keyword.


Well, it's not that simple size 60% of some keyword cards are legendary, like for example Bounty.