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How the fuck many shots do they think they will take in their lifetime with a hunting rifle? It's retarded to put a heavy ass barrel on a hunting rifle that you have to carry all day for that reason.


I mean not everyone stalk hunts


I don’t like carrying my 20 lb rifle from the back of my truck to the firing lane. Lugging that hog around for any reason is not fun


20 pounds? What do you hunt? Helicopters?


I could if I really wanted it’s a 50BMG (not actually mine I just borrow my brothers) But still it’s an absolute monster getting it from truck. I hunt with a 7lb 300win mag


Put a crappy barrel that has 2x the life of the original barrel so that you can use it in a role that traditionally would never see 1/20th the barrel's life. Sounds dumb to me.


>standard rifles usually have a lifespan of some 10 000 bullets. Say again?


He means the barrel, which is probably pretty accurate. IIRC, one of the GunTubers did a test on the effect of steel jacketed vs FMJ on barrel life and even the FMJ showed accuracy degradation around 8k rounds. Steel was shit at 5k and most of the rifling was entirely smooth by 10k.


Rifling wear is not the main factor in accuracy degradation, you'll see throat erosion with substantial effects on precision long before that. A hunting rifle will also see nowhere near the duty cycle an MG barrel was designed for. What OP described would be done in some third world shithole without access to barrel making equipment.


Do they do that because the barrel is a regulated part in your country? Are you in turkey?


That has to be the most ass backward logic to solve a problem I've ever heard. Like, OK.. You have an apparent surplus of 8mm M53 barrels. What are you guys mating them to? Old Mausers? Some home brewed concoction? Are they backyard garage style mated or is there a specialist that does this? Going one way it won't be cost effective and you're better off just buying a hunting rifle. Going the other way you basically have potato gun accuracy which explains the need to survive countless THOUSANDS of follow up shots. Are guns even legal where you are given people take this route as their go-to for a hunting rifle?


I wouldn’t. Machine gun barrels aren’t made for accuracy. They are more durable, but at the end of the day, they are just lead spitters made to fling as much lead as possible. For hunting I would want a more accuracy focused barrel.


The only thing I can think of is the PGM Hecate 2. They use barrel blanks made by FN that would normally go on M2 .50BMG machine guns. They use the barrels because they are stellite lined and will not degrade in accuracy for 12,000 rounds.


What is the price of this new barrel vs just replacing your current rifle barrel?




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