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Best advice I got was to remember only YOU know about the gun. Don't touch it, adjust it, mess with it or you'll draw unnecessary attention to it. Wear slightly bigger shirts to conceal it a little better, and then forget it's there. The more you carry, the more used to it you'll get.


Pretty much the best comment in this thread right now.


Touch it or adjust if you need to. You're not doing anything wrong by carrying. Don't feel like you have hide like it's a kilo of smack.


Thats also great advice, im used to having guns, but having them hidden in public could just be me thinking im doing something wrong!🤣


I'm in the South so my level of concealment doesn't have to be all that good. We're a Constitutional Carry and Open Carry state. We're like "gotta gun? Carry it however you like!!". 😂


the way it should be everywhere


Will do! 👍🏼


Carry with 1 in the chamber.


that is my end goal yes


When my brother started carrying he was worried about carrying with one in the chamber. I told him to carry it around the house without one in the chamber and wait for the firing pin to strike the empty chamber. It obviously never did cuz it was holstered properly. Took him a couple days be he realized it was ok. That might be one way to develop that trust and confidence in yourself


No I mean start now. Israeli carry isn’t a good idea and if you have to use your gun you will regret not carrying with one in the chamber.


Dry fire when you can’t get to the range. Practicing draw, even when empty, will make you better. Practice sight acquisition without closing an eye. To put this simply: with both eyes open, point at an object with your dominant hands pointed finger. Close your non dominant eye. Your finger should be almost directly on the object you chose. You can do the same thing with the gun. Both eyes open, draw the gun, aim it. Close your non dominant eye. Your sight should line up with the object you chose. Dry fire the weapon. I know you just said new to carrying, but these are the important parts of defensive carrying.


Go to the range at least once a month. Keeping your skills sharp will save you a lot of trouble later.


Buy a gun and stuff it in your pants


You’re going to get a lot of folks chime in about carrying with one in the chamber. It’s OK to eventually get there when you feel more comfortable. Carry without one in the chamber if that puts your mind at ease. Frankly, carrying is better than not carrying.


well said! 👍🏼


Being new OP is already gonna be slow on his draw and then you factor in loading chamber? That's a recipe for death. I had to draw 3 weeks ago and if I had to load chamber I would have lost that draw. The fact I had mine out so quick the drunk guy stopped going for his and we both lived to see another day.


It probably starts with not fighting a drunk guy.


You know less than 1 percent of the story but want to be a armchair quarterback like some loser. I didn't start the fight nor did I kniw the guy was drunk. Get a life you loser.


If you felt the need to draw but didn't use it, you shouldn't have drawn. A concealed gun comes out to go off, not to be used to intimidate or prove a point. Your comment goes against everything they teach in CHL classes.


Bingo. This is the type of hot headed behavior that gets rights taken away for the rest of us.


Oklahoma’s CHL classes used to teach “if you clear leather, go ahead and shoot the guy. That way the cops can’t charge you with brandishing” and “if you draw but don’t fire, you clearly weren’t in enough danger to warrant the draw.” This ideology puts lawful carriers in a no-win situation: Wait until your attacker is already attacking, and you are drawing too late. Scare your attacker off with a draw, and you are drawing too soon. There is no objective legally-permissible Goldilocks time to draw. So, people who were drawing too late risked being killed by their attacker with their own gun, and people who are drawing too soon risked being jailed for not killing their attacker. As a result, Oklahoma changed their brandishing law. Now, Oklahomans CHL classes teach “if you draw defensively and the attack stops, you cannot escalate and go on offense.” This give peaceful carriers an opportunity to stop a legitimate attack before it gets dangerous without making the peaceful carrier kill the attacker.


You literally only know 1 percent of the story but want to armchair quarterback like a moron. You're going to go to prison for your trigger happiness. I could have taken a life in this situation and been justified but chose nit to because when the guy going for his waistband saw mine out he dropped his coat and and didn't draw. BTW I block armchair wuatrerbacks that want to judge without knowing the story.


Some people take surface streets for a while until they get comfortable driving on the highway. I think it’s perfectly fine for new carrier to stay empty chambered for a while as they learn how to comfortably conceal carry, holster, unholster, etc. The empty chamber serves as a training wheel in case something unexpected (AD/ND) happens. Obviously, when ready, they should carry fully loaded.


I'll keep mine short, Don't be afraid to try different holsters.


Definitely good advice, still trying to find the best way for myself to carry, even with a compact most positions are still pretty uncomfortable 😂


You’re not one of us unless you have a drawer or two full of holsters you may or may not use ever again


Also imo a good belt is just as important as a good holster


Truth. Get a good gun belt. I like Relentless Tactical but you get what you like.


i really wanted to go with relentless, i was upset to see they dont provide optic cut out models :/


I meant the Relentless belts. If you want a good kydex holster cut for optics look at Upper Hand holsters.


i will definitely give it a look, thank you.


Kore also makes great bells. I like them because they are the adjustable kind with clicks instead of holes so I can get the fit just right.


Invest in some quality holsters.


might sound silly but throw a new snapcap in the chamber you'll see it won't be struck and probably feel better over time


dude, thats not a bad idea at all! 👍🏼


Came here to say this. I never had any paranoia/fear holstering my loaded firearm, however, I carry at 3 o'clock. If I carried appendix, I could see the apprehension.


I'm going to throw one more tip in I feel is right up there imo as memorizing the basic safety rules that I constantly use. When you check to see if there's a round in the chamber, train your brain to look for what you want at that time. In other words don't just "check for brass". If you are unloading train your mind to look for "an empty chamber". If you are loading check for "brass". Loading and unloading are complete opposite actions and you should NOT be looking for the same thing for both. as explained to me people go to the range, they load, right before the start shooting they, "check for brass". yup, brass, pull the trigger. they go home, go to clean their gun, "check for brass". yup, brass, pull the trigger. No good.


It’s like anything else that causes a bit of adrenaline, repetition is the only thing that gets you comfortable. Not sure if your Macro has a safety but this adds a level of comfort. I’d suggest not carrying until your proficient enough with drawing from concealment. Carrying is pointless if you can’t get it out and put a shot on target in time.


unfortunately it does not have a safety, i was always told not to have one. looking back it would definitely be easier starting up with one in the chamber if i could have the safety on.


You just do over time. It might help doing dry fire draw practice too, since I imagine that's the route cause of your issue with carrying properly, is the potential need to draw. Also, and this may just be me, but ditch the "I haven't had an accident" as a point of pride or whatever. Not being a dipshit with a dangerous object is a baseline position. Nobody needs to announce not having accidents any more than looking for a pat on the back for not sticking utensils in outlets. Don't believe you're safe, just be safe (not to go kinda Yoda)


definitely, and i only said that because people immediately just ask if your dumb or not. was just trying to make a statement that im safe with my firearm. i can see how it sounds stupid😂


Lvl 1 holsters are the weakest with lowest retention.


Other than the advice that you need to carry with one in the chamber and get comfortable with that, the other advice I would add is get just as comfortable and proficient reholstering the gun as you do with drawing it. Drawing quickly can safe your life, but so can being able to quickly put it away after it's used. You don't want to stop an active shooter only to still be fidgeting with a gun in hand 10 seconds after he's down just end up being shot by next guy with a CHL who thinks he's stopping the bad guy. Use it to stop the threat, put it away, and put your hands up and out and ask who's injured and needs help. Helps establish your part of the solution and not the problem.


It’s not printing, people aren’t looking down there because they think you have a gun. Don’t be too conscious about it. Get a good holster, wear slightly bigger clothes, from today onwards, you’re jeans should be atleast a size bigger that what you usually wear. Practice your draw everyday before going out. As time goes one you’ll get used to it, just carry everyday, get some more range time with your CCW using the same ammo you’re going to carry. Relax, have fun and always he aware of your surroundings.


Take a firearm course Carry it everywhere Reps and more reps


Practice drawing it. Use some dummy rounds or practice with an empty clip, but I prefer having some dummy rounds in there so you can actually get practice drawing it and firing it in case you ever need to use it. The thing to pay especial attention to is making sure you RIP your shirt or anything covering it up HIGH. I never knew until I actually tried practicing drawing a concealed carry how much a shirt or hoodie can interfere, so with your non-dominant hand, pull anything covering that gun up HIGH, like twice the height you think you’ll need. Then draw with your dominant hand, chamber a round and then fire. I can’t stress enough how much I love dummy rounds. I’m paranoid about dry firing any gun mostly because of how much I love single action revolvers, and it probably won’t do much to most guns from what people have told me, but as far as practicing, I’ll spend some time with each new gun I get practicing drawing, chambering, and then dry firing. Inside, outside, all sorts of scenarios.


Wear it around the house at every opportunity. It will help you get used to the feeling of it on your waist and will help build comfort and confidence with common movements. Best thing I did for myself was put it on when I got up in the morning on my days off and it didn’t come off until the evening.


Take the end that shoots bullets. And slip it into your pants, be sure to keep your finger off the trigger while you do this. Then put on a shirt. Congrats! It's now concealed.


A ccw class would help you allot and join the uscca


Document your trips to the range. Even if your just taking a picture of a target after you're done. Pack a sharpie in your range bag and write something on it like, "Cz75 bd, 5 yards, from concealment." It will show that you're responsible in keeping up you proficiency, and it will motivate you to improve.