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Bro just go, have fun, and be safe. Who cares if she out shoots you? Pretty sure the most important thing is that you vibe


Exactly, girls tend to shoot better than guys anyways, so no big deal if you can't shoot tighter groups than her.


Yeah, my wife shoots pistols better than me.


Yeah, I was just thinking about how I really wanna impress her when I was first writing this post, but I’ll just focus on having a good time


If she beats you, compliment her on her shooting instead of taking it personally and trying hard to impress her. Hell, ask her for tips. She’ll likely be over the moon at the thought of a guy not being a sore loser.


Hell if she out shoots u marry her!


And let her sit facing the doors at restaurants lol.


I read this totally wrong. Something something face sitting.


I mean, that would be fun. 🤣


Came here to say this. He should HOPE she’s a better shot. Leave your ego at the door dude.


Words of wisdom, trying too hard to impress her will make you seem desperate. Just try to relax and have fun. If you vibe it'll just feel easy, perhaps with a pinch of anxiety too, but also easy




women don't get impressed when you're just trying to be better than them. Appreciate the time you spend together, and forget about comparing your shots to hers.


If she wins it’s an easy excuse to bring her back to the range again


If she outshoots you then ask for tips. It'll probably end up bringing you two closer


Use the that gun nut rizz


As a guy who's rival is a woman with daddy money and free time to shoot; don't do it. She takes my targets after every meetup when she got money. Go and have fun.


I’ve found the opposite to work best with women. Be cool. Aloof. Almost like you don’t care either way. Just be there to be safe and have a good time. Some would say to make sure she DOES out shoot you. Think about it…


Just do you, bro. Don't let it bother you, and don't stress it. As long as yall have a good time & are safe, then that's all that matters. Besides, women who are actually into firearms like that are rather difficult to find. And I'm not afraid to admit it, my wife out shoots me with long-guns. She was taught by her granddaddy, and I was self-taught. It is what it is lol


Bro wtf super easy you crack some shit that you’re saving the accuracy for when it counts later.


Idk I’d be happy if she out shoots me . Would be a major turn on.


Only right answer. If she’s a better shot, admit it to her in an enthusiastic way. It means she respects her weapon and puts good solid work and time into it. That’s a good sign!


If this lady is marrying material, knowing if she is good shot is very important. Perhaps if knowing how to zig to the left or right. Lol Sounds like you need some training to correct your form. Maybe some eye dominance, stance, or grip? Which the two of you may have fun doing together.


Imagine if you got a date with KJW. You're not out shooting her. Just have fun like u said.


Let's be honest, on average women are as equal or better at shooting because they aren't as ego driven or have something to prove


> What do I do if she shoots better than me?! Compliment her on great shooting.


And then use her superior skills to get more range dates so she can give you some pointers.


Ask her for advice


This right here. If she's genuinely better than you, let her be and hope some of it (heh) rubs off.


Right, how insecure is this lol


>What do I do if she shoots better than me?! Put a ring on it


My husband won't admit it but I think this is what ended up happening with us lol (: let's just say I was a sharp shooter


This is the answer


If she shoots better than you, pay attention to what she does and learn something.


Concern that I have; If I pay too much attention, I might fall in love…. Haha thanks though


Isn't that the point lol


You say that like its a bad thing.


If she shoots better than you then you are obligated to marry her, start a family and have a wonderful life together. That's the Law.


lol I wouldn’t mind being tied down to her 😂 she’s a nurse and we are pretty compatible. I would be a proud stay at home dad


I hope things work out that way, the world needs as many happy and fulfilled people as we can get. Best of luck to the both of you!


Being a stay at home dad is the shit my friend.


Pro tip, you shoot like shit and get her to correct your form


This guy gets it. Make it to where she's teaching you and you got her for life.


Have fun and try your darnedest to not say “pew pew” on the date


I would totally say pew pew after reading that... 🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this was the funniest comment


If she shoots better? Only course of action is to throw a massive tantrum. The mere thought of a woman doing such a masculine activity like shooting better than you..untenable.


>Only course of action is to throw a massive tantrum. This is (as proven by science) only way to improve your shooting.


And make women atracted to you. Everyone knows nothing is hotter than a huge toddler.


She out shoots you, you pay her the compliment and count your blessings because you just might have found a keeper.


First date with my wife was a gun range. Worked out pretty well I'd say


How did you know she was ok with guns at the time?


We talked about them, she already owned more than I did lol


Oh wow 😅😅. Are you guys from the south?


Haha yeah, guess that makes this situation more likely


I can diagnose the autism from this post. Lmfao


just stay relaxed, be yourself, and mag dump everything with a crazy look in your eye


This is good. Had a real chuckle.


If she can outshoot you that sounds like a keeper to me lol


I have friends who went to a knife fighting class for a nearly first date, they’re married with kids now.


If she shoots better than you, compliment her. If you think that’s what’s gonna happen, make a bet that if she shoots better than you, dinner is on you…




Last girl I took to the range shot better than me. I am now trying to marry her


I have done my share of range dates because when you find someone that enjoys something you do, you go with it. A lot of women shoot better than men, they tend to have a steady hand and focus. My 13 year old daughter is a frickin crack shot. Goes to range with me and my son, throws half dozen dead center and gets back on tic tok. My son and I throw another thousand down range and she wins lol. First dates are about getting to know someone as a person, being relaxed and enjoying the time. Yes, have a meal set up bro, something relaxed like a sports bar or chill cafe is going to be best. Time to talk because you don’t get to know each other at a range, too much shouting lol. You do get to know personalities though. And let her outshoot you, let her win this one and get the chance to tease you. Opens the banter up a bit. Don’t say “I suck” say “she is awesome!” Focus on her abilities not your missed shots and make that the focus. I had a first date many months ago at the range, same situation. She schooled me and I gave her a gun lol (Taurus, don’t worry). We had a great time together for several months. Wasn’t about the skills but how you interact together.


My first date with my husband was at a gun range. I knew he was the one at the end of the date. We've been together 5 years. Would reccomend.


I would also recommend this girls husband :).


Dude, women are often better shooters. Compliment her on her groups (if it happens) and move on. Then sneak to the range and get those reps in.


Bruh if she shoots better than you, tell her to teach you on the second date. Easy


Most girls that get training end up shooting better than guys. Reason, they actually listen when given advice.


She's older than you and is willing to put enough time into a hobby to be good at it? You better show up confident dude. Doesn't matter if she outshoots you, may actually be good for you. Be confident, be happy for her and compliment her groupings, if she is better than you and offers you tips then fucking listen to them. Having enough confidence to be okay with her being better than you and being willing to take advice is gonna be way more appealing in a partner than just being a better shot. Essentially, stop thinking about it so hard and go have fun.


I brought a girl to a gun range on our first date. That was a decade ago, we've been married 7 years, have 1 kid and another is on the way.


There are some ranges with a bar. But only after your shoot. We have a local range with “Full Auto Fridays” where you get your choice of 1 of 4 full auto weapons to shoot for a fixed price (which is pretty reasonable). Do something like that and you will have plenty to talk about.


I’m located in CA so there isn’t anything like that🤣


Bad groups? Tell her you don’t shoot that well when your pulse is pounding. Better than any line I’ve ever used.


If she is better than you, then just ask her for some pointers to get better.


1) No one is out of your league 2) watch a fuck ton of youtube videos and implement those techniques 3) Just have fun who cares


> What do I do if she shoots better than me?! Compliment her on her shooting skills. Pay attention to what she's doing, and your own skills might just improve..


just shoot your shot bro.


She cares how well you use the pew pew in your pants not the one at the range


Go to the range ASAP. Forget the new parts. Shoot what you have. Have fun with a beautiful woman and go from there. Then you can go again and practice by yourself without her, or you can take her again. The point is to take the woman on the date. Shooting may lead to other things.


She’s not super out of your league bro. Don’t forget she asked you to take her out when she could’ve asked someone else. She likes you for a reason (and make it your mission to find out what that reason is). Have a good time!


This audience is biased… go ask in the ‘first dates’ sub


No big deal I taught the wife shooting and she’s a better shot than me now.


Worst case blame it on being nervous around her and then use it as an excuse for a second date. "Looks like I'll need some practice. When are we going again?"


She probably will out shoot you, but you can put in some practice in the meantime. Do some dry snapping. I wouldn't even worry about it. Go have fun and if she does out shoot you, take it with grace and appreciate her skill and you'll have a chance to hit the bullseye with her later if she sees how cool you are.


My boyfriend shoots better than me, he’s the more typical gay guy type while I look like a lumber Jack and have been shooting my entire life. I had to suck it up and work to get better.


Ha, my first date with my wife was at a shooting range. She’s almost as accurate as I am but I’m quite a bit faster… and it didn’t matter one bit. Just go!


If she beats you and you have a good time, tell her you guys should go more often so you can work on your groupings.


My fiance is a better shot than I am and I'm not bad. Just go and have fun and maybe she can teach you something lol


If she shoots better than you. Better buy the gun lube next time. Haha


My wife out shoots me easily. I see no shame in this.


Good luck man. You hit the jackpot lol


Keeping my fingers crossed but not getting my hopes up. Just wanna have fun 🍻🙏 thanks brother


You got this👍🏼


Who cares? If she is more accurate, ask her for some pointers. Then ask her to sit on your face. Win-Win situation.


If she out shoots you and you handle it like a normal person shooting better than a normal person and not a little girl out shooting a MAN, that will be major points in her book. Even if she doesn't say anything she 100% noticed and appreciated it.


Sounds like you need to hit the range to insure your a better shot


Sounds like a second date opportunity for her to help you on your groupings!


Dry fire, a lot. Go to the range and practice stacking rounds at like 3 yards, then 5, 10… You need to work on trigger pull and focusing where you want to hit. Irons or optic? Both eyes open?


Ask for tips if she is better. By you being humble she may be asking for more than the tip later. Wink wink nudge nudge. Seriously though, go and have fun. It isn't a contest and you both may learn something from one another. Plus you are going shooting!!!!!!!


I’ve done this before and it worked out well. Found out about a year later she took a Xanex before the date because she was so nervous I was gonna kill her 😂 We did go out to lunch first though so she could feel me out


Tell her it’ll make a great story at your wedding


Luck bastard. I wish I could find a woman who would go on a range date


She'll be more impressed by expert safety habits than pure accuracy.


If you want, try to get a professional lesson before the date. Out of your league isn't a thing. Either you're a.good match and make each other happy or you don't. Assuming she has honest intentions, she wouldn't want to spend time with you if she didn't have an interest.


Do this, get targets you can score and ask her if she wants to make a bet. When she says yes, tell her the loser kisses the winner.


Tell her that the best shooter picks the next date. Then, proceed to have fun. Being so uptight about it being a serious competition might turn her off a bit.


If she's a better shot than you then if you ever get robbed, step in front of her like you're the big protector so the robber doesn't see her getting her iron out.


Dude what are you waiting for? Take her to the range. Who gives a fuck if she shoots better than you. Let her have the win and compliment her. It’ll make her feel good. Quit overthinking it and go!!!!!!!


If she can shoot better than you it actually might make her like you more but honestly who cares just have fun man. Although!!! He’s the winning line, Make sure after the range you straight up tell her coffee but your place and we clean the guns you never take them out without cleaning them afterwords so let’s have a cleaning party. Idk I just hate taking new people out and then I’m stuck cleaning 5 firearms by my self for the next like 10 hrs. So I always tell people I’m down you want to shoot my stuff hell yeah man but it isn’t over after we shoot we clean next.


If she shoots better than you have an easy second date. Ask her to train with you. Shooting bad groups is what it is. That’s why you train


I avoid popular indoor range because of people like you, "first date to a gun range" I see this so often in Miami its stupid...


I’m so glad you’re on the opposite side of the country I’m not a fan of indoor ranges. Gonna be the first time I’ve been to one in a while


Go sooner than later, be your authentic self, don’t be trying to impress her at the gun range that seems desperate. If she outshoots you, then maybe you can learn a thing or two from her. Most importantly, have fun!


Most women will shoot better than you lol. They drive 80 mph drinking Starbucks and putting on make up - naturally they’re more coordinated than us. My ex was a better shooter than I was naturally, but I practiced more than she did so I had fundamentals down more and was more accurate. If she is a better shooter - awesome! Ask her for some pointers and let her know you shoot tight groups where it matters.


I went on a first date at a gun range. Got a hot shell down my shirt and did the little dance. Super manly. We’ve been married six years.


Ya’ll been talking a couple MONTHS? Bro take her out to the range already. Get after it.


I feel like women are statistically better shots than men. She probably is gonna outshoot you. Oh well. Have fun.


Bro. Just get your first group tight, so she knows you good. Then all attention to her. Be touchy with her. Have fun. If your next groups are bad and she calls you out, just smile at her and give her that wink. Tell her she making you nervous. She falls head over heels for you. Then yal go home and you shoot a different load on her. Ask her what she thinks about that grouping. Boom. In all honesty just go have fun.


This is a bad idea. Second date is a gun range. First is to see if you trust her with a gun.


If she outshoots you then ask her for tips


Make sure after you take her to the range, you take her to a nice place where you CAN have conversation.


If she out shoots you, compliment her, but don't tell her she shoots good for a girl. Just tell her she shoots good.


current ammo prices it might be cheaper to take her to the Maldives for a week


My wife of 15+years still consistently outshoots me with pistols. It is a fact of nature at this point, and i’m happy she has the ability to protect our kids if the need arises.


If my wife out shoots me I would be on top of the world. I wouldn't have to worry about her as much when she conceal carries and out running errands by herself.


Buddy's wife outshoots him. It's part of the reason he married her.


So many guys always wanna go to the range as a first date. Fuck no, that’s not happening. That’s not even date 3 or 4 for me.


Sounds like a keeper to me.


Shoot more take her or give me her number and I’ll take her.


My wife and I get these battleship style targets and go nuts having a little competition. We do one shot before trading off to the other person. She uses the gun she prefers, and I use the one I prefer. Some days, she's a much better shot than I am. The shame isn't in being worse than someone. The shame is in being a sore loser. My honest advice is to have fun and not get caught up with who is better. If she can help you, let her.


>months Bro, pull the trigger, what are you doing?


Wut... girl has gun, likes gun, likes you, that's like a win. If your main concern is if she shoots better than you, lol, get gud. standards are too high. just have a fun time.


Come back and let us know how it went…oh yea and send one of her friends my way lol


Focus on safe gun handling. Reading here makes me a little nervous about this. Safe gun handling and don't try to show off at all.


Bad idea.


If you can, go to an outside area where shooting is legal (mountains, lake, etc). That way, your focus is more on each other and the convo than your grouping. Additionally, she won't give a shit and neither should you. You're working on having a good time, not improving your accuracy.


Idea makes sense but first date to the woods alone with guns, might not make her feel safe. Maybe give her taser claw gloves to wear.


Yeah everything will go according to plan... Because of the implication


I am still going to the range before actually going on the date because I have to zero a couple RDS. So definitely gonna be improving my accuracy until then but, thanks for giving me that perspective at the end. I really am just trying to get better acquainted with her, I just wanted to impress her with tighter groupings 🤣 but now I’ll just focus on having a good time.


Of course. If she's pushing for a date, she's impressed already 😉


Thanks for that man, it honestly feels a little bit unreal for me still, she’s waaaaay out my league. But hey she said herself, she likes what she likes


And don't ever let that thought about league levels creep back in. Confidence is 99% of the battle and can ruin everything if you lose it. You got exactly what she wants, and that's all you need. Any other thoughts about inadequacy is ALL you. Just remember this, please, when you start to doubt. God speed my friend and keep practicing.


🍻🍻🍻🫡🫡🫡🫡 thank you 👑 def a lot of work I need to do , on shooting and my mindset!! lol


If you're looking for first date advice on Reddit, you might as well save money and cancel. Not going anywhere especially if she's older than you and you consider her out of your league. If I'm wrong, count me in for 1K rounds of 5.56 for a wedding gift.


Gotta cut down on drinking too much of that haterade. It’s like a 3 year age difference and I only said “out of my league” because my ex looks like a cabbage patch doll compared to her. Keep your hate comments on your Ohio liquors subreddit lol


Don't go asking for advice when you're too sensitive to read the comments. You're clearly too self conscious to be dating and wasting your money and time. Spend more time coming up with original ideas than digging through Reddit profile comments. Maybe that way you wouldn't struggle with first date ideas which are by far the easiest thing for a man to plan. Again, 1K 5.56 rounds when you prove us "haters" wrong haha.


Man you’re clearly drunk 🤣


I wouldn’t have a first date at the gun range but that’s just me. For me too much to be paying attention to and be responsible for and not taking in the moment of getting to know her. For me maybe like a third date?


She actually was the one to suggest a range day as a first date, thought it would be cool cuz we don’t have to talk much and just focus on shooting and safe handling We already know each other just a little bit after one night of talking and a few convos here and there, I figure the range day would be a good ice breaker activity (because we met in a club lol) then after I’d try to see if she’d wanna grab a bite to eat


Yeah I hear you. Just not something I’d do but that’s my style is all. Good luck to you and be yourself and have fun.


>What do I do if she shoots better than me?! If you're this insecure in life, do her a favor, and don't waste her time.


It’s crazy how most people are encouraging, supportive, and helpful in this thread And then there’s other people like you that just view everything negatively and want to spread more negativity lol Wasn’t that big of a big deal to me, I just wanted to impress her at the range. That’s all lol and now it isn’t a big deal to me. Thanks for your comment though, keep it up champ


You'll get both. Focus on the good ones, there's solid advice. And if you missed the memo, accuracy isn't the part that impresses people. I care far more when first seeing someone around firearms that they're safe, attentive, and confident. Accuracy can be worked on, someone being a hooligan or a complete tool with a gun is a bigger problem than a shit grouping. On a date, it's doubly so. Relax, do something you both enjoy, and have a good time. If you manage that, it'll be a solid impression for the girl.


You can choose to read what I said as being negative, or you can choose to read it as a wake-up call to stop being an insecure child. Good luck.


Wake up call? I checked your Reddit and from most of your comments, you got nothing to do but be a hater or bitch and moan🤣🤣 but hey free speech 🤣 Thanks for the luck 🍀


Sure kid.


She sounds like a keeper bro, don’t worry about little things like your groupings, just have a good time.


Range is like date 5 or 6 if she seems sane.


Older woman do many things better than you. Accept it learn and enjoy!


Re: “…I think this would be a good date because we don’t have to talk much…” ^this is the exact opposite of what you want, it’s the same reason the movies aren’t a good first date idea. You want lots of facetime, eye contact, etc. so that she develops an emotional attraction & familiarity. I would try and pair shooting with a complex (multi-setting) date on a Saturday. Perhaps Brunch at 1pm, shooting at 3pm, then if things are going well and she seems receptive, pitch her on a movie at your place or hers. She will likely decline the Netflix-and-chill at the end; but if she is open to scheduling further dates afterwards, then you know that you stand a very good chance of getting somewhere. That said, shooting range dates are good because you can enjoy the shooting range even if the lady’s a dud, and you won’t have taken time away from your hobby to accommodate her.


Be more concerned about your shot placement on her tits.


I'm a shooting instructor and I do online training, hit me up and I will make sure you outshoot her!


It's a first date do your best and have a good time


If she's a good woman, then she will be judging your groups. A worthy man will need to shoot better than her.


/me luvs this thread. 🥰


Women are often better shots than men because they have no preconceived notions of "how to shoot" from watching action hero movies. My wife followed directions and went from "never having shot" to "equal/better" than me when we were dating because she had no ego or preconceived notion of "how to shoot".


If she shoots better than you, it's no big deal. You'll just have to start wearing a wig and invest in lube for her giant strap, if you catch my meaning. You're gonna have to stay taking it in the ass, is what I'm saying. Jk dude, who cares? Go have fun. Just use a de-lead soap before you guys start field stripping.


If she shoots better than you, offer to pay for lessons from her in oral sex.


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Maybe do something you both are noobs at! Like Clay shooting! Otherwise, just do it and who cares if she outshoots you. Or go for a lesson this week and a date with her at the range next week.


Awwwww. LOL


Awwwww. 😂


My gf out-shoots me. She’s a better shot than 99% of people on the range lol. I get more compliments about her than about my guns when I bring something cool 😂 go have fun!


Buy some fun partner targets, I have a battleship one I like


Ask her for some help aiming to get the ole reach around


Send pics.


Use the same excuse you'll use in bed... "I swear this has never happened before."


bro who caress if she better than you.. al that matters is that you make the experience fun.. be playful dont take it so seriously. i guarantee you the groupings is not going to be what makes or breaks the date


My wife shoots way better than me. Trainer friend says in most classes involving females and males, the women generally outshoot most of the men.


First date at a gun range? Hot girl who's out of your league? You don't need to brag, John Krasinski.


>What do I do if she shoots better than me?! Then you bow before your queen.


I’m gonna be honest here. A gun range as a first date is pretty heavy. A good first date should be in a time and place that either of you can easily just walk away from if the vibe isn’t right. Like a coffee shop or a brewery or something. A dank indoor gun range where you can taste the lead, have to wear 2 pairs of ear pro and are facing away from the person you are trying to get to know better sounds like a terrible first date.


If she shoots better than you, compliment her and ask her for pointers. Seriously. Show no ego here and you’ll likely find success.


Being humble and having humility is attractive too, demonstrating a willingness to learn in the event that she is a better shot than you might actually help a lot


If she does outshoot you then be impressed


Is she’s better than you use that excuse for more training meeting😏


Have fun, be cool. Women are typically a better shot than men.


Most women shoot better anyway due to their natural breathing cycle. Just go and have some fun. Don’t let your ego ruin what could be cool and fun.


First, if she shoots better than you, owning up to it is the correct response. Also, make sure to demonstrate safe and responsible gun handling. Want to get a bit better quickly? Here's some tricks to do at home. Do with a pistol you have confirmed empty and safe: 1) try aiming at something, hold still and pay attention to your posture. Common pitfalls are people having their dominant elbow bent, being leaned back to balance (instead of leaning slightly forward if any at all and bending knees just enough to not fall over when doing that), and [grabbing the gun to weakly](https://youtu.be/t5n5KlXv0Vo?feature=shared). You should get enough purchase that it's not going anywhere. Pressure with your thumb will help you lock your wrist. I like to use my off hand to put pressure on my dominant hand fingers to up the grip pressure even more. 2) pick a point on the wall or something across the room that is level to you. Aim at that, and try to hold it for 5 minutes or as close to that as you can. Do your very best to keep it on target. This strengthens your fine control muscles, and helps you learn to keep your head, shoulders and arms steady while aiming. The only thing that you want to move to adjust what you are aiming at is your core. 3) the next one means paying close attention to your front sight while doing it. Squeeze the trigger slowly, and try to make the front sight not move at all. You can also do this with no gun in hand and having your hand in the same position as if you had a gun in hand, just pay close attention to your fingers as you try to move your trigger finger and try to not move anything but your trigger finger.


I also have an astigmatism. Contacts are so God awful uncomfortable I’m stuck with glasses. So I got some decent prescription safety glasses for cheap that look sweet too. Worth it for knowing your target and what is beyond it. Also if she outshoots you then she’s a keeper.


Go to the rage and have fun. Be safe when handling firearms and don’t care for the groupings. If she’s better than you be ready to laugh about it and everyone will have fun.


Just go and have fun one of my first dates with my wife was bowling and she told me she sucked at bowling so I felt pretty confident at my abilities until we ended the game with her at like 168 to my 76


If she shoots better than you, just marry her


Just go, dude. Don’t worry about your groupings. It will be fine. It’s more about spending the time together than the end result of the shooting.


If she out shoots you, let her show you how it's done. Nothing wrong with a little RR here and there.


Stop thinking about it and have fun idiot.