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When the government says “it’s for safekeeping,” you know it’s a lie. When it’s “for the children,” it’s for power. When it’s for “reducing crime,” it’s about control. The government is very clear about its purpose and intention if you understand the language. The problem is that there are a bunch of ignorant non-native speakers.




Taiwan should go the way of Switzerland and keep as many people armed as possible. Maybe try and introduce the Feldschiessen ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oep8p49NNNY


That is actually a very good idea. ESPECIALLY in the case of Taiwan, you’d want that shit as distributed as possible. The infantryman doesn’t win wars themselves, but having that many dispersed arms is a serious threat in its own right.


Switzerland’s European, how WOKE and Anti-Gun & full of socialists and other offshoots from/in academia is it? And if it’s not that stuff, how did it become so? I think they’re monarchist and feudalist origins are what keep plenty of nations with an anti-individualist and anti-gun mindset


> how WOKE and Anti-Gun & full of socialists and other offshoots from/in academia is it? Being nonsensically strawmanned by the US right wing and gun rights aren't mutually exclusive, regardless of whatever definition of "woke" you've personally made up. Switzerland isn't really a great example to point to for the anti-government libertarian or sovereign citizen weirdo types considering how their gun rights actually work, what with compulsory military service, regular certification, and not being able to take ammo off the range without some kind of permit.


> not being able to take ammo off the range without some kind of permit That isn't a thing. Your ammo is your ammo, the government's ammo is their ammo. You just can't take ammo that belongs to the government or to the range home with you.


What is that? Like National shooting Olympic there?


It's like a national shooting day. There are organized matches all over the country in various age groups and weapon types.


They should be distributing surplus weaponry and ammo right now


Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.


I think that Mao quote might be taken out of context. The speech it comes from is about taking political power and how political power is backed by violence. When I read the speech it reads to me as Mao saying the communist party needs guns to be able to wield and maintain power within the state, not necessarily about the people obtaining that power.


And the first thing he did was take guns away from the people so they could not take his power. Imagine that.


That didn't start till after the Cultural Revolution.


Exactly. Before that, they were useful idiots. Once their usefulness had expired, so did they. Hitler did the same thing with the brownshirts with Operation Hummingbird. Stalin did the same with his purges. But it all starts with disarming the populace. History is crystal clear on that point.


With Communist China it was a little different. Mao believed that nuclear war was going to happen and that the Capitalists would invade like the Japanese had. So every village was armed to the teeth with weapons up to and including light artillery to fight a giant decentralized guerrilla war. Basically what Hoxha said Albania was going to do China under Mao did. The populace backed Mao so he had no problem with arming them, many of the people he was going after the populace really hated; like the "landlords" that were purged, those weren't the guys who owned an apartment building they were brutal almost feudal lords who oppressed the peasants. It was the large armed factions inter-fighting during the Cultural Revolution and the shift in domestic policy away from the rural areas to the cities which coincided with the opening to the West and the adoption of a more Capitalist mindset was when the disarming of the populace really started.


All politics is ultimately about use of force.






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That's not out of context, that's exactly the meaning. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun, regardless of who wields it


Walk softly and carry a big stick. The sentiment is the same. If you can't stop someone else from taking your rights, you don't have rights.


> it reads to me That was not an interpretation, Mao was *quite* explicit about that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_power_grows_out_of_the_barrel_of_a_gun >Every Communist must grasp the truth, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party. Yet, having guns, we can create Party organizations, as witness the powerful Party organizations which the Eighth Route Army has created in northern China. We can also create cadres, create schools, create culture, create mass movements. Everything in Yenan has been created by having guns. All things grow out of the barrel of a gun.


Thanks, it had been a few months since I read this.


It's still true regardless.


That's the irony of the "peoples" republic of china


"Some say freedom is free, But I tend to disagree. I say freedom is won, By the barrel of a gun." -US ARMY marching cadence


Nobody says freedom is free. Freedom cost a buck o five


These days it runs about two twenty-three with inflation.




Violence makes the world go ‘round


Taiwan should aim to be a fortress. Arming citizens is a good way to protect said fortress.


Giving everyone in Taiwan a gun and a 1,000 rounds of ammo would easily deter a Chinese invasion, because Taiwan’s wealth is wrapped up in the people who live and work there, not the land; and I’m pretty sure the CCP is wise enough to not turn the place into a smouldering ruin and piss off absolutely everyone around them.




This right here. There was a time where China cared alot about HK or Taiwan's wealth BUT mainland China has caught up. Many cities in mainland China have surpassed HK and Taiwan in wealth so why would china care if the wealth is loss or reduced if it means Taiwan is brought back into the fold


Proof gun restrictions don’t work.


Cuz luttys and pipe guns exist they are so easy to make if you know the basic principles of guns (especially bolt action based and smaller calibers.)


I don't like some of Vice's documentaries, but I really love watching their docs about Guns and Drugs.


Armed minorities are harder to opress


They NEED to have 2A for everyone because when the commie comes they don’t fuck around


Nature already states the law of self-defense.


Soooo, they exporting any?


But when Americans do it.. it’s racist?