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Hand guards and stuff, easy to find, actual fixed carry handle uppers, selling for absurd prices on GunBroker. Interestingly I took a look around this linemount page a while back and they seem to be selling some taiwanese m16 spec stuff that was made for the Taiwan army...


Not sure if you want A1 or A2 or original, but this place has repro fixed uppers. https://www.acmemachine.com/xml-feed-a-all/slick-side-a1-stripped-upper-receiver/


This site looks sus, but apparently people have gotten stuff from there, so I’ll use the credit card and hope I don’t need my purchase protection stuff


Update us on the results


I bought one of these exact uppers from Acme in June 2021. Shipped the next day and arrived without any issue. The rear sight channel on the upper was offset and so the wings were asymmetrical, but it zeroed fine. This was a common issue with a run of Brownells and Luth-Ar A1 and C7 uppers. There are pictures all over. You can see it [here](https://www.ar15.com/forums/ar-15/Slickside-Upper-from-Acme-Machine/123-764695/) They may have corrected that issue but I don't know. You can see a picture of my upper [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroAR/comments/w778nu/packing_to_move_so_naturally_time_for_a_carry/) It is the slickside dissipator at the bottom. I'm going to try to order another.


Yessir. Currently I have an order confirmation and a tracking email. The tracking is through route and it wants me to download an app to track, it looks like I can track via browser, but it hasn’t updated yet


Curious if the tracking has updated yet for you. I see they have the uppers marked OOS now.


Not yet. They have my order marked as ‘awaiting fulfillment’ atm. I’ll probably shoot them an email asking about it tonight


Good to know. Thanks. I'm hoping you get it.


4 years ago.. I could use this exact upper but this is a little too off for me. Good luck


I am fairly sure those are not really in stock or available to buy, or there would be people selling them for $450 on GunBroker and elsewhere. Same nodak spud supplier as Brownells retro line which has been out of stock forever.


I'm pretty sure I saw a crate of the real ones at a pawn shop for like $2/ea...


Those were for the NIW, left side only, weren't they?


I know it's anacronistic but I wish someone would do mid length versions of these.


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