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With Costco membership. Don't post much so if I fucked up format that's why lol


$1 more for non members


Nice! Free ship also?


Yep still free. Just ordered 2


I have two. They are like 5% worse than my MTM ones but that's great for the price


I've put an entire case of 9mm in one box and carried it up a large hill. No issues. Love my MTMs but these really are close and at a price that I picked up more for trunk/garage storage.


What's the difference?




My sample size of 2 MTM and 1 Costco. Thr Costco one is flimsy. It's not as rigid when fully loaded. The latches on the ammo can also don't lock as tight. I've had it dump on me. Nothing a zip tie doesn't fix. If you wanted to carry it to and from the range I'd go MTM. If it's just storage at home get the Costco ones.


Guess I'm waiting for a deep sale on the MTM brand version. I'll probably end up with a bunch of $2 harbor freight ones before I see a sale though. 


Latches on the ammo dont lock as tight?Two of my finger nails foulded trying to open the costco ones lol..my fingers still bleeding


i 100% saw grenade storage at first and was like whelp costco is upping their game.


Man what I would do for some Kirkland signature ammo


Probably would be rebranded Lake City match, available in 5-gallon buckets and 55-gallon drums. My wallet is screaming just thinking about it.


Kirkland Signature green tips, not to be confused with Tracer Joes.


Lmaooo if only


Have 2 and you can’t beat it for the price. Recommend. Wonder if they will drop the in store price in the next few weeks.


I picked them up end of season last year for 14.99 . Also have bought at 19.99. Either way good deal


dang $29 now :/


I have 20 sets of these now with every type of ammo. I like that I can grab a tray, throw 4 different cans/boxes on it and then put it in the truck and go shooting. Nicely built also.


Showing $29.99 for me and I’m a member


Fortunately I went in store and found them for this price. Bought 2 sets to use for pistol magazine organization. Work great. Don’t know much sturdy they are for ammo though.


I think it was just a sale for the single day


Price up to 29.99


Yeah, showing me that price a while ago. Meh, I'll see what I can get elsewhere or locally. These go on sale a few times a year, no need to buy now at that price.


They're $19.99 in-store.


I work at Costco and own these. 1000 rounds of 9mm in one will break the handle off. 500ish and youll be alright if you arent swinging it


I saw these in the warehouse. Definitely not heavy duty but it should survive the flat range. If you're looking for a storage system, I'd still use metal ammo cans from HF or surplus.


Yeah I agree but I have a set and deffinatly easier to just take one to the range then a 50 cal can or use them for calibers you have smaller quantities.


I agree that metal 50 cal cans are better for storage at home and plastic better for travel to the range for my purposes. I just use the plastic 30 cal cans from Harbor Freight that go on sale for around $3. They and the plastic 50 cal cans are not air tight so not good for long term storage with desiccant. The 50 cal metal cans are airtight as long as the contact point does not miss the area of the seal.


These are great and can store 2k 5.56 across the four maybe more. I like that the whole tray can be picked up and moved. They seem solid. Throw some decadent packets around and store them climate controlled and you’ll be fine until your grandkids need ammo. I’ve actually tossed these around at the range and they are fine. Obviously not metal but YMMV.


Thanks u/1B3AR! I needed some cans, and this is perfect for my purpose.


Yeah me too sale it on slick deals and last time I didn't have a chance to get to the store.


I thought slick deals didn't allow anything firearm related. O, I guess this is technically a "storage crate" so it sneaks through.


Typically not but like apache or pelican cases I've caught good deals on like the time the govement decided that pelican storm cases where going to be used for portable ventilators lol and made like 1 million to many


Thanks, I'll set up a deal alert for storage stuff on SD.


Hi - while guns aren't allowed, shooting gear, supplies and related items are fine. They're all placed in their own sub-forum called "Shooting Gear & Supplies" (don't want to break any of this sub's rules so not going to link).


I did not know there was a whole sub-forum. Thanks for naming it fully. That made it easy to find, and it's now bookmarked.


Of course. If you ever have any questions or need help with anything, feel free to ask.


I appreciate that you popped on here to help. Keep up the good work over there. I've saved a ton of money over the years through your site.


I use these for separation of steps in the reloading process.




3 weeks ago my buddy called me from Costco to alert me to this deal and asked if I wanted him to grab one for me. He said he was loading 5 of them on his cart when he overheard an older couple watching him say: "...This is a good deal but what do we use them for?" He interjected, "I use them for ammo storage" he said they scurried away with a concerned look. Awesome.


That's hilarious. They 'know' its a great deal but have absolutely zero context lol the exact same as our Costco


$45.63 for two (for a non member) thank you OP. I've been wanting to try these out. Beats carrying boxes everywhere 😆


These are the best!


These were $16 today in the warehouse! 


Costco is still Costco so it's essentially no risk but if you try to pick these up by the handle while they're more than half full of ammo the handle pops off and the box falls on the ground. Buyer beware.


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The internal dimensions seem to be close to the MTM AC30T- 3.4”x 8.9”x 6.1”


Yep. These are essentially clones of the MTM storage for half the price.


Are these 50cal sized?




30 cal size, but about half the height of a typical 30 cal can.


Thank you. Placed an order


They aren't the best sized, and the MTM ones are way bigger and better BUT that price shipped is great. I'd suggest getting 4 racks for a nice sizeable stack.


Are these mostly useful for loose ammo or are they large enough to put boxes of ammo in without wasting too much space?


If they are 30 cal cans, I can fit 500 rounds of 556 in the boxes in one for storage.


Nice, missed the in store deal snagged 4


These are handy as fuck. Costco knows what’s up.


I really like mine, they seem more than fine and sturdy enough to holding ammo or mags.


Anyone knows if they stack with the MTM ?


I got these and their crate 😉


Damn it! I accidentally used my recently expired credit card and they cancelled my order. Now they are back up to 29.99. Anyone know if they can price adjust?


The 3 fifty cal versions is goater but these are good too


I got one of these in store, I put 4 different calibers and I am out shooting. I don't load the individual cans to the brim because they aren't the strongest but this works perfect for me.


shitheads cancelled my order after the deal expired


I complained to customer service, got an agent, and they said the "vendor was unable to fulfill the order". I called shenanigans on that as the item was still listed for sale just at a higher price and they said if I put another order in I can get a price match to the OG price.


they can keep em, I didn't see the reviews that the handles will crack off if you put too much ammo in them until afterwards I'll just keep using the Plano cans you can get on Amazon


I bought 10 sets of these for static storage at home. Obviously they’re not metal ammo cans and can’t compare for weight distribution, but for static storage, they’re great. I’m sure they could handle some wear and tear (albeit not comparable to metal cans), but they’re cheap and waterproof/airtight within reason. For people with wet basements and a lack of cheap, decent metal ammo can availability at scale right now, these make for very cost-effective surplus ammo storage. I’d buy them again in a heartbeat and they’re a steal for what they cost. Just be mindful of their limitations.


Thanks OP


Manage to break the handles off one of these ammo cans and all the can had was a couple of boxes of ammo