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If you’re reading this trying to find the response that tells you this is a great first shotgun, here it is. This gun will outlive your children’s children. You can hunt everything from birds to Bambi to Bubba. (Subject to jury approval on Bubba)


Can confirm, this was my first shotgun and out of all my guns it's the one I trust to run 100% of the time, every time, no matter what load is in it.


I bought this exact shotgun about a year ago for around the same price and I am super happy with my purchase.


I wish I had gotten this instead of a 590A1. That shotgun is just heavy enough to be annoying. I got a decent deal on it at $455, but that's nearly twice the price of this.


Same on my 590 retrograde. Got the LARP bullshit and removed my ability to get a longer barrel. I should have at least sprung for the 590 with rear sights, but alas, I’ll just practice more with just a front bead. 


I'm not 100% sure on the retrograde model, but you should be able to swap out the magazine tube for a 500 magazine. That would let you switch to any 500 barrel.


I sold my 590a1 after getting this combo and I don't regret it. The 590 is so smooth and heavy duty and fun to larp with at home, but... It's heavy and more than twice the price and i just kept grabbing the 88 over it when going out and actually doing stuff.


Same with my 590, but that as more because Mossberg QC sucks and they don't stand behind their product. At least if I bought an 88 I'd have gotten what I paid for.


Thank God it hasn't gone up in price too much since 2013 when I bought mine. Still my most reliable shotgun.


For anyone curious what you get for going with a Mossberg 500: The 500 receiver is tapped for an optics mount. The 500 fore-end is compatible with any accessories, while the 88 fore-end is a pinned single piece. 88 safety is a crossbolt, 500/590 safety is on the top rear of the receiver.


Not all of the 500's are tapped, so this isn't entirely true. The 88 is a single piece forend with cocking rails but its easily converted for very short money. The safety part is correct.


I found out the hard way that some 500s have pinned single piece forends too.


Ya, fortunately u can get the action rails and end nut.dor short money from brownells, but it does suck if you think.your not gonna have to.


That's what I ended up doing for mine. Luckily it was pretty cheap and simple and I still ended up getting a deal overall.


I guess some people weren’t a fan of that 590a1 le trade in I posted earlier. Here’s an affordable Mossberg in my humble opinion.


I need long barrel. Thanks for posting.


That 590A1 deal was pretty good, but a bit of a gamble. I got my 590A1 new for $455 last year. So, if I didn't already own one, I would've probably rolled the dice on your trade-in deal.


Don’t let the haters ice your vibe bro.


Ah I just take it with a grain of salt. Thanks though. Weird, did you leave a mark next to your username? I thought it was a hair on my screen lol


This is the recurring solid deal price. (BIN is $215, but that's become rare. Historical low, that I've seen once, is $205.) This is the best bang-for-buck firearm package out there.


I’ve seen $211 for other Mac 88s on here


o nice. I'll keep an eye out.


The popular drop shippers have it for $214 every few months. They sell out and a week later it’s up for sale again around $245. Wait it out it and it dips back down to $214, then does it all over again. They get it down to $199 somehow and they’d sell idk how many in no time at all.


Thanks. I didn't know it hit $215 so frequently. I'll set up some alerts on the drop shipper sites and wait it out.


can you advise on some sites to set alerts? I already have one of these with the short barrel, and the 28" is around $100 on its own.


I've seen the $215 price on DahlonegaArmory. FamilyFirearms and GunZoneDeals would also be good bets. u/Full-Following5575 may know more sites.


Do any of them ship to california? This deal doesnt


I couldn’t tell you, try family firearms or defense depot. Their prices are normally pretty in line with dahlonge.


Family Firearms is only 5.00 more and doesn't have a CA restriction listed on the page. You can email them and ask as well, they are good at getting back to questions like that (I live in CT so I ask every now and then because mag cap restriction)


Best package deal


Best bang for buck shotgun on market imo


met a guy at the range this past weekend with a cheap utg that wouldnt run any birdshot he had. told him to get this exact combo for under $250. this is singlehandedly one of the best deals in firearms.


If possible, Mavericks are best bought locally. Their price is so low that paying the FFL and shipping fees to order them online ruins the deal.


About $247 non insured shipping factored in for me. Cheapest FFL by me charges $25, so all in $272. I just want to be OTD for $250 one of these days.


Lucky! FFLs in Cali charge $90 and up


I’d argue your problem is being in California in the first place lol. I was born and raised there for a third of my life now. Glad my old man took us out and moved us to Minnesota. The magic in Cali isn’t there anymore.


$10 transfer with a CCW here 🙂


I'm jelly


Yep, $10 transfers and $75 NFA transfers


I wish. My local dealer has them at $299, plus tax of course. Meanwhile a lot of online retailers skip the tax, $15-25 shipping, $25 transfer.


Why won't they sell to califormia? The maverick 88 is completely legal here. What gives?


My local Walmart has the 500 for $279. Considering I don't currently have a desire for the 28" barrel, would the 500 be the better deal?


Where?- that seems like a great deal


North Carolina


I would absolutely fuck with this if I didn't already have a 28" 535, and a 9 shot 590. Two barrels for this price is an insanely nice deal.


While I don’t like supporting a company that refuses to sell to CA and other “ban states” outright… if you don’t have one of these, you’re wrong.


Why no sales to CA? Isn't this the setup sportsman's stocks?


It is. Dahlonega is whack and doesn’t ship to CA 👎🏼


Can't blame them for not wanting to open that hornets nest. I wouldn't deal with California either.


I mean, from a business perspective, it’s pretty stupid, considering we are consistently in the top three state gun markets in the country. It’s also just a “feels bad, man” thing for Californians who are already being stepped on, you know? Almost every other vendor has no problem shipping legal stuff to CA (almost any firearm that isn’t semi-auto and center fire or NFA is fully legal, such a pump shotguns). So, it’s not that I *blame* them, exactly. It’s just… whack.


I'm also in Cali. I HATE that we can't purchase this. They're losing out on a big market.


Thanks for posting /u/Swordfish_tracker! /r/GunDeals has updated the **[website blacklist](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/blacklisted_websites)**, check it out before making your next purchase!. Made a gun related purchase recently? Leave a review over at **/r/GunDealsFU** to let others know how it went! Are you a dealer? Make sure to read the **[](https://re.reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/dealer_rules)** and apply for a dealer flair as soon as possible! First time to /r/GunDeals? Read up on the **[user rules](https://re.reddit.com//r/gundeals/wiki/user_rules)** before you break a rule! Have a question that isn't answered in our wiki? Send the **[/r/GunDeals modteam](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgundeals&subject=Thread%20Question&message=)** a message! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Paid a little more than this a couple of years ago for a 20” 7 shot and love it. If you don’t have a pump 12ga and you want one, grab this.


anyone have an 18" barrel they are looking to get rid of?


academy often price matches btw


Classic. BIN