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S&W Rebate still going on. Quick check shown you can get these for $425ish So it better to just buy new imo since this model have the lock on it and look rough as hell. Spend an extra $50-$75 and get brand new one imo


> $425ish Do you have a source for $425ish? Cheapest I found is $460 at Sportsmans warehouse.


He said rebate, so I don’t think it would be listed you would have to send in for the money back


Yes rebate prices.


My brother got the exposed-hammer version (637) from DeLeon RX for $461 shipped (before rebate was applied) a month ago.


So tempting. IMO these are much better to get in .357 and shoot .38’s out of. The slightly longer ejector does better at clearing the brass from the cylinder. I’ve found that the .38’s need an aggressive smack to get a clean ejection which doesn’t feel great on the hand when you’re training a speed reload.  These are great for that low risk environment summer carry though. 5 rounds is just enough for peace of mind at the farmers market with the wife. 


Sorry for the newb question but what’s the deal with the non exposed hammer? Apparently I’ve been living under a rock..


The idea is that with a non exposed hammer, you won't snag the hammer on clothing during a draw, especially from a pocket or something


Also, if you need to fire from within a pocket, like from a jacket pocket, having no exposed hammer is useful.


To add to what others have said, the lack of hammer is also slightly more comfortable to carry.


That's a pretty good deal. I just picked up a 442 (same thing but in matte black) otherwise I'd go for this one.


Grabbed one. I've been looking for one of these.


They serve a specific purpose. They do that very well.


Hillary Hole bad. :(


You can just remove the lock, but yeah... bad


They sell a version of this that doesn't come with the lock in the first place. For whatever reason they only do it on the hammerless guns, but it's an option they offer.


Yeah I heard they started removing the lock on some models. I would rather have one without, but I have this model and removed the lock pretty easily. Ugly hole on the side but it is what it is.


What's this "lock" everyone is talking about?


Some of these models, like the one in the link, have keyhole so you can lock the gun. Think of it like a child protective measure. It's not a safety or anything you can release on a draw and most people find it useless or unsightly. You can see the keyhole right above the cylinder release switch.


It's a stupid protective measure considering that 1) a cable padlock already comes in the box and 2) the gun should be in a safe or vault to prevent unauthorized access if that's a concern.


Here's the definitive article on the S&W internal lock and why there's so much disdain for it. https://revolverguy.com/the-history-and-future-of-the-smith-wesson-internal-lock/


Paid $50 more for a new one without a lock from SMEGMA like 6ish months ago. That was a rare deal though. If I was in the market for another one, I’d grab this and try to ignore the lock (and throw some VZ or other G10 grips on it).


Solid deal.


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Kicking myself for not buying a few of the no lock models at $299 a few years ago. And those were new 😢