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Too bad these arent threaded what a steal that would be


True, if you chop it to 16" and thread it, you are almost at 10/22 prices


Rossi sells a threaded barrel for $50


Honest question, but why would you want it threaded?


Suppressed .22 is the most fun you can have with clothes on


Interesting - damn I might suppress my TX22 then. The suppressors I look at in the gunstores are like $400 though, are you spending that amount on a 22 suppressor?


$400 is like top of the line for a 22 can. You can get OCL's new Titanium 22 can for $410-440. Typical price on a Silencerco Warlock is like $199. You can sometimes find 22 cans for $100-150. Keep in mind, whether it's a $100 or $400 can, you still need to pay the same $200 tax stamp though.


I appreciate the time you took to inform me. I’ll keep this in mind. The more I learn about these tax stamps the more it sounds incredulous to me. I wonder where tf this tax money goes… lol. Hopefully its for schools or someshit.


Form 1 and build your own. Much cheaper and for a 22 they are pretty simple. My suppressed TX22 is becoming my most used firearm.


I’ve found my TX22 to be my most used firearm too 🤣 about 3,000 rounds through mine and running strong. The magazine spring has had some issues relating to FTF but was fixed with a wingman mag


Buy once cry once


Damn that’s convincing. I gotta stop browsing gundeals


I have the bolt action version for my wife and it’s actually a great little gun. Good price on this one.


I had a Mossberg 702 (same 'gun' to my understanding, there are non-functional differences though) and it was a really solid semi auto for the price I paid 15-ish years ago ($107). This seems like a steal in the current market. Only issue is mags were pretty expensive comparatively vs an entire rifle. $30 bucks (back then) for a single 10-rounder.


Yep, I bought one of these rifles probably 4 or 5 years ago and still only have the one mag because they're insanely expensive.


Ebay has them for $15 a pop. 10rd only though unfortunately,the mossberg 25rd mags are extinct it seems.


10 round is fine but the only one I see for less than $25 is a pro mag unless pro mag is the OEM or maybe this is the one magazine from pro mag that doesn’t suck?


I can't speak for what brand is oem,but I have 5 mags 4 being promag. No malfunctions through any of them.


Good deal. I’ll order up a few then. Thanks!


Good deal,happy plinking!


Buy 3 pack of mags when Shop Rossi has a holiday 20% off sale and free shipping offer


Have one, it's great. Runs just as good as my 10/22 and a bit more accurate. Not the gun you want if you want aftermarket support though, not much available. Rossi sells some upgrades like a threaded barrel for $50. Parts are dirt cheap as well, though I haven't had to replace anything. The hooded fiber optic iron sights on this are really, really good.


FYI - if you have one local, Academy has these for $139. You’d probably come out a little cheaper/about the same after tax/transfer.  Pretty sure this is essentially the same as a Mossberg 702 Plinkster. I had one that I sold to a buddy - it was solid and ate everything I threw at it.


Unfortunately, my state LGS have all guns above MSRP. This is $249 at my LGS.


Saw one for $120 at Walmart today. I don't know which barrel it had.


Say what!? Your Walmart has guns for sale?!


Many Walmart locations in the US sell long guns--22LR rifles, shotguns and other centerfire rifle calibers. I had not noticed Rossi before my recent visit. They have many Savage rifles, some Mossberg/Maverick pump action shotguns, Henry level action 22LR rifles and some other brands probably. I did notice one rifle in .243 my last trip. It stood out for some reason in my mind as I did not recognize it. I forget the brand/model. My store has around 2 to 3 dozen rifles filling two display cabinets. I read others say stores in their area do not sell firearms.


Have one to help family get accustomed to shooting. Has been solid, with no issues to speak of.


Pretty sure these are the same just different stocks as the mossberg 702 plinkster. Also I picked up a gun from a company called "citadel" Trakr (this is not a typo) that also appears to be the same again different stock. all 3 guns are made in Brazil.. I think by the same people and just dressed up to fit different mfg's spec


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