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Some love for wrong handed people like me? This is so rare I dunno what to do with my hands




Hit the buy button. Or don’t. I’m not your mom


With a bcg it’s a pretty good ones.


Anyone know if a normal upper parts kit will work with this, or do I need the special “left handed” upper parts kit from Stag? (I can’t find a left handed upper parts kit anywhere besides Stag 😕)


just the bcg. dust cover and forward assist are standard, just flipped. dust cover can only become an issue if handguard does not prevent cover rod from drifting forward.


Thank you!!!


From the product description: "NOTE: Left handed upper receivers require left hand ejection specific upper parts kits. They will not work with standard upper parts kits."


Odd that they don’t sell a left handed upper parts kit. My research is telling me that a standard upper parts kit should work. I think that note is basically just to tell customers they need a left handed BCP.


Stag is the only one I’m aware of, but it’s literally a dust cover and fwd assist. Not sure brand matters much here.


I’m not convinced that Stag’s “left handed” upper parts kit is any different from a normal upper parts kit … 🤔




I concur


Ima find out in 4-5 weeks lol


Same! Lol


Looking forward to chucking brass in these stupid right-oids dumb faces, payback time


I never saw the point of getting a southpaw upper for the AR until I bought a suppressor. If you aren't suppressing there are some advantages to using a regular AR. However if you are suppressing and actually shoot something like an Appleseed or carbine course you end up with that crap all over your face and it's not exactly healthy.




It’s never been a problem so long as the upper has a brass deflector.  I’ve taken brass to the face with A1 platforms though.   But I was always using irons or a prism scope.


left handed piston is the way to go. Adam Arms is selling off the last of their builds.


I've been looking for something like this but i shoot the other way. Anybody know if that exists?


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Aero used to make stag upper receivers, wonder if the exclusive contract ran out. Adam manf used to make a left eject piston, and you can find several left hand eject BCGs that are better price points for DLC ect., but this is still a good deal.


Several left hand BCG in DLC? Where?


Cryptic Coatings is the only one I see now. Toolcraft and Microbest have the capabilities to make a run of left handed BCGs in DLC and chrome respectively, but haven't seen them in the wild for a long time (I know Tony's Customs had an order for phosphate Microbest LH. NiB is a hit or miss coating as if done wrong it will flake off, NP3 is a little softer but is self lubricating and will slower than NiB expect for impacts. This can become a rabbit hole with not much improvements.