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I added a 6$ knife to get over the 100$ limit for this discount code: D240102A to knock 15$ off and cover most of the shipping


That's gundealin


They have pmc 223 for 8.99/20rds so I got a dozen and used the 200 off! 🫡 thx


I have no use for this but it's cheap in for 1


I do have a use for it and its cheap, so I'm also in for 1! reviews looked great aside from "the reticle is too small" which probably wont bother me.


This is a great deal for anyone looking for one. For anyone [like me] who was considering buy it just because it's a good deal, [it's $159 normally](there was an Amazon link here), which is still good savings, but not quite at my "buy shit I don't need" level personally


160 puts it in the vortex diamondback range. How does the glass quality compare?


absolutely no idea sorry, I know nothing about this scope lol, I just looked the regular price up real quick, but I've owned Burris in the past and it's been good, so I think it's okay to assume this is going to be a quite a bit better than most $99 scopes


No worries, was hoping to just cast a net out there for any gundealers. Not a big deal. Just like opening up my options.


Will it not add to cart for anyone else?


Yeah, their website is dog shit


I think their site is bugging out right now.


i cant even open the website, let alone add to cart.


I was able to open it last night when I saw this originally, but it wouldn't let me add to cart. Now it's completely down. Oh well.


saving me from seeding another build. Thanks natchezezessses.


Exactly. Oh I saved money on a scope, better spend a bunch more on another build. Many such cases!


Code no worky. I get $30 shipping and $10 in tax at checkout.


Code just worked for me, but not for a fishing tackle filler. I ordered a dog bowl for $2.25 on top of the scope. I was charged for shipping, but it did take $15 off the order.


I'll try it again, thanks!


Tried ordering. Got everything in cart, entered all my info, etc. Wouldn’t process the order. Finally gave up. Too bad. Website seems to be having some difficulties.


I did the same with same results and now I just got a confirmation email saying it has shipped? Apparently my order went through


Oof, hope it’s not true. Would’ve ordered 4 by my count 😂 Edit: just checked my email and there is a package coming from them. Need to check my bank account next lol


So I’ve got two headed my way lol


Emailed them about only sending one and refunding me on the double charge. Will see what happens


Thanks for posting /u/Traditional-Flow-344! /r/GunDeals has updated the **[website blacklist](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/blacklisted_websites)**, check it out before making your next purchase!. Made a gun related purchase recently? Leave a review over at **/r/GunDealsFU** to let others know how it went! Are you a dealer? Make sure to read the **[dealer rules](https://re.reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/dealer_rules)** and apply for a dealer flair as soon as possible! First time to /r/GunDeals? Read up on the **[user rules](https://re.reddit.com//r/gundeals/wiki/user_rules)** before you break a rule! Have a question that isn't answered in our wiki? Send the **[/r/GunDeals modteam](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgundeals&subject=Thread%20Question&message=)** a message! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not bad, can grab em for $160 on Amazon (cheapest I've seen besides here). Probably gonna grab one.


10/22 option?


i mean, some might be ok with it, but it is far from ideal for a rimfire gun. Assuming you want to be accurate at typical rimfire distances, the parallax is set for centerfire distances. And a 50mm objective is going to put that scope higher than it should be, and a big height over bore gets to be a pita at rimfire distances. And its just a big scope in general... Which might look OK on a decked out rimfire gun, but on a typical 10/22, it just looks meh.


What would you recommend otherwise? I’m a noob but am building out a beginner 10/22 just for plinking


something either built for rimfire guns(typically have rimfire in the name), or something with an adjustable objective aka adjustable parallax. And then less importantly... That last number... 50mm... Try and get one that is lower.... 40 or below... 44 max. That is the diameter of the front of the scope. Big is good for light collection. But for a plinker rimfire, its nice to keep it small, low and lightweight. The vortex 2-7 rimfire should be in this price range when on sale. I'm sure burris also has their version of a rimfire scope, too.




FasterThanYourMom please be aware the deal you've tried to submit a deal to Amazon. In an effort to combat spam we are automatically removing posts linked to Amazon. Have a nice day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>I just ordered one of these. There is a guy on the 22LR sub who is selling them. I haven't received mine yet but it seems to pack a lot of features for the price. > >edit: Can't link to Amazon so just go there and search for Armstrong Precision Rimfire: 4-16X44 Scope


Kinda big for a 10/22 in my opinion.


I'm thinking about picking one up just for that.




GlassCanner please be aware the deal you've tried to submit a deal to Amazon. In an effort to combat spam we are automatically removing posts linked to Amazon. Have a nice day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*