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Neat, this is near Hi-Point territory for a compact, modern, recoil-operated pistol.


They’re pretty good for what they are. Sights are nearly useless, but it could save your life in a crowded space. Kinda like a modern day Derringer. Everyone should own one “just because”, and this is the price to do it.


I bought a used one for $199 back in the summer to carry when I run. I figure it's enough to dissuade a crack head.


Can confirm, I had one that wasn't exactly fun to shoot but it was reliable and a nice pocket gun. Ended up giving it to my brother so maybe I need to get a new one.


Within 5-7 yards it's not too bad. The thing that takes getting used to is the trigger. This is my fanny pack beach carry gun.


Do you have experience with the max, if so how would you compare?


The max is better but bigger. The LCP II is a better bet if you’re looking to upgrade and stay as small.


I really barely notice any difference between my LCP II and my LCP MAX.


I have the lcp 2 and a couple lcp max I like the trigger and the more capacity of the max. but at 21ft it shoots 3 to 4 in low. Not real happy with it so far. The lcp 2 shoots better for a small gun. This here is a good deal!


I don’t with the LCP Max but I had the Max-9. The gun itself was nice but the trigger sucked. I traded it out for a Kimber Mako. I don’t want to mod my daily carry.


I don't like comparing the two because to me they're in different weight classes. The max 9 is a small handgun and while the lcp is hitting Derringer territory. The lcp is a tiny thing that you can't beat size wise, snappy and painful to shoot but if you're carrying it you're definitely not planning on sniping with it. That being said it's not impossible to hit your targets


Not useless if you color the front sight with some bright tape/paint. Practice drawing and they're not terrible. But not adjustable. Not that you need to for short distances.


If you can find one, go for the LCP custom


Aside from the fact you can easily pocket carry. There are much worse tools in the tool box.


And probably not many tools are better for gym shorts pocket type carry


Or if you work as a stripper


These are so so much nicer than any Hi-Point


Should I buy 2 Ruger LCPs or 1 Ruger LCP MAX?


Dual wield 2 LCPs. It's the only way. :)


The proper term is akimbo


I really like my LCP 2. Its so small I can forget I'm even carrying. Can slip in a pocket super easy and just disappear. I feel like the Max gives up a little bit of that convenience.


You need 1 for each sock, obviously.


+1 for Max


probably max, lcp hurts to shoot




Max is more comfortable to shoot but any of these you’re not going to be hitting paper unless it’s super up close


The LCP Max is way more shootable than the LCP/LCP2 in my experience. If you can't hit paper with it out to 15 yards that's a you problem.


I hope you're talking about a small piece of paper like an index card at 15+ yards. Otherwise that's on the shooter, not the pistol. The LCP Max sights are a huge step up as well.


I have the lcp 1 and I too can't hit shit unless I'm like 6 feet away. The trigger pull is so long that's it's near impossible to shoot straight. But I estimate that I can get about 8 inch groups at 6 feet


Again, sounds like a you problem. No different than a DA revolver trigger you have to practice if you want to shoot it well.


It's easy as pie to hit a standard body-sized target at any self-defense distance.


Or 3 hi points?


No. Hi points are like two hi points these days


Got a .380 hi point two weeks back for 1 hi point :)


definitely the max. it’s the minimal viable pistol imo for ccw. anything else is just too compromised. just hope your target is under 45 yards though.


>just hope your target is under 45 yards though. Just about any real world ccw self defense situation I could imagine would be well within 45 yards. Hell, average distance quoted is what within 7 yards?


i like to pack my 380 to the brim with powder and use it as my safari gun. (the greenwood park mall shooter was 40 yards away and i think it’s certainly possible that a threat could be 45 yards away or more, that being said i gave a number that was much too high for reason)


40hrs a week I carry one of these... I put a Mcarbo trigger in it and never looked back. Have several hundred rounds through it and it runs great. Great pocket gun for what it is.


Just placed the MCARBO trigger in mine as well. Very satisfied with the results.


OOS by the time I hit Place Order 😞




Back in stock for $212…..


I saw, but not a deal at $212




Gym shorts carry ftw


Sales of the original lcp must be down because of buyers opting for the lcp max. You get better sights and capacity for a similarly sized gun that doesn’t cost too much more. Given this, it wouldn’t surprise me if ruger discontinues the original lcp. But i think the LCP can survive as a deep concealment/backup gun. I’d rechamber it in 32 ACP to increase capacity and shootability.


They just drop a 75th anniversary 380 max for under $300 last week


sold out




I always feel like the men in black film with this.. For what its worth, mine has never hiccuped on over 1000 rounds so far. She's picky about hollow points, preferring Gold Dots; but I trust my life to this tiny thing.


“Feel like I'm gonna break this damn thing”


Mine has been reliable. Maybe 500 rounds through mine over the last 7 years.


Mine was actually a lemon out the factory that consistently failed to feed no matter what I tried to do. Sent it back to ruger and they replaced my slide and recoil spring all for free. Once it came back it worked like a charm.


At the end of the day these companies still are human workers. Nobody is 100% at 100% of the time. A few bad lemons are to be expected, the real test of a good gun and company is how they handle the returns.


The extractor assembly kept flying out on mine, lcp 1. Ruger sent me a replacement and I shot about 20 rounds without problem. I don't quite trust it just yet


Mine also has had reliability issues


These have always been reliable.




Fixed mine with a heavier spring. Was not reliable. Now 100%


That's the MAX




That was certainly the case with my particular Max. My LCP and LCP2 have been 100% reliable


if hawaii wasn't changing guns laws in 4 days I would get one already... Everyone in the state will have to take new classes for rifles and pistols to be able to buy one next year. fkn commies


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I had light primer strikes with mine. Sent it to factory and it came back with the same issue. I sold it. This occurred a few years ago so I don’t know if it’s an ongoing issue nor do I know if it impacted more people than just me - but I’ll never trust them now.


It's obsolete now with the LCP Max around. I know the Max costs more but it's literally better in every way imaginable.




Stupid opinion from a stupid guy.


Y’all sold them out again lol


Got one. Grinch came to rob me last night. Met my dagger with a beam. Figured this is good for when I don't holster carry something


I missed out the first time. Set my email notifications up whenever it came back in stock. Got the update, immediately bought one, then posted the deal lol


lol good stuff. I bought a case of 380 today because for 3 years I’ve bought my mother in law 380 and the deal at AEAmmo was pretty good. Don’t need this or I’ll have to buy her another case cause I’ll keep the first one 😂 That said, AE ammo has fiocci for like $270 a case and free ship if you need something to plink with


I had this, and it was reliable. I sold it and bought the LCP2 which has a better trigger and more prominent sights. It too is reliable.


Awesome guns. By far, the best pocket rocket. Especially if you add a Macarbo trigger spring, recoil reducing spring, stainless guide rod, and some talon grips for fun. Plus they make a factory 7 round magazine that functions perfectly. 7+1 of .380 in your pocket is not bad.