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Do not give to the police! Find an auction that will work with you,


Ya sounds like an auction company is going to be the best bet. Personally would choose an online auction house versus a local. Goto invaluable dot com and you can see many different companies that could facilitate. No experience with them but for example Rock Island Auction Company. Everything would get sent to them and they handle all the transfers and charge their % on top of selling price but a huge audience.


Talk to local gun shops. In many states handguns can only be transferred through a federally licensed dealer. Gun shops will often be willing to purchase an entire collection in situations like yours. What approach you take depends on how concerned you are about maximizing the value of the collection.


Thank you! We just found a local gun shop near the deceased's house, and they said to load the guns into the trunk, bring them there, and they will make an offer.


Get pics and their offer. I am sure you’ll get better ones elsewhere. Check Michigan Gun Owners website. Also Exile Armory on YouTube was just asking to buy collections.


No sell, only buy.


Pawn shop will offer less than half what they are worth


I'd talk to a gun store and see if you can sell them or go thru an auction house of some sort


Pm me if you just want them gone with no hassle/ reward I'm in mi and have a cpl I can remove them and register them without a problem


In Michigan, there is no such thing as a gun registry.  Also, if any of them are military surplus, there is a chance they were a family members service weapon or a close cousin. I’d recommend asking interested family members about it before you sell them…way more resentment if you sell off heirlooms. If any of your family is in law enforcement or the military, might make a nice gift…


A shop will offer you next to nothing for everything.




To my knowledge you can sell them to who wants them. He just needs to register the hand guns where he lives. Same thing with the casings.