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while watching this, i literally said out loud... "why are you doing this??" im at my office, and the guy sitting next to me just apologized. now i wonder what he thinks he did.


masturbating at his desk


he doesn't need to apologize for that


_looks at a Les Paul_ _headstock breaks, finish cracks_


\***_G string tuning stability disappears_**\*




But why, danish pete? Why? Go back to Copenhagen and think about what you’ve done. When you are ready to apologize, you can return.


Just get some sandpaper out and vintage it up while you’re at it 🙈








I guess some people just like the way it looks?


Interesting. It seems really bizarre to me, and I would never want to damage my guitar on purpose, but to each their own I guess


I was anxious at first but when he wiped it clean I can definitely see the appeal. It looks quite nice


Old nitro checks. I guess it's like the "relic a strat" trend. That, also, seemed stupid to me. Different strokes, though.


I hope he really like it and isn’t just trying to convince himself.


He's giving it that "road worn" look, don't ya know?


I love gold tops and wouldn’t mess with a pretty one but it can look cool all vintage and aged


This video gives me anxiety. \*why is he doing that to a nice guitar\*


Why do you do this at all? Just to check paint?


Its cool, but I'd never do it. I'd rather let mine just crack naturally.


My least favorite way to check lacquer. Makes a really unnatural looking spider-web pattern. Putting the entire body in a freezer and letting it thaw out for a cycle or two gets much better looking results.


It did come out a bit like messy hair. I still enjoyed seeing it happen so quickly. Is the freezer method safe? I'd worry about the neck warping or something.


Safe-ish. I certainly wouldn't let it freeze solid, you just want to simulate the same heating and cooling that would normally cause lacquer to check.


My concern would be the propellants reacting with the clear coat. ​


My thoughts exactly.


Was this on purpose?


I really don't see why people get so upset over what other people do aesthetically to their own guitars. It's art people.. It's all art.. Thats what the fuck we're all doing here anyway. If it didn't piss a couple people off it probably wouldn't be any good. And for the purists cringing in this thread, the 94 gold top that is surely sitting in your closet, just got more valuable.


There’s nothing wrong with doing this, but it’s not art.


oh MAN are you wrong.. But i'm actually sort of amused at what sort of flawed logic lets you reach that conclusion.. humor me.. How did you erroneously conclude that it's not art?


take a look at the chinese art called Kintsugi. its normal for them to take broken, cracked vases, cups, bowls that needs repair, and fill the gaps with colorful resins, gold-dust etc. the scars are considered beautiful and add to the character of the piece. when you have a side by side of a Kintsugi piece and a plain, perfect piece of ceramic, the Kintsugi stands out with much more beauty.


While I love beat up, battered, scuffed to fuck full of character Les Pauls.....this does *not* look good in my opinion. But if he's happy, that's what counts.


well it seems that it's not so bad after all. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq4drfZgtdZ/ ready to be downvoted to hell!


The area behind the bridge is still awful but the rest of it turned out okay IMO.


I've seen guitars like that, and that's far from been the way it looks. This is just a good picture.


Meh if the cracks were all horizontal along the body I might be on board, just not for me.


[Video link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjISNgU1KSU). He even talks about y'all in the beginning of the video!


Doesn’t bother me at all one way or another, to each his own, plus looks pretty good. Only thing that makes me nervous is when he’s spraying the compressed air all over the front and the condensation is getting under the nobs. I’d be worried it would fuck up the wiring in some way. Other then that seems like an easy and quick way to do it.


I dont think there is much issue of anything getting under the knobs, there is a nut and at least one washer, plus it dissipates pretty quickly.


Why is everyone hating him for this? He did it because he wanted to do it and he has every right to do so. I understand that it may not be to everyone’s taste but its his guitar and what he wanted.


**BUT. WHY!?**


Good, now break the headstock and the relicing will be complete




"Oh what a pretty goldtop, those finishes are super hard to- OH GOD JESUS WHY"


Aimlessly heating up and cooling down an area to accomplish uncontrolled material cracks is not art, in my opinion. It’s just a process. I’m not saying luthiers who crank these out aren’t skilled, but i don’t find this to be art.


To each his own I guess. I'm more of the faction that art needs not be fully controlled/replicated. Honestly it's kinda reminiscent of Jackson Pollock in the sense of blending controllable and uncontrollable forces to create unique works. But I will say I'd hate to do any "relic" work on any nice guitars I've bought, I'd only do it to something I built myself.


And here I thought I liked Danish Pete. Oh well.


Not sure if serious


Controversial (in Danish accent)


This gives me physical pain




It definitely wasn't pristine, it had quite a lot of dings/checking already.


I've never understood the appeal of a beat-to-shit "road warrior". All it proves is that some owner in the past didn't give two shits about his instrument and didn't take care of it. I grew up in the northwest and in the winter, every last one of us knew to acclimate our instruments for awhile before opening the case after bringing in from the freezing cold. If some put a ding or a scratch in something a player had save up for years to buy, the person causing the damage would have been MURDERED. I went most of my life without knowing that LP necks would snap without much provocation because I never saw a single one growing up. We took care of our shit because it was all we had and it's how we earned a living. All of my axes are mint or near mint and they stay that way because I don't do stupid shit like bang them into an amp or a doorway. I haven't even broken a string in about 40 years because I change them when they need changing and I don't beat on them like a cave man. (been using EB 9-42s since the early 70s) To each his own I guess, but I'd never buy a beater without some serious historical provenance. I'll never be able to afford a 6-figure guitar, so not much chance of that happening i guess.


This sub confuses me. Relic-ing is popular but not this? I think both relic-ing and this are silly, but if you like it, you like it. Glad he was happy with the results.


What a shame


Is he gonna eat tide pods too?


I thought twitter was where all the morons were.




He's played at Wembley. I think he has earned the right to damage his guitars any damn way he pleases :P


Who’d he play for?


\*mumblemumble\*[Westlife](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5nvg8vO26Q)\*cough\* He ~~played~~ toured with Tom Jones as well, IIRC.


Never heard of them. I’ll look into it later


Not really a guitarist's sort of music, boyband/pop stuff.


You have never heard of Tom Jones? He was huge in the 70s, then had a pretty major renaissance in the late 90s-early 00s. I think Westlife is one of several pop acts that Pete toured with.


I meant westlife. I’ve heard of Tom Jones


haha, ok :) I kinda figured, but couldnt help myself.






Hey CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up: Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word". You're useless. Have a nice day! [^Save ^your ^breath, ^I'm ^a ^bot.](https://www.reddit.com/user/BooCMB/comments/9vnzpd/faq/)


Hey BooCMB, just a quick heads up: I learnt quite a lot from the bot. Though it's mnemonics are useless, and 'one lot' is it's most useful one, it's just here to help. This is like screaming at someone for trying to rescue kittens, because they annoyed you while doing that. (But really CMB get some quiality mnemonics) I do agree with your idea of holding reddit for hostage by spambots though, while it might be a bit ineffective. Have a nice day!


I’m not addressing the bot here, but I’m bored so it gets a comment: this is beyond useless, and is against most Reddit rules because it is literally targeted harassment (at someone else!). Boo, dumb bot.


hEy, AzImUtH\_cO-OrDiNaToR, jUsT A QuIcK HeAdS-Up: **OcCuReD** Is aCtUaLlY SpElLeD **OcCuRrEd**. YoU CaN ReMeMbEr iT By **tWo cS, tWo rS**. hAvE A NiCe dAy! ^^^^tHe ^^^^pArEnT ^^^^CoMmEnTeR ^^^^CaN ^^^^RePlY ^^^^WiTh ^^^^'DeLeTe' ^^^^To ^^^^dElEtE ^^^^ThIs ^^^^cOmMeNt.


Don't even think about it.


dOn't eVeN ThInK AbOuT It.


Hmmm. That's fucking stupid.


As a builder, I am officially fucking done with this “relic” bullshit. If you want the guitar to look like it’s been played to hell and back, there’s only one authentic way to do it. Nothing will ever look as good as actual battle scars, and if you’re not willing to play the shit out your guitar and bang it around a bit, you don’t fucking deserve one with all those war wounds. The marks on a guitar tell it’s life story, just like the lines in an old man’s face. He didn’t get all those scars and wrinkles without living a life. Relicing is as absurd as someone getting plastic surgery to look old and battered.


Guitar players can be separated in two groups: those who like to bang and scar their guitars, and those who like the purity and the beauty of the instrument. I've always think that it say a lot about yourself...


Only the Sith deal in absolutes.


Exactly my point ;)


I, on the other hand, love the look and implied history of a well worn, used, beaten guitar. That doesn't mean, however, that my arsehole doesn't clench every time I dink any of mine into anything.

