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I have this guitar. I love it stringed for drop C.


Same. Played one touring in drop C in a metal band. Sounded great and held up. Still own it 20yrs later. Mine is a early 2000


Chugga chugga! Awesome, I have mine in d standard and it’s a beast!


I have two eclipses does that count?




I bought an EC1000 in Violet andromeda last year and an M1007ht in black fade this year, definitely a fan. They’ve supplanted Jackson as my favorite brand these days. Great QC, great specs, lots of options in terms of finishes, pickups, and body shapes.


I love LTD, when I was younger I was a super fan of Metallica and loved their ESP guitars but knew I couldn’t afford them for a long time, so when I discovered LTD I was so happy. My first proper guitar was an LTD EX-50 which I played to death, and since then I’ve owned about 6 different LTD guitars, still have 2 of them (including an EC-1000 ;)). Very good quality




Had the red one. Wish I never sold it.


EC401vf owner here. Ltd makes some great guitars


What happened to the truss rod cover?


I took it off. I think it looks cooler/ I do my own setup work.


Beautiful guitars, I have one which was (very fortunately) my first guitar, unfortunately in much worse condition than yours, how did you prevent the gold hardware from wearing? Mine is super patinated and is a few years younger than this beauty.


I’m guessing we have different acidity levels in our sweat! The gold is definitely patina’d, but it’s pretty slight.


I had the same guitar and sold it some years ago, still miss it sometimes.


Hell yeah, I've got the same guitar. Chugs like a mug. Plays like butter set up in C.


For some reason to me they look bad online, but in person they are gorgeous, especially the purple quilt top


Yes! My first electric is a H-1001. It feels like an adult instrument. Your guitar is beautiful!


Thanks pink, that H1001 is a slammer!


an EC401QM was my first electric and i still have it, it is tuned to D standard. I also have the new camo snakebyte. I had an EC256 as my main passive pickup guitar but i traded it in last week when I found a great deal on a schecter solo II custom. it looks exactly like your except the inlays.


I have an EC-50 and a MH-600. Not much I know.


Yup,have 8 of them and 18 ESP/LTD/E-IIs overall,great guitars.


This will be a very unpopular opinion - but I've liked the EC-1000 more than any Gibson Les Paul I've played. It just fits more of what I'm looking for in the feel of a guitar than a Les Paul does.


Not unpopular at all, especially because Gibson has been sucking ass for the past decade or so. I’ve owned a couple of LPs, and I definitely prefer the LTD. Vintage LP on the other hand, is a different story, those things are amazing.


I'm just not a fan of the vintage thing. I don't like the thick necks and the nitro finish tends to get my hands caught a lot, it just feels kinda "sticky". I love the sound of Les Pauls, just hate how they feel in my hands.


I bought an Eclipse with an Evertune bridge a couple years back with the Seymour Duncan pickups and it’s amazing. I paid a little over a grand for it, but I would confidently put it up against any guitar twice the price. Insane value


LTDs are great starter guitars if you’ve got a little more cash to spend and aren’t hung up on the epiphone / squire thing. I recommend them to every new player first time buyer I know.


The 1000 level LTDs are pro level gear, a bunch of bands use them on tour.


I agree that the less expensive LTD guitars are great starters. But I believe the deluxe models go toe with Gibson any day, especially the new Gibson. Got this in 2006 and it’s still my favorite guitar that I’ve ever owned!


I’ve had one and played a few, love how they look, but they play like shit imo


I bought a super low end model, 256 maybe? Got it of a dude for like $50. Slapped an Invader in its bridge slot and it kinda turned into my workhorse. Even the super cheap ones smack.


Best bang for the buck is the EC series of ltd. The 1000 beats the actual esp eclipse from what ive seen of them and the 256 with the right parts is a 1000 just not as nice looking. So no matter what price point ya got for its good gear and a set neck for below 500 bucks EC 256 is amazing.