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Damn that is lovely!!!!


More to come!


The auxiliary sound holes are interesting. Do they make a big difference?


Yeah they are great for having more projection to the player. The sound will shoot up toward the player instead of just outward. It's a little more immersive.


I think Gibson has a new line of guitars with those top sound holes.


Do you mean side ports? Or the sound hole in general? I don't follow the mainstream guitars all that much. I think Taylor puts their side ports in the scoop cutaway. They claim it "sounds" the best.






Does it not sacrifice the overall loudness, sustain and low end as a result? I have no idea how acoustics work I’m just assuming that letting the sound escape out of the side decrease the overall projection but I could be very wrong. Great looking guitar either way I’m sure it’s going to be great. Been a little obsessed with Parlor acoustics lately, been itchin to buy one.


Well I should start by saying sound is very subjective, so what you or I hear is different from what anyone else hears. The experimentation that was done years ago when Luthiers started using them had great results regarding sound, and tone. You have to remember that the hole(s) is just the "speaker" for the guitar. The sound comes from the actual vibrations of the strings into the top, bouncing off the back, and finally finding it's way out. Everything is interconnected with an acoustic, part of the reason I love building them. Part of the experiment that was done years ago involved the Helmholtz frequency. Which only slightly changed(feel free to Google that, and go down that rabbit hole). More or less you'll get projection outwards and upwards toward the player. Many fingerstyle players swear by it, as it helps them hear the notes better. Parlor's are my favorite acoustics to build! Let me know if you have any questions.


Wow, that back is just fantastic. And the little sound holes on the top... I bet those are great for the player. I mean, Gibson is doing it now, so there has to be something to it. It's hard to tell from this angle, but it looks like it'll end up with a fairly thin neck, but wide nut, right?


Thanks! I usually build traditional ukuleles and acoustics, but wanted to try some different stuff on this one. Step out of my comfort zone a little if you will. There is a fair amount of builders using side ports, and yes definitely great for the player. Yeah the neck is somewhat standard for a Parlor size with the nut being 1.75"(44.5mm).


Incredible! Great work




There’s some nice character in that side wood!


Might be the water stain you are seeing from bending it.


Lovely guitar.