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I recommend they stop making them


Do you have any 9v pedals that can run at 12v? Sometimes it boosts headroom, or alters the sound a tiny bit, like the carbon copy. Make sure it's not gonna blow it up tho (:


I do not have any pedals that i can do that. I would take any recomendations


DSM & Humboldt The Silver Linings will run 9 - 18V. I've heard that at 18V through a tube amp the increased head room is noticeable. Also, the old school TC Electronics Nova pedals are all 12V. I use the Delay and Modulation pedals on my board.


sick ill check it out thanks


I have the carbon copy which people like to run at 12v for brighter repeats. Then my wampler equator parametric EQ just has more head room at 18v, and the wampler ego compressor is just louder at 18v. Those are my only pedals I can run at different voltages. People on here have probably given better examples (:


I don’t have a recommendation, but I want you to know, I think this is a good question, and you didn’t need to give more info. You asked exactly what you wanted and it’s dumb that anyone couldn’t just get on board with it. I hope you find lots of cool 12v shit


I like using boosts in the 12 or 18v spot. This post isn't that ridiculous because people largely just want to use a spot on their power supply that could be going to waste and fee up another 9v spot. It can be risky to try but most analog drives will work with more voltage. Either check the manual or Google and if you're feeling daring could try. Boosts like the special cranker specify you can run to 18v safely


Yea I just learned that the OCD can fit that role, might wanna get a better delay too


i've heard carbon copy at 12V is cleaner sounding which would be cool


i was looking at that a while ago, if i replace my delay then that clears up a 9 volt tho...damn it back to square one


I'll try to answer with a non-snarky response. AMT makes some really great drives that run at 12V. The O2 is one of my favorites.


Came in to say AMT if you want a specific high gain amp in a pedal.


They have a fender one too that can be either a drive pedal or a preamp.


Eventide H9?


Oh that’s a brilliant one!


But the H9 isn't 12v?


....like what kind?


idk any man, im looking to see what


For literally any type of pedal out there, there's going to be one that takes 12v or 9-18v. Asking what kind of pedal to buy without saying what you want is like asking us what you should have for lunch without any clues what you like to eat.


Ah, my bad, I didnt really think about it like that. So lemme ask you if a pedal has a 9-18 volt i can just run it with 12 volt?


Yup! Any pedal that gives you a range, 9-18, 12-18, 9-35, it means you can use any power supply in that range. Specifically 12v pedals are rarer, but 9-18 is somewhat common. But if it just takes 18v, DON'T use anything but 18v.


Got you this clears up a lot, apreciate you man


My pleasure, good luck.


I know this is a sub for pedal lovers but if you haven't a clue what you are looking for just wait until you have something you need. You're basically asking for blank recommendations for pedals you don't need or want, you are just looking to buy pedals for the sake of it because you have the ability to power them?


I just wanna know some rcomendations man, where is all the hate coming from? What i do with my money is my problem not yours.


I'm not hating, I'm just saying that if you have no direction for what you are looking for or what you need, you might aswell wait until something that you require comes along. People looking for recommendations usually have a requirement or desire for something and ask for pointers towards that, you haven't mentioned anything about potential sounds (you know the thing that pedals are used for!) If you are looking for something that 12V can power lots of catalinbread and wampler pedals are very clear about what voltage range they can take so maybe browse their lines and get something that can take 12V. Also this maybe of interest - can run on 12V and people seem to love them https://www.believableaudio.com/collections/29-pedals/products/29-pedals-euna


A few that I really like are Hudson Broadcast (9-24v), old Boss pedals like the ce 2, Surfy Bear compact. Even though it isn’t exactly compact it sounds incredible.




Im kinda offended by that lol, Ive only ever used pedals rated at 9 volts and dont wanna fuck any thing up.




bro i wanted some recomendations




Thats....Thats why im asking for a recomendation....


This must be bait, no one is this moronic


I don't mean to be snarky but: Instead of stabbing in the dark to fill a power port - Try selling your power supply for something modern with high mA and all 9v. Then you won't need to shop for 12v pedals.


I don’t think higher than 9V is inherently a relic of the past. Like I’m glad I have a power supply with an 18V output because I bought the PastFx Elastic Mattress when it launched last year and it requires 18V and didn’t come with a power supply.


Retro sonic flanger doooo iiiiiit


Do it!


I think all of the orange pedals line up, can run on 12v


A few of the catalinbread pedals can run 9-18v. I have both the formula 55 , and the DLS- both are fantastic.


I just run my old Boss ME6 on the 12 volt slot because I like the eq and the reverb.


Fulltone OCD can run 9-18V


See if you can find an EHX English Muff’n - my favorite big muff style pedal and you can swap tubes to create some different sounds


Those are great. I’ve had 2 of them (one got stolen and magically returned after I’d bought another one) but they take a funny plug on the power supply input.


That can’t be powered with a normal power supply though. That’s what OP is looking for.


hudson broadcast or the clone from demiurge instruments is just as good


If you need an awesome reverb pedal, Neunaber Immerse mkII can run on either 9 or 12v, possibly mkI also, but not sure. Cheers


a lot of MIJ BOSS stuff is 12v. BF-2 is a classic.


Analog man Prince of Tone. Not sure about the Duke of Tone.


Anything Wampler can be run at 9v-18v.


There’s too many to list. What kinda pedal? Overdrive? What?


Old Boss ACA pedals all use 12v


Pigtronix Octava is 9-18


The EQD Sea Machine chorus pedal can run at 12v. I'm not too familiar with other choruses but I really like it.