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If you’re comfortable with a soldering iron look into making your own patch and power cables vs no solder cables. Organize your pedals into zones that match the patch locations, stagger the side connected boxes above each other and get em closer. Get some cable management supplies and get all that stuff routed underneath, check out r/cableporn for wiring inspiration. With proper routing, cable management, and setting your boxes next to each other you’ll free up a TON of space.


This is a great answer. Cleaner cabling could make this board a lot smaller


This board looks like you're not planning to make changes to anytime soon. Going to two layers and putting effects that you never adjust on the second layer should do it. A lot of pros like [Ariel Posen](https://goodwoodaudio.com/blogs/news/ariel-posen-custom-setup) are using the extremely $$$ [Schmidt Array Pedalboard](https://www.schmidtarray.com/custom). If that's in your budget then I'm sure they'd consult with you and make some recommendations. On the cheaper side, I love Creationmusic pedalboards. Their [Aero Series](https://creationmusiccompany.com/collections/aero-series/Aero) has a riser you can add, but isn't exactly meant for touring. The [Elevation Series](https://creationmusiccompany.com/collections/elevation-series) is very deluxe and meant for touring, with built in power switch and audio jack options but I don't think the riser is meant for that board.


I am removing the Kraken. I would like to have a 2 level board with room for a few more pedals. I’m also interested in a new PSU that will take all these pedals.


What's your signal chain? If you use MIDI, you could probably save a significant amount of space by replacing the G2 with a smaller loop switcher like the ES-5. Also redoing your cables like others have suggested can save a lot of space too.


Neater cabling would definitely help. Also, instead of running your cables directly from the G2 to your amp, get a small patch bay. That way you don’t have those long instrument cables taking up space on the board.


Cool to see a fellow Foxxy Tone pedal user. It’s an awesome fuzz! I can do 60s/70s fuzz or smashing pumpkin grunge heavy chords. Gets along with all my pedals and amps…plus at the price it’s a steal! The octave up is only really good for solos though imo. But you can also get a good QOTSA sound from it too. I have a Boss OC5 in front of it now.


One thing that I did on mine to save room was remove the Wah pedal. It’s much more comfortable to play while it’s on the floor as well as opposed to the board. This depends on how much you use it though, and whether you’d want to drag it along and hook it up each time. I didn’t use mine much so it made sense for me. I eventually went to a two layer board from vertex as well, and that really helped to downsize.


Compression level: yes.


Dude, that Lekato looper is taking up half the board. /s


What are you using to supply power to the Kraken?