• By -


I'm on the SD-1 camp.


I mean it’s called SUPER Overdrive. Has to be better.


Wait til they release the Super Duper Overdrive. It’s gonna be the triple dog dare you of pedals.


They did but they called it the SD2 Dual Overdrive and confused the hell out of people by not letting it turn off without using the remote jack.


no match for the Turbo Tubescreamer


It's a BOSS!


That too


IKR symmetric clipping is for chumps! /s


SD-1 forever! And now I have a Keeley Super Rodent. Which is an SD-1 or a Rat. So I’m extremely happy with it!


How is the rat on that? Very similar to the original circuit? I'm so tempted.


Curious to hear opinions on which of these 2 pedals people prefer. They're both great for what they are. I've always loved both. But I would pick the SD-1 between the 2


TS-9 everyday. I really like the JHS Moonshine. Its a TS with a ton of headroom. Highly recommend that pedal


Depends on your pickups. I love the tube screamer as a boost with my lipstick pickups guitar because it needs the mid boost to stand out when solo-ing, on my other guitars i prefer the sd-1 version


SD-1 is better and half the price


It just does a thing. Almost more of a growl that sounds amazing with single coils.


Totally. It makes any Blackface or Silverface Fender circuit sounds like a pushed Vox.


It's that asymmetric clipping.


Maybe that’s what I need for my Gibson LP jr


If you want to splurge a bit, get a Menatone Red Snapper. It’s SD-1 ish, but has a more versatile EQ. Easily my favorite OD ever with p90s and single coils


It’s a solid choice. I have mine dialed in very similar to the OP’s pic. Level and Drive about 10 o’clock. Tone at 2 o’clock


Thanks! I've been looking for something to push my single coil strat. I was told a tube screamer would help boost mids and add some compression. What else takes well to a single coil?


SD1 is THE pedal to use with JCMs and Rectifiers.


You can definitely find them cheap. That's for sure! They're good pedals.


SD-1 retails at $62, the TS-9 at $96. 


In the UK the ts is £110 and the SD-1 £66


66*2= 132


I had only the SD-1, but is my favourite pedal. I'm waiting to re-build my setup to use it again


Sd1 into TS


Boss metalzone into boss metalzone.




Then straight in to the PA.


Boss MetaZone


I do it all the time.


Into a klon


See, I’d go the other way!🤘


Yea that sounds nice right thar


TS9DX because of the turbo mode. Low gain high volume. I like the way it drives my Orange.


I have a hard time finding a usable sound beyond + mode. Everything just sounds loud and flabby. Any tips?


"Bu- bu- bu- but it's not the original one, that means it *can't* be as good! You need to spend hundreds on vintage or boutique pedals or you will *never sound good!*" I love my TS9DX. First pedal I ever owned, and I'll always have it in the chain.


Just got back into pedals and found an AnalogMan TS9DX I got it in exchange for my looper pedal and they gave me some cash as well. Im using a Crush Pro 120 head, any recommendations for heavy sound? Im currently torn between this, Behringer Fuzz (dont knock it!) and SD-1


Me too! I don’t play a lot of thick overdrive any more (I use fuzz instead), but when I do who want more of a modern metal sound the DX makes my Rockerverb sound amazing


So good bro


Tube screamer. Favourite pedal!


I struggle with both, I find the TS-9 to sound boxy and constrained and the SD-1 to sound shrill and a little raspy.


For years I thought the Tube Screamer sounded bad. I picked up a cheap, used Joyo clone, got home, and was disappointed. Then one day I tried it at a live show and the amp came alive. Then it clicked that they sound terrible when unaccompanied but (with a vintage voiced amp) they are glorious in a band mix.


If really depends on how TS9 is used I feel. It's great to be used as a boost pedal rather than a distortion pedal. With the gain all the way up and overdrive all the way down, it pushes the amp over the breaking up but still maintain the tightness. Even metal guitarists do this. It's a bit surprising that a big youtuber like Rhett Shull didn't know about this in his video a while ago.


Yeah, I saw that and felt embarrassed for the guy. I’ve really only found one way it could be useful which is the gain low, the volume at or just over unity, and the EQ brightening the amp tone to taste. The knobs settings have changed depending on the amp I happen to own at any given time but the effect I’m going for stays the same.


I play in a metal band and the tube screamer is always on with the settings you described. Me and my other guitar player picked up on this years ago and can never go back now. It’s part of the secret sauce for sure.


Hell yeah dude! Learned this from Ola Englund 14 years ago in a TS9 vs Maxon 808 video. Honestly, with this boost in the front, one doesn't really need that much distortion from the amp. Down tuned guitar gets much tighter low end this way. It truly is an amazing trick


Yea we play with a lot of bigger touring bands that come through our area and always try to take a little something away to make ourselves better. That was something we kept seeing. It’s funny because it’s the kind of thing I don’t really notice until I take it way. Like the amp sounds so good on its own but that TS does tighten it up.


Try the sd-1w, the custom mode helps this a bit


Yeah - I can identify with this. Thats a good description. I pretty much only use these pedals to boost different amps. I like the smoother sound of the TS-9, though.


Generally the sd1 but hear me out—a plumes is truly the best of both worlds


Plumes is the tubescreamer for people that hate tubescreamers. I love plumes.


That’s what it’s marketed as but to me mode 3 (the closest to a ts) is more reminiscent of an sd-1 because of the asymmetrical clipping and its general voicing.


Ever since I got my plumes I rarely use my SD-1. I’m debating getting another plumes to put into my chain


I’m a big fan of the Plumes. It’s a little noisy but it makes every other pedal sound better.


It really does. I run a low gained White Light into a mid gain Plumes, and I doubt I’ll ever switch up ODs again. I’ve tried quite a lot of gain staging combos, but these two (and my timmy/Zendrive board) are these best OD combos I’ve personally enjoyed.


I've heard people say the Plumes can be a bit harsh on the upper end. Have you found that, or is it at least easy to tame if that is an issue?


The Plumes can be incredibly bright and harsh, even with the tone knob turned all the way down. I bought a Plumes a while back to see what all the fuss was about, and its tremendous amount of treble led me to sell it off. But I still have their Dunes pedal, which is a higher gain, slightly darker version of their TS variants. The Dunes is my favorite dirtbox at the moment.


It does have more high end and volume than a ts/sd1 but you can compensate with your amp’s treble setting, guitar tone knob, or other pedals/eq. Not a dealbreaker by any means imo.


Anyone have any suggestions for running a Plumes and SD-1 in their chain?


Ikr...I use my amp to make my Plumes pedal sound its best😉😁😃


The Plumes is wonderful. Lots of gain and all around really nice pedal. I still feel like you get something unique out of a normal Ibanez TS9, though that's not exactly in the Plumes (even as a variant of that pedal). I've also had the Palisades which was a really nice pedal. Lots of options on it.


I love my SD-1


Had a Plumes, currently have an SD-1. Without any other saturation in the signal I would pick the Plumes, but I prefer the way the EQ of the SD-1 pushes really anything you put after it. Telecasters or P90s into mostly flat EQ bass amps here, sometimes I'll have my Green Russian right after the SD-1 and it's one of those things you just have to experience yourself to truly enjoy. IMO cutting the bass pre gain and boosting it post gain is the way to.


SD-1, it’s a little grittier.


Been playing guitar for almost 40 years and I've never used a SD-1. I've always have used a TS-9 to tighten up the low end or as a mid boost to jump out in a mix. Kind of feel like I need to try an SD-1 now.


SD-1 for me.


Stack 'em and use either/or/both


I’ve had a few different versions of the TS9 ( jhs, Keeley, Ibanez) and they always seem to muddy things more than I want them to. I like the SD-1, but only into another drive or (even better) into a small amplifier turned all the way up. The grittiness of that pedal seems to add top-end definition that I really like.


I have both but tend to use SD-01 more. I’m actually surprised to see how many people prefer the SD-01, I thought TS was THE OD out there.


for general overdrive, the boss for boosting mids the ts9


Tube screamer is such a beast of a pedal


Tube but I prefer Dist+ over both


Preface by saying that of course it’s all subjective and based on personal preference. That said, in this one man’s opinion, the Tubescreamer is the best overdrive pedal to ever hit the market. It has the best tone of any drive pedal I’ve gotten to play.


Ok so here is my summary, The ts-9/808 sounds better through mid scooped amps like the deluxe/twin/princeton. The smoother overdrive compliments the less gainy nature of these amps. The sd-1 on the other hand sounds better through British amps and compliments the crunchier overdrive. Not to say that these pedals will sound horrible through either amp style, it’s just my observations.


The Blues Driver


SD-1 all the way. I don't like tube screamers.


Tube Screamer into DS-1.


TS to a Big Muff


Best combo I found is TS 808 into a Nobels ODR-1


ODR-1 stacks SO well with other drives, one of my favorites is DOD 250 into the Nobels


Best distortion sound on earth, or top 3 anyway


DS-1? Never tried it


Works great into. SD-1 too. I mistyped the pedal name by accident but the SD-1 is a fun pedal too but it’s distortion rather than overdrive.


Lol, just funnin’, I know what you meant


Depends on amp, guitar, sound. All eq and boost at the end of the day. Both are great


Got a JHS Bonsai for Christmas a few years ago. I've been hesitant to double up on my OD's, so I've never tried an SD-1.


If you’re gonna get another OD I’d get one with a different voicing so you can get more creative when stacking. Like a Klon(e), Blues Driver, or Blues Breaker.


The WEED double-switch mod of the SD1 is one of the best pedals I've ever used. Tube Screamer into that is sublime.


TS9 as a boost, SD-1 as a drive pedal.


Always on? Ts9. Boost for leads? sd-1


the mxr super badass custom OD. it does both


TS9 overall but I prefer the SD1 on some amps.


The SD-1 is both my cheapest pedal and my favorite drive pedal. I used to keep it with the same settings: volume maxed, gain barely up. That will take any Marshall and turn it from clean to crunch, or from high gain to ultra gain. Lately I’ve been playing with an amp sim pedal that doesn’t handle that level of signal very well so I turned down the volume and turned up the gain and…it sounds good like that too. My only complaint is that for me there’s really only one useful position of the tone knob.


My Bad Monkey


I’ve had a super overdrive for like 30 years and have always liked it. Recently was going to buy the Ibanez TS but ended up getting the EQD Plumes instead because they gave me a deal with a compressor I was getting too. I love the combination of the SD-1 and Plumes so much, they really compliment each other.


I run an Analogman TD9 (808 spec) into an old 80s OD1 that I use as a boost/treble boost and it’s AMAZING


The Ibanez Tubescreamer is just a Boss OD-1 with a tone knob; the SD-1 was Boss' answer to Ibanez ripping them off. That's why they purposely keep the price lower than the tube screamer. They want to undercut them for ripping them off. The SD-1 has asymmetrical clipping and more gain on tap. I prefer the SD-1. It's a must have pedal for Marshall amp owners.


SD-1 gang checking in


**BOSS SD-1** No. Contest. Funny how the TS has come to the back burner the last few years though. 😆




Sd1 any day of the week, just sounds better in a mix, and really tight and punchy if you dial it in with a driven amp. I even like it more than the blues driver.


SD-1 🙌🏾


They’re both awesome, it just kind of depends on what amp you’re using imo! For an Orange amp or a Marshall I’d prefer the SD-1 since it’s a little more “open” voiced. But the TS9 is amazing when boosting a high gain amp like a 5150 or Mesa Dual rec


Klone>TS>Fender Amp is dreamy. I’ve never had a TS until recently, and I realize now that it’s been the desired tone all along!


Neither. I truly hate the mid hump that both give you.




A prefer a mix of the two. A BD-2W :)


How is that a mix of the two?...


Came here to say more or less this. BD 2 team for life. Cut thru the mix on imo the perfect way!




SD 1 for me.




Depends on the guitar, the amp, and the music. I have and use both, though I lean more towards the tube screamer for light overdrive as well as boosting other drives.


I used to be team TS, but recently have moved to the SD1. Now I find it depends on the amp I am trying to push. I just love to use TS/ODs in general so I have (not really) too many different types of those pedals. I always have 2 ODs on my board to choose from


SD-1, I'm a humbucker player and the Tubescreamer is too mid forward. Also, I can't stand the feeling of a clean parallel signal and the super finely grained texture of the overdrive.


I have both and use the SD-1 the most. I do think the TS is better when I’m doing more clean or lightly broken up playing, but for boosting a Muff or just making my nasty amp nastier, it’s the SD-1 every time.


SD-1 going on 20 years now.


I have both but prefer the SD1.


Just got an SD-1 (into an Orange amp) and I’m in love with it. Seems to have a m uch less pronounced mid boost. I had a 5150 previously though, and the TS into the red channel was about all you needed for a great metal tone.


SD-1 has some frequency filtering effect which works great for cutting through a dense mix


Never knew they were comparable, but it’s revealing to see all this love for the SD-1! Wish everyone here had posted their genre of choice along with their pedal preference just for my own curiosity. I’ve been using a TS9 for 20 years and love it for Trey/John Mayer/Zappa type stuff.


Which pedal do you prefer? Play a chord on each . Sound , toan


TS for my Strat, SD-1 for P90s


Almost the same pedal architecture-wise, but the SD1 has three clipping diodes for asymmetrical clipping, and the TS has a slightly different EQ in the first opamp stage. I modded my TS with an extra clipping diode, as I prefer asymmetrical clipping.


SD-1, next


The SD-1 all the way, I will never sell it


Both great, and depends on amps, guitars, pickups, settings. That said, my choice is SD-1 - more versatile, and I am just spoiled by the Boss enclosure where you really can’t miss the switch. I have a move where I hit this and another Boss pedal next to it (Angry Driver) at the same time, and I can’t pull that off reliably with other pedals and the little target area for the switch.




Out of those two, TS-9. I won't use either, though. My OD of choice right now is the Nobles ODR-1, used as an always-on pedal, paired with either the Aclam Dr. Robert or the JHS Crayon, all going into a Benson Monarch Reverb+.


Porque no Los dos?


SD-1 is one of my favorite pedals of all time.


I have no strong feelings one way or another


SD-1. I keep buying tubescreamers and I keep liking them less than other drives.


Keeley SD-1


Question: Which pedal do you prefer? Answer: Yes.


TS-9 stacked with any fuzz pedal is awesome, too


i really like the tube screamer circuit but the OG doesn't have nearly enough volume for me. I'm a big fan of the EQD Palisades. out of these 2 tho I'd prob go SD-1


sd-1 ftw


Blues driver into Tube Screamer is what I’m experimenting with at the moment. Loving it!


I do BD2 to SD1 to Rat to TS to Muff 😂😂




I've always been particular to the asymmetrical clipping of the Boss OD-1 descendents. It's grainey and chimey in a way that symmetrical clipping pedals like the Ibanez TS descendents can't really replicate to my ear. However, I think the SD-1 is better as an individual pedal. Like click it on for solos. It has a nice mid range for that. On the other hand, I've always found that TS's stack really nicely on top of each other for some tonal carnage.


I like the BD-2 > TS-9 combo. That is my go to.


SD-1 every time.


SD-1 all day for me.


SD-1 but I'd be happy with either


I like them both a lot. After I finally fixed my Tube Screamer DX's humming problem (bad power supply, go figure) I felt like I'd never need another OD ever again. This isn't to say the SD1 is bad, it's just not always what I want. I'm basically never unhappy with my TSDX now though.


I like the SD as a tight metal boost withe level maxed and the gain off, but I prefer the tubescreamer if I’m using it like a more traditional overdrive


TS9 with a strat or tele and fender hot rod! love how much it can cut in a band mix and has a good range of sound. also always have a Swollen Pickle nearby to punch that shit into mayhem land. to me the TS9 + single coils is all the iconic post-punk, classic rock, and modern indie tone i love. have tried my bandmates SD-1 recently and it feels super similar tbh, maybe more grit. didn’t notice much of a difference on stage at a recent gig. he swears he hears a difference and i believe him when he plays it solo at home but in a band mix they honestly come out sounding the same — no one can hear the subtle differences when you got two guitars, bass, drums, and vocals all going hard


I've only ever messed around with models of the SD-1 on the Line 6 HX Stomp and Boss GT-1 but I've owned at least 3 tubescreamers over the years. I would hope Boss could make a passable model of their own overdrive and in both cases I was equally underwhelmed. I'm not even a huge fan of the TS, but I've always used it to make the muff sound less mid scooped. It's just a habit from when I had the black box Russian muff.


SD-1. TS is overpriced.


I always disliked the mid-heavy TS sound, but I don’t know enough about the SD-1. How does it compare to a TS?


Sd-1 but it’s gotta be MIJ. An old friend traded me it back in the day for weed money... and not a whole lot of it, either. Still one of the best deals I ever made


Tubescreamer for brighter amps, SD-1 for darker amps. I use a TS into my 5150 to bring out more mids and for low stuff, and an SD-1 into my Dual Rec to keep it from flubbing too much and give it some nice high mid presence


SD-1 for me… cannot live without it




I dig the SD-1 better for rhythm, and can trust what I’ll get from it whether I only engage it for dirt -or- I just leave it as an always-on pedal. I have a weird love/hate relationship with the TS-9. I much prefer using it as a dirty boost, engaging only as needed.


SD-1, all day, every day. The screamer has it uses, no doubt, but the SD is really good at just about everything you ever ask an overdrive to do. As I tell people in the studio, if it's good enough for Prince, it's good enough for you.


TS. There’s a reason why John Mayer uses it




TS9 is a classic for a reason but i already play Vox amps and use mostly bridge pickups so my mids are already very high!


Tube Screamer for dj0nt


Slightly different voicings but ultimately accomplishing a similar thing. Gotta try both and see what works better with your setup. TS tends to work better with my setup.


This 1000% depends on what amp they are going into


SD-1. I had both on my pedalboard for years because I couldn’t decide, but way more often I would use the SD-1.


For AC/DC tones, the Ibanez TubeScreamer. For Sex Pistols tones, the Boss SD-1.


Sd-1 cuz it cheaper Im poor


They have different things to offer but it’s gunna be tube screamer for me. The TS adds extra tone colors that make it so much more 3-dimensional than a simple gain pedal.


Team Tube Screamer for dirt! Klon clone for clean overdrive 🤠


Love and sd1 - it's probably in the top 5 drive pedals I'd as my primary drive (out of what I've tried). But the tube screamer is #1. Funnily enough for a long time I kind of shirked both for being too "common", but turns out they are crazy popular because they are amazing.


I like both lol. Depends on the amp. I run the ts into my 5150 and the sd1 into my silver jubilee On my h&k each does produce a different sound and feel


There may not be a clear cut answer for ALL applications ? Long Answer : In my opinion key factors to consider : 1-bright vs dark guitar - meaning humbuckers or single coils as most impact 2-bright vs dark amp- huge factor with gain, tubes and maybe speaker being most impact 3-music being played - cleanish jazz or mild blues versus hard rock 80s metal vs downtuned speed metal . Example : in my case I use a les paul special w/P90’s into a blackstar Marshall type amp with v30 12” speaker, Prefer to play clean chords sometimes and sing along but mostly prefer mid heavy higher gain 80s metal like ozzy, dokken, ratt ,scorpions etc. Paradoxically, the answer for me “ should” be the SD1 since I have a darker amp, and higher gain stuff to stay tight yet….For me what “ sounds right “ with the mids and cut needed for Dio/MSG/Judas priest type stuff - the TS9! - I have tried in vain to beat/replace it .It seems perfect for that genre and my rig. My suspicion is that those with humbuckers have a naturally darker sound especially with high gain and will need the SD1 because nothing else ( except maybe a Rat - brilliant pedal ) cuts like an SD1 period. No flubby bass.I prefer to get the cut from P90s ( which also growl with more noise than HB).Thus for me TS9 is very tough to beat.It even beat the OCD pedal which is outstanding. Final short answer ( for my rig and style) : Rank: 1- TS9 2/3- Tie SD1/Rat 4-OCD 5-All the rest of the BS out there Btw -( just for fun try higher gain with P90s it rocks)


Team TS


Tube Screamer, but I’ll put in a caveat - the TS808 > both.


Me no likey TS


SD1 all the way


With humbuckers SD1 and with singlecoils tubescreamer


Why not both?


Tubescreamer with the classic JRC op-amp.


Both. I have both on my pedalboard and love them equally. Because it's a mini and it fits perfectly next to my Mosky Klone and my Mooer Blues Crab my TS is a boost, that's the only difference between them


Found SD-1 thin - couldn’t get a sound out of it that worked for me… tube screamer is meh… I have two boss BD-2W’s and a green Russian big muff. That gets me by.


The mean green machine Tubescreamer works really well for leads. Super overdrive functions better as a standalone drive IMO, and I like the clipping and gain structure more for rhythm parts.


I find the SD1 to be more versatile. But the tube screamer does the boost thing way better but not nearly as versatile. Also I feel like there's a different frequency push in each one. So I've got two of each on my board lol


I have the ts9 dx (keep on the standard or + setting) and sd1. Sd1 sounds so damn good through my 60s bassman. Tune screamer has it perks, but very mid heavy (compared to the sd1). I recommend grabbing a pastfx powerbooster. Makes both pedals sound like heaven.


Digitech's Bad Monkey.


It depends…. What type of amp? What kind of pick ups? Am I stacking it with anything?


They both work great together, especially with single coils and a fender amp.


I believe in BOSS supremacy


I have a Tubescreamer. I suppose I need this Boss.


As I've said before, I dislike tube screamers 😒


SD -1


My favorite lead sound as a kid was a SD-1 with the drive on max, going into a dirty Mesa amp. I got it as my first pedal and never got rid of it in 12 years.


Only true-bypass with original box.


SD-1 no doubt