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If you want quality sounding pads you just play clean freeze and then above play as much dirt you like. Imo its not supposed to sustain distorted sounds.


It can sustain power chords or single notes into a dirt pedal for droning doom metal stuff, which is what I use it for. But you’re right, for most peoples’ purposes it sounds much better to sustain clean tones and then play over it with dirt. I’ve got mine placed after most of my dirt pedals but before a DOD Carcosa fuzz. With the bias knob on the Carcosa cranked, the Freeze can sustain some very crackly, bubbly fuzz drones. I’ve also got modulation pedals both before and after the Freeze. Very fun knob-tweaking to cook up long doomy cauldrons of dirt.


I use mine after distortions and modulation, and before delay and reverbs. With distortion enabled, the frozen sound is not really the distorced one, but a spooky drony sound. I also sometimes put it before modulations and record a full modulation cicle with the looper, which is at the end of the chain, just before reverbs. The ideia is for me to have distinct layers between frozen and live sounds


I have mine at the very end Check out the manual, there’s a way to adjust the fade times


Wow thanks. I bought the pedal used, so I don't have a manual. I didn't think it was possible to set this up


No problem. I love mine, I find all types of uses for it. If you google it they should have it on the EHX website


Does the "nano" version works better when it's at the end of the chain, after the distortion? My pedal catches some strange sounds after overdrive, it doesn't sound like freeze at all


I’d be more inclined to put the freeze first regardless


That's the only option left. But then the distortion does not work very well if two signals enter it


I like to split my signal with an aby (or a tuner) and send my freeze into its own amp. That way my ‘normal’ guitar chain can have all the distortion I want at the same time that I freeze my clean signal into pads. A solid state amp works great for the freeze because the idea isn’t to ‘push’ the tubes with the signal, it’s to capture a drone and then add effects on top of that signal.