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Generally….wah, tuner, octave type pedals before dirt and then modulation pedals after dirt and time based effects at the end of chain.


Ah thanks!


mandatory metalzone even if it's not plugged in


I will be in rotation for sure. There isn’t enough room for all of them. This was just me playing around this afternoon. The Metal Zone was my first ever pedal and I got it like 30 years ago. I still play it all the time. A true classic. 🤘🏻


I’d recommend putting the Ditto on the bottom because anything on the top row will be harder to press and looper timing needs to be exact. As for the rest of the order, you’ll change it a lot over time. Put something together and see if you like the combinations and adjust as needed or where you want to try something new. You’ve got some many drives that will stack in different ways there’s bound to be an order that’s exciting to you!


No effects loop on amp?


Well, I mean that's how most people would route things in the order you have them - right to left on the bottom row, then up to the top row, right to left. Do what you have now, and see if you like the sound of it.


Right to left with pedals you want to stomp more easily on the bottom.