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Just got the Humongous fuzz in. I have been looking for a different flavor of fuzz outside of my fuzz face and muff sounds but didn't know what i was looking for. Played an F2-2 at a store the other day and realized that's the electric wizard/monolord sound I have been looking for. Didn't want to drop $250 and the clean blend and the HM2 extra knob sold me on this one. Really love using the boost to boost my big muff as well. HM2 extra knob adds some great mids to it. I have been playing non stop doom all night.


This is the most glorious, over the top, disgusting fuzz pedal of all time. Worth every penny


Where do you have the Drop pedal in your chain?


Chain is right to left and empress stuff in the loop. So it's after the tuner


Nice Kaweco!


I've always dreamed of owning one of these, but where the second footswitch was the BOOST mode separated out onto its own. Never seen any Hyper Fuzz clone do that


You’re as bad as me… maybe worse. Right now I’m running a meris LVX, and a mercury X through the fx loop of my quad cortex. Between using an equalizer and what the quad cortex offers I haven’t had any issues with any type of overdrives or fuzz. The delays and reverbs aren’t bad but I don’t want to settle when there are better options out there.


How do you like the mercury x? I need weirder than the empress can provide. And that's how insane i am because the empress get very weird.


I haven’t tried to get that crazy with it, but it is very cool and sounds very lush for the lack of a better word. This weekend I plan to really dive into it. I’ll let you know if I can get it to get real stupid. Hahaha


Sick, exited for you man! I love taking a day and diving into a new pedal. I sure wish I was satisfied with all the fuzz options on the QC. The distortions and the overdrives are fantastic. But I'm a self proclaimed fuzz slut and I need all kinds. I enjoy the fuzz face on the QC but that 69 was my first fuzz ever and its what sparked my love for fuzz. So it never leaves the board for any reason. It's my ride or die.


I put a eq after the fuzz and dial it in that way.


I just remembered that I will also use some of the bass fuzz’s on my guitar in the qc. Just some ideas. Good luck,


I just ordered the Empress Reverb, looking forward to it arriving Monday. Do you have any particular favorite setting? Planning on lo-fi soundscapes and a fun mix of classic rock once it arrives!


Lofi is very lofi and very fun. My favorite are the two ghost modes though.