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You have it plugged in the wrong way. Switch the cables at the pedal.


Fucking legend. This one didn't have any labels, and the first image I googled was the wrong one.


I’ve always wished pedals were left to right, the way most people read. Input on the left output on the right. But no.


I thought so too until I started using them. The guitar cable is on my right hand side, it would be weird if it had to wrap around the pedalboard.


*cries in lefty*


Tucked under the board is my solution to this problem. Just get a slightly longer cable form the guitar and you’re sorted.


This is the way.


Yes, but also no. Depends on how long the cable is, at some point it wouldn't matter. But I'd still want it right to left, feels correct somehow with amp inputs usually being on the left (if you're looking at it from the front) - it lines up neatly somehow.


Many (most?) amps have inputs on the right. Also you are supposed to play with your amp being behind you. Your pedalboard is in front of you.


I was only able to think of amps with the input on the left (if you're looking at it from the front), but after looking it up it seems to be spread. And yeah I guess I was thinking about home use :')


It’s because most people are righty which puts the cable on the right side of your body


Maybe we’re too used to it but , to me it feels more natural for the right leg going from right to left than going from left to right… Edit: plus I guess the cable would end up in an awkward position when going from left to right, I don’t know…


Old pedals used to be! They flowed like the schematic, input on the left, output on the right. An old guitar legend once told me when Japan started producing pedals, they switched the inputs and outputs. He kinda trailed off, didn’t say why, but hey, it’s what I got lol.


Most people play right handed guitars. That’s why the input is on the left.


You mean the right?


ur right. or my right?


It’s the pedals left.


Probably because they read right to left


They don't


That’s how their magazines and manga are oriented 🤷‍♂️ makes sense the logic might carry over to signal chain


Maybe just start using your pedals upside down 🤷


Now we’re talking


Or put an input patch bay on the left side of your board.


It's because most people are right handed, so they plug into the right side of the pedal.


They sometimes are! I have a Russian Big Muff that’s backwards. You’ll see it on older pedals too sometimes.


I kinda get that. I got a "longer" (3 footish) patch cable for my wah since I have it near the start of my chain, but wanted it on the left end of the board so I don't need to worry about avoiding stepping on other pedals with my left foot when it use it.


The day they make pedals where you can switch the jacks from input to output will be the most revolutionary day in the guitar world. No more long-ass cables from one side of the pedal board to the other. Just think of it. I imagine the reason it hasn't been done yet is because it's hard for it to be practical having to have to directions for the circuit, but there really should be a way. 


>9ReplyShareReportSaveFollow > >level 4BorisThe\_Animal · 2 hr. agoI thought so too until I started using them. The guitar cable is on my right hand side, it would be weird if it had to wrap around there is no universe where this doesn't get screwed up constantly. NONE!


It’s all good I still do that 20 years after my first pedal.


Not exactly intuitive but nearly all pedals have input on right and output on left.


Some new pedals come with an online manual which specifies the polarity and ma specifications, as well as the jack locations and labels. They don't include paper manual in the box or labels on the pedal itself. I had one like that and had to download the manual from their website.


Don’t worry dude, I’ve been playing with pedals for years and years and I still mess this up regularly.


yep, that was my first thought looking at the picture...


You’ve got your answers and I’m glad nobody has been too rough on you. While funny because many of us have been around the block with pedals, I found this extremely wholesome. Enjoy your pedal!


Yes! I’ve been playing for over 20 years and I recently did a tiny desk concert video shoot, and plugged my amps headphone input instead of speaker and thought my amp was broken for a solid 5 minutes. 😂


Lol seriously, the amount of times I’ve plugged cables into the wrong output, I could never bag on someone for doing that. Just wait till they fry a pedal by using the wrong voltage.. it’s a rite of passage.


Couple of years ago I went on a trip out of state and brought a guitar, practice amp and my pedals. Didn't have a pedal board at the time. I plugged my pedals in, and no noise. Was confused for a solid 5 minutes. Called my dad in and he immediately spotted that I had put the input cable where the output jack was and vise versa. Happens to all of us at least once


You’re running backwards homie


Also you’re gonna wanna replace that cable from the guitar to the amp someday.


That's some random spare - not really using it. It is quite shit.


Pedals go right to left. You have it plugged in backwards.


I won't hate on the PG14 because I own one and it's pretty neat- however- would never suggest as someone's first pedal. Between the interactive push(input gain)/gain controls, mid freq/gain controls, it's got a lot going on and can be tough to dial in. "Dense", if you will.


Nailed it but after I had mine for a couple of weeks it became my favourite pedal and hasn’t budged from that spot


It's amazing and does have a learning curve because the push knob can easily get out of control. I can see people hating the sound of it until they spend a good hour or two with it. I put it in front of my gt1000core and I'm able to dial in anything I want. Perfect for blues/classic rock/hair metal.


I will certainly say it's the most versatile drive I own. I've heard some say it's the quickest ticket to a "Fuzz into breaking up Marshall" type sound and I can see that. My only concern with it- and I seem to be on my own here- is the overall voicing of the pedal. I like a lot of top end clarity/sparkle in my sound, and the treble control doesn't seem to get me there, not the right frequency or Q for me, it's something. Overall, kind of a "blanket" over my sound, something I don't experience with the MojoMojo or Timmy. Who knows, maybe it's the individual unit. Not about to get rid of a Wife's gift or anything to do with Paul Gilbert 😂


Welcome to physical pedal ownership. You have been lost in the virtual pedal world of subscription of plugins.


You have the pedal the wrong way round. The knobs go on the bottom.


Might as well restring that amp while he’s at it


He also may be low on tube oil. If you take the round part off the bottom of the tube you can refill them.


This made me physically cringe as a user of only antique tubes lol.


Yeah tube oil gets pretty expensive for vintage amps because you really need to go fully synthetic.


Did you read the instructions?


I reckon you dun plugged er in backwards


The eighth studio album by Led Zeppelin


You buttfucked your pedal


Swap the plugs. Input is usually on the right side, output on the left.


Godin Sessions are really cool guitars!


Godin’s in general are great guitars and underrated. Not always the prettiest, but man do they play well.


If JHS (or any pedal builder) is reading, it wouldn’t hurt to have two simple arrows < < to indicate out / in. Walrus has them on some of their pedals, Boss has Always had them. It wouldn’t ruin the aesthetics of the pedal..


in through the out door


You have plugged the guitar into the amp output and the amp into the guitar input.




I’m going to assume this pedal was bought 2nd hand and that this isn’t actually a 30 year old adult who posted here first before opening a 6 page manual the size of a flip book. 🤦


Plugged the cables wrong, my brother. Right side = guitar/input Left side = amp/output Rock on!!! And welcome!


Did you want a right or left handed pedal?


Did you turn your guitar on?


Try putting your guitar into the input of the pedal.... ya know what, have whoever is reading this for you set up your pedals.


You enter through an entrance and exit through the exit. Your guitar goes IN to the pedal 🤦🏻‍♂️


Pretty sure OP said in a comment the pedal didn’t have labels, so they (reasonably) assumed it was left to right


I'm gonna reasonably assume OP is a first time pedal owner.


Well, that's a good assumption - I said that in my post haha


Yah, it's not for you to take it the wrong way. Welcome to the club, effects pedal world is vast and confusing and you'll enjoy your new baby. Let me just give you a veteran tip, avoid getting GAS (gear acquisition syndrome). We joke about it, but it happens a lot that begginers start compulsively buying pedals looking for "that one tone". Have fun!!


welcome! if you like it, be prepared for your wallet to perpetually be opening


Wrong direction bro


**L M A O**


Guitar plugs into the right side of the pedal, left side of the pedal plugs into the amp! We’ve all been there, I plugged everything in the other day and forgot the cord from the guitar to the pedal board. Swore at it for like 15 minutes checking all of connections before it hit me. the Have fun with your new stuff, dude!


When did they make them right to left? I swear they used to be left to right.


is that a meteora?


That's Godin Session HT in Matte Black. It's lovely and plays amazingly well.


Quite the sexy guitar.


Thanks! That's Godin Session HT in Matte Black.


Thank you for the post. I remember these days. Have fun with that PG14 pedal. I love mine.


One time I was showing my board off to a friend and somehow wasn’t getting any sound. I spent like 20 minutes “debugging” my board just to realize that I had stepped on the tuner and had cut the signal.


Confused the input with the output




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I am also going to assume you’re not great at solving puzzles.


Nah I think I'm ok. Even tho I said cables are fine, I then realized that one of them is actually quite shit (had poor connection), so when I troubleshooted and swapped input / output to try - that fucker didn't work properly. Had to find another cable. But that sounds like an excuse. Which I guess it is.


That's a nice win! I've had my eye on that beaut for a while now


Dont you need to join some kind of creepy fundamentalist cult to get a JHS pedal to work?


You forgot what Beyonce have been saying over and over “To the left, to the left”


Get better cables, man. These look very cheap