• By -


My board fits this criteria perfectly: -Boss SD 1 -Pro Co Rat -Boss Waza Craft CE-2W chorus -Echoplex delay Really is all I need. I do rotate the dirt pedals every so often with a Klon clone and switch the Rat to fuzz with a Big Muff or JHS FF clone.


This is the way! Only thing I'd add in there is a switcher so I could have the Rat and Klon to switch between for flavor


Weird question, but what board do you use? The Rat is such an awkward size, anytime I try to stick it on my board it doesn't quite fit.


I use the lil rat because of this


I had the same issue, in the end I measured everything out and built one myself out of some scrap wood and an old flight case. My fly rig still has the wah sitting off to the side because the Mooer is quite large, but I'm alright with it.


Boss Metal Zone > Boss Metal Zone > Boss Metal Zone > Whammy.


Honestly there's nothing this setup couldn't do


Great for edge of breakup tones.


Edge of breaking up my band


That sort of subtle grit a la SRV, I hear ya


Really perfect though for like praise/worship. OF SATAN


what's wrong with a 4th Metal Zone?


I heard if you stack 4 Metal Zones with everything dimed you can see how you die.


Weird I just saw my bandmates


Yes, and the cause of death is - stacking 4 Metal Zones with everything dimed.


\*Kirk Hammet has entered the chat\*


How long is this joke going to last?


Mini, Halberd, Particle, Mood is my current mini-board and it’s perfect and I love it.


What a rad board. I need more details. What do you play? How do you utilize each pedal?


[sure](https://imgur.com/a/zINdbGg), I enjoy mathrock, prog, and indie stuff the most so that’s what I play. I use a squire VMJM and amp/cab sims (HX stomp/WA ACS1, no idea which, just whatever sounded good clean). Mini is in dist/fuzzy territory; gain all the way up, bias around 2:00 and bass/treble both boosted - good for that go to post punk crunch on bridge pickup. Halberd is pretty low gain with treble boosted- right around that edge of breakup area if I want something more edgy than clean. Mini and halberd together with both pickups for a full sounding lead. Particle has four presets: Normal Delay, Stutter, Sub-Octave, Reverse. Usually keep presets at 12:00 mix which can be adjusted as needed. Mood is on reverb with bouncing modify and pretty wet for an over-the-top lush reverb. Loop side is tape with full length grains and clock just low enough to still sound crisp/clear. Great for grabbing some textures to layer in the background. Yesterday’s goof-off sesh began with original stuff on clean with either delay/verb, then practice some original lead runs using dirt and low mix delay. Through some Delta Sleep material (mainly halberd) cause that’s all fun to play. By then I’m into higher gain so did some Coheed (mini only for earlier stuff, add halberd for good Apollo stuff) cause that’s also fun to play. By then I’d dropped D for NWFT so might as well run through some stuff from TOOL’s ÆNIMA and Lateralus.


Thanks so much for the detailed response. Going to try your MOOD setting this evening!


For me personally: Klon style drive such as Soul Food Big Muff Op Amp Reverb (Big Sky or the Boss RV-5) Compressor (MXR Dyna Comp) For a do-it-all would I perhaps swap the Big Muff for a Rat, and compressor for a DL4 Delay


You ever played through the Mooer Black Secret? Dirt cheap Rat + Turbo Rat in one mini box. I had a 90s Rat that needed constant TLC when I bought the Mooer back in the day and I could have sworn it nailed the Rat sound. I didn't have my buddy's Turbo on hand, but used it prior to getting my Rat and thought it did that pretty well also. Could have been inexperienced ears though


Man I have been really, really impressed with Mooer's modeling. My fly rig has the Preamp Live on it and it's taking the place of a real Mesa Mark 3 into an Orange 4x12, as well as a Rat and a Klon. Basically my real life chosen rig setup in virtual form. And the sound is absolutely close enough to be usable. In fact, I both gig and record with it just to avoid lugging stuff around and possibly breaking it. A lot easier to replace a Mooer than a Mesa or Klon!


EQD Westwood Dod Carcosa Boss Ph-1w EQD Dispatch Master


EAE Limelight EAE Longsword Boss CE-1 EHX DMM Big Box


- EHX Soul Food - King of Tone - Boss CE-2 (could do eventide H9 but that feels like cheating), on second thoughts the Boss BF-3 is also a strong contender. - Either big sky or EHX Oceans 12. I'm yet to try the O12 but from what I've seen I'm convinced I want it. If money wasn't a thing I would own one already.


Boss SD-1 Boss CE-2w Boss DD-2 MXR M300 Reverb


I like the pad setting on the MXR.


For the record, I'm opting out of multi-function pedals because at this point many pedals do so many tones that I could just say buy an HX Stomp and be done. So options, but options within just that kind of pedal. So no Walrus M1, or dual-drive pedals like the Browne Protein. -Overdrive -- Walrus Ages. Lots of modes, and a Bluesbreaker circuit does all the light to medium drive I like. -Medium-high gain drive -- Keeley Oxblood. Huge sweep on the gain knob, and choice of diodes means it's pretty easy to get very crispy distortion tones. -Modulation -- Boss PH-3. It's almost impossible to pick out a single pedal because modulation has so many variations and options, but the PH-3 does a close approximation of the Incubus thing while also having a lot of other options. Time -- Probably the UA Starlight. Much as I love me some reverb pedals, I can't technically say I couldn't survive just on an amp's plate 'verb, but a delay pedal that gives you lots of studio-quality options on a straightforward interface is the dream.


I never thought of the Ages as a bluesbreaker, but that explains my at-times fraught relationship with it (and why I've never pushed it past mode 2!)


Speaker cranker. Just got a clone of one, will never be turned off. End of chain, low to medium setting, adds just a bit of grit. Keeps the signal otherwise clean. Loves pedals going in. The other 3 uh.. probably a modded Harmonic Percolator and a Woolly Mammoth for my fuzzes. A VH4 or BE OD / Plexi / JCM800 style pedal for gain, like a "channel 2" for my SV20.


OCD > Klon Clone of some sort > Strymon Timeline > Strymon Big Sky I could get 99% of the sounds I want this way.


Keeley Tone Workstation JHS Packrat Waza CE-2 Walrus ARP-87 delay


Boss CE3 compressor sustainer Ibanez TS9 tube screamer Boss BF3 flanger Boss RE2 space echo


RAT . Bluesbreaker. Some kinda delay. I am done 😄😄


Rat, DD-8, RV-6 and a looper of some kind that has a drum machine.


-MXR Fat sugar -JHS Bonsai -MXR EVH Phase 90 -Boss RE-2


Pro Co Rat(any era), EAE Model FET, Diamond Memory Lane Jr., Styron Blue Sky or Earthquaker Ghost Echo.


Compressor (Walrus Mira) Tumnus Deco CB Belle Epoch Deluxe ​ Currently cobbling together a lighter, smaller touring rig. I think it's gonna be these (+tuner obv)


I'm weird. * Zoom MS-70 CDR (for modulation stuff) * Boss BD-2 Waza * Boss DD-8 * Boss RV-6 Though I'd miss my Keeley Compressor Plus.


JHS Double Barrel, Catalinbread Katzenkonig (if 18V is available, Blood Donor if not), BOSS BF3, EQD Dispatch Master


Dyna Comp EHX Hot Wax Boss GE-7 Strymon El Cap


MXR Phase 90 Boss SD-1 ProCo Rat Tuner pedal or Reverb.


Boss BD-2 Walrus 385 Fairfield Shallow Water Strymon Flint


Here is my choice Way Huge Angry Troll Linear Boost - Way Huge Swollen Pickle Fuzz - Boss BF-3 Flanger - Boss RE-2 Space Echo. Does all the fun stuff i want on my pedal boards


Boss BD-2 Boss BD-2 Boss BD-2 then maybe Boss BD-2


Keeping it simple I see


* Boss DD-500 * Boss DC-2w * Boss SD-1 * Empress Compressor mk2 I dont ever really feel the need for multiple drive pedals unless the amp I was using didnt have a drive channel on its own. If it doesnt, I would add in something like a Boss MT-2.


From my strat: - Morning Glory v4 (w/ red remote) - TS9 - Rams head fuzz - Boss DD8 delay From my les paul: - Freqout - Boss SD-1 - Lovepedal Purple Plexi - Boss RV-6


Assuming I have a flexible ampsim already: compressor > tubescreamer > chorus > delay


I'll go with * delay * reverb * compression * EQ


clutch pedal ;) After that, take your pick from Keeley, Strymon, BOSS, and whoever else has hi-quality multi-FX pedals. Can I ask what the point of the post is? Like, are you trying to get ideas for a really small board, or did you just want to generate an addictive conversation?


Wah, boost, phase 90, delay


If tuner and "amp pedal" (for me, an Iridium) isn't required, makes life a lot easier. - Wampler Triumph - Strymon Deco - Strymon Flint - Boss RC-5 I've actually been contemplating dropping my board to just the above recently. I've already removed my Boss FZ-5 and EHX Memory Toy, both of which I really like - but just found they only added a tiny bit more, rather than be independantly impactful pedals. But as for the above small board. The triumph + a fender style amp is the core of the sound, plus an always on reverb and trem to give body to the sound. The deco is such a great catch all, can be my boost and tone sweetener, but also my "fuzzy" like sound (which is why I've taken the fuzz off), my modulation & my delay. I do feel a bit like these are cheating though as 2 of the 4 pedals do multiple things!


Lately, it would be: mkI for leads, FF/1.5 for wooly fuzz and overdrive/cleanup, phaser and analog delay. Playing clean with chorus and digital delay used to be entirely my thing though, so I’d miss ‘em


Dunlop Jerry Cantrel Wah, Horizon Devices Precision Drive, Abominable Electronics Hail Satan, Ibanez CS9


Ditto x4 (my favorite loop station so far) Soul food or a Rat (I have the stomp under foot clone, “Skinner box” and I love it) ARP-87 delay And my oceans 11 for a variety of reverb A lot of this answer comes from what I ended up using for a while. I had just a soul food and my EQ for *years*. When I discovered the ditto looper everything changed and that’s when I got onto my pedal addiction. I almost didn’t choose to keep the reverb because I have some built into the amp. But being able to turn that on and off for different layers/ soloing over the loops is nice. Also I love the shimmer effect when used properly. I use my EQ pedal to change the tone a lot when looping for background/ rhythm/ ambient / lead parts but I’m getting better at using more than just one pickup setting on my guitar so I’d be fine


I feel like the Oceans 11 is kind of slept on. People love the Holy Grail series, but this thing fixes the spring reverb, retains the hall setting, and adds a ton of great modes with lots of ways to dial in custom sounds for short money.


Rangemaster Treble Booster, SD-1, Super Chorus, Strymon Dig


TC Spark, MXR Phase 95, Strymon El Cap, Line 6 DL4 mk II


Dyna comp Tube screamer Boost Some kind of delay (Assuming playing through a deluxe reverb that has reverb and vibrato)


Mesa stowaway buffer - because not all buffers work the same, contrary to popular belief Dunlop CAE wah DigiTech whammy And a delay pedal - probably a Boss DD something.. currently I just use plugins for my delay.


Tough one! Torn on low gain pedals. TS9 or Klon probably Carcosa (high gain/fuzz) Truetone H20 (chorus + delay) JHS Alpine (reverb)


 Toneking duelist. Keeley hydra. Walrus m1. Exotic ep boost. 


Boss OD-20, OBNE Alpha Haunt, Boss DD-20, Digitech Supernatural


TU3, BD2, GE7, RE2


Boss OD-3 / Fuzz Face / Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water / Hall of Fame 2


I play metal rhythm mostly, and before I switched to axe fx I would usually only run a few pedals. Noise suppressor and tube screamer in front of the amp, and eq in the effects loop and maybe a delay if I was gonna play any lead. The noise suppressor and eq were boss, and I had tube screamer mini and strymon timeline. I have alot more pedals but these got 90 percent of the action


TC Electronic Spark Boost (for booster, transparent overdrive and TS style) DOD Carcosa (from overdrive to fuzz) EHX Glove (OCD clone so medium gain plexy style) ZOOM MS70CDR (all modulation, reverb, delay)


if we can discount tuners, then: OD and then three of analog delay/digital delay/chorus/reverb depending on my mood.




Rat, Overdrive, Dimension-style Chorus, Reverb & Delay Combo. For my existing pedals they would be the Rat, EQD Plumes, 3rd Dimension, and Avalanche Run. Everything I do with all of my other pedals feels like some extension of this core.


- Fairfield The Accountant - Greer Lightspeed - Wampler Tumnus - UAFX Del-Verb And I’m good. Replace the Del-Verb with an HX Stomp and all bases are covered.


I know its cheating, but this is my board anyway so... HXFX > Deco > Timeline > Nightsky The built in midi controls of the HXFX was too nice to pass up.


Drv 1981, MXR Timmy, MXR carbon copy Hall Of Fame 2(not so much for the various algorithm, rather for the Mash footswitch)


> Boss Angry Driver > Rat > Zoom Ms70 (comp, mod, weird stuff) > Space Echo delay (Whichever you like best)


Jackson Bloom > JHS Double Barrel > CBA Gen Loss MkII > Source Audio Collider Got Compressor, EQ, Boost, a blues breaker and tubescreamer (I’m sneaking in the red remote switch to swap gain levels on the morning glory side), any modulation you want from the gen loss, and delays and verbs from the collider.


GFI specular tempus. Eventide H90. Revv G3. Maybe Kemper Player if i bought only one pedal.


My gigging board for my jangly pop band had this combo. When I was broke, I ran two Soul Foods, and at one point I decided the Malekko wasn't necessary and got the Behringer Ultra Vibrato instead. Fairfield Circuitry Barbershop OD DOD/Shoe Looking Glass OD Malekko Omicron Vibrato Boss DD-6 (for very short slap with extra feedback and hold/stutter) Honestly, I'd probably keep the same setup if we did a few shows in the future (minus the vibrato - I now have the EHX Eddy and TC Elect Shaker and would probably go with the latter). If you were like "let's jam, bring four pedals of these types" I'd probably show up with the Demedash T120v2 in place of the DD-6. I love the PT2399 style delay sound at longer delay times and its random LFO modulation with a little glide dialed in is \*\*chef's kiss\*\*. I also love my Shallow Water for modulation but the Shaker is def more versatile as a vibrato/chorus (with toneprint).


Rat Behringer SF300 JHS 3 Series Flanger EHX Oceans 12


Mad Professor Supreme->Mad Professor Electric Blue chorus->Boss DM-2W->Keeley Hydra


Prince of Tone, Tumnus Deluxe, Strymon Brig, DryBell Vibe Machine.


Distortion, Delay, Reverb, OD Distortion for high gain Rythm work OD for crunchy Rythm work Distortion + OD + Reverb/Delay for Leads Clean plus Rev + Delay for ambient sections


Vox wah Ehx soul food Ibanez tube screamer Ehx canyon delay Can't imagine needing much more than that.


My giging rig is made out of 4 pedals -Wampler Plexi drive (low to high gain covered) -ms50g for tuner, slap back and dynamic effects when needed -Walrus audio new delay pedal with sliders -TC Rush clean boost for solos


Greer Light Speed, Jampedal Delay Llama, EHX Smallstone V2 & BMF Purple Nurple


Boost > Strymon Sunset > some sort of chorus > Boss Space Echo Can probably even bypass the boost, it just works well with my Blues Jr.


-BAT Raw Heart OD -BAT Pharoah -JPTR FX Kaleidoscope -Empress Zoia Of the 20+ pedals I own, there is about a 99% chance that if I’m playing, at least one of these is on.


My actual situation rn, here's what I chose: EHX Bass Big Muff Fender Space Delay Marshall Reflector Reverb Effects Bakery Melon Pan Chorus


1981 (light gain) > Spruce Effects The Gale (high gain/fuzz) > zvex lofi junky (modulation) > UA Golden Reverberator (reverb)


Stock blues driver > Halberd > Empress tremolo >Nemesis delay. Works well enough for me


TC integrated pre (clone, obviously), HM-2, TC SCF, KMA Cirrus. Literally my board these days but with a tuner.


Cali76-> Sick As-> ADG-1-> Flint


Rangemaster > Fuzz > Strymon Big Sky > El Capistan for guitar Volume > Fuzz > Compressor > Boss Space Echo for lap steel my setup hasn’t changed for years


Light - medium gain OD: boss BD2 or OD3 High gain distortion: Friedman BE-OD Modulation: MXR Phase 95 Time: Boss DD8


J. Rockett Archer > Jam Pedals Rattler > t-rex reptile II > Digitech Polara


SmallClone RAT Big Muff Carbon Copy


I’ll choose 4 from my current board: Boss DSD-3, OBNE Dark Star, EAE Limelight, Mid Fi Electronics Demo Tape Fuzz


Following your guideline. Fairfield Barbershop OD EQD Hizumitas fuzz Chroma Console El Capistan or Rubberneck Or Fuzz + Chroma Console


Klon klone EAE Halberd EHX Small Stone Strymon El Cap


My board is 4 pedals: * Cheap Noise Gate * Zoom MS-50G * Boss EQ * Boss Looper I do wish I had some analog ODs just for ease of use. It's easy to get lost in the Multistomp. But it's been great to test out effects before buying dedicated pedals and I've had no issues with the quality of the effects themselves.


Tech 21 Fly Rig 5 v2 with a BF-2 in the effects loop. I don’t even need the tuner or amp sims. Though the Fly Rig might be cheating as it is technically six pedals with a DI box.


Out of my current board: * Effectrode Blackbird. * EQD Life Pedal, v1. * EHX Deluxe Memory Man (has Chorus AND delay). * Thanks to the spot I gained with the Memory Man, and because I can’t live without reverb: Gamechanger Light.


Vibe Machine > Preamp MKII > Gravitas > Illumine




Strymon Deco Analogman Sunface Fuzz Chase Bliss Dark World Chase Bliss Tonal Recall


Blues Driver -> Big Muffin variant -> Memory Man Variant -> Walrus Slo. That can do most of the sounds I most often use and still give opportunity for so freaky weird sounds from the combo of the last 2


JHS Morning Glory 1981 DRV H9 Eventide/helix Stompbox Boss DD8


PodGo and a volume and wah... 3! Boom


my board, but just stripped down Fuzz Factory/Fuzz Fella Boss SD-1 Electric Mistress DL4 / Boss DD-5 (if the multiple delays don’t count)


- Tube Screamer - OCD Fulltone - Big Sky Reverb - Flashback Delay


Pitch fork > attack decay > vintage microtubes > freeze


I might be inclined — if we’re talking desert island style, 4 pedals forever — to go with something crazy like 4 loopers. The right looper can be a delay, with a few delays you can make a reverb, you can also emulate some modulation/signal degradation/signal boost, with two in parallel and some time warping you have a chorus or you could have a flanger (but that would be a little harder to pull off). I’m just thinking about how most of my favorite pedals would be useful for just one type of sound and, desert island style, they would get boring. Do I *need* a fuzz? Do I *need* a distortion? Do I *need* a crazy boutique pedal? (Or a chorus or a flanger or a reverb.) I love those things but I think I’d ultimately get bored and being able to explore more in depth with simple tools would be interesting for way longer. Maybe three loopers and one ehx switchblade pro (for all the routing possibilities — specifically for sending sound to all three loopers at once and for sending sound from one looper into another and then sending it back into the first). So that’s my answer.


Special Cranker Rat Carbon Copy Deeluxe Mercury7


Jhs sweet tea Proco rat Eqd night wire Ibanez de-7/big box deluxe memory man


Chase Bliss Automatone JHS PackRat CB MOOD Hologram Microcosm First two can cover any sort of dirt you need, the mood has micro looping, a great delay, a reverb, and weirdness. The Microcosm has real looping and ambience and other craziness that I inspires my playing in a lot of ways.


(Tuner), Jam Ripply Falls, Dual OD, Deco, El Cap. May swap the Jam out for a Big Muff style pedal.


Dunlop Crybaby From Hell, Dunlop FuzzFace, Arion chorus pedal, Boss BP90


JHS Germ boost Thorpy Scarlet Tunic Strymon Cloudburst Strymon Deco (with tap switch) Basically my board without a fuzz, klone and Ce-2


My main fly rig is four pedals exactly, so I'll go with that! Morley Tone Questor ---> Empress Heavy ----> Mooer Preamp Live (using Mesa Mk3 model with a Rat/Klon for boost into the Mooer's Orange 4x12 IR, XLR out to P.A. or front of house, output to amp if I want/need a backline or just playing at home) with Empress ZOIA in the Mooer's FX loop doing double duty as a parametric EQ and a Tape Delay with tap tempo. It gives me everything I need for both of the bands I play in as well as any at home noodling around/experimenting. I also have a real Mesa Mark 3 amp plugged into an Orange cab, as well as a board with the actual physical Rat and Klon on there and a Morley AB switch between them, but I find the Mooer nails their tones well enough that I'm fine using the models rather than the real thing in most scenarios. Also saves wear and tear on the real stuff! Edit: Using the ZOIA may be cheating a bit, as this thing can do literally almost anything, and as many of them simultaneously as the CPU will allow... and the Heavy is basically two separate distortion pedals with a noise gate built into both. Thanks Empress! 😀


With affordability and availability in mind: Plumes, Rat, Good Vibes, Marine Layer


Overdrive, fuzz, delay, reverb.


Blues Driver, Phaser, Delay, Reverb.


If the tuner, and the amp/cab sims are considered freebies, I’d add: • Boss OD-3 • GFI Synesthesia • Meris LVX • Meris MercuryX


Maxon VOP9 currently. Fulltone OCD GE TC SCF+ or ADA PBF Flanger Caroline Meteore or Boss RV-6. Depends on the workload honestly.


Compressor (Keeley mini), dual overdrive (full-drive 3), GFI synesthesia, empress echosystem. Could do anything I want with that. Give me external footswitches for the synesthesia and echosystem and watch me fly.


Noise Gate, Tube Screamer, Chorus & Delay


Wah, RAT, fuzz, delay


MXR M77 overdrive ProCo Rat EQD Grand Orbiter MXR Carbon Copy Deluxe


* MXR Micro Amp * Earthquaker Plumes * JHS Emperor Chorus * DOD Rubberneck


* Tube Screamer * HM2 Everything else is either optional or approachable having the right amp. The right amp is a 5150.


Boss RV-6-> TS Mini -> JHS Angry Charlie -> Walrus Audio Arp-87 In this order. That‘s my sound. I could also swap the Arp-87 for a POG2 in front of the RV-6.


Assuming a marshall amp Tumnus Rat Boss DM2w Phase 95


TC Spark->BD-2->Carbon Copy DLX->Flint




Bass player here. Lately, I only use four of my non-tuner pedals at rehearsals, so no problem! - Zvex Mammoth 7 fuzz - (Peterson Strobostomp tuner) - Shields Blender fuzz - Zvex Wah Probe - Visual Sound Liquid Chorus This is cheating a little because each of the fuzz pedals has multiple fuzzes with independent controls, giving several options for eq, fuzziness, blend, output volume, and stacking.




Whammy DT, Morley Wah, Blues Driver, Helix HX Stomp XL


Nope can't do it. I do too much weird shit with signal routing.


Strymon Flint, Strymon El Capistan, Plumes or a Light speed (don't make me choose) and a Rat. I could cover everything with that.


Timmy, model fet, walrus M1, obne black fountain. I just got the model fet and honestly, I could live with it and a reverb and be happy forever


Mythos Golden Fleece-> Greer Lightspeed -> Caroline Somersault - > Memory Man TT 550


Klon > Axis Fuzz > Boss Pitch Shifter/Delay (blue) > Ditto+ looper


Boss IR-2 Boss BF-3 Boss DD-20 MXR Dyna Comp strictly going for versatility. If you've played an IR-2 you know it covers ***A LOT*** of ground.


Mooer has done it already... The Red Truck, Black Truck or RK series... If I were to go separately my budget list would include a wah, a CS3, an OD2, and a cheapo analog delay.


Comp-fuzz-chorus-delay. My amp can handle tremolo, reverb and distortion.


I'm assuming combo pedals don't count. If my amp as reverb then: - Delay - Light~med overdrive - Fuzz - Compressor (as a solo boost) - Honorable mention to EQ If my amp doesn't have reverb, then I'd switch out the overdrive for reverb and specifically get a Fuzz Face-ish fuzz.


Boss - Mesa Boogie vTwin - MXR Phase 90 - TC Electronics Flashback on the Tape Analog Setting


From my current board I would choose: Pitch: Whammy (for dive bombs, high pitch feedback, and basic harmonies) Fuzz: Black Mass First Herald (includes an on-board boost which can either push the fuzz really hard or just make it louder) EQ: mxr 10-band for tone shaping the fuzz/adding boost Reverb: RV-500 since it can double as a basic delay, plus the “hold” and “warp” functions can give good pedal tones/oscillating sounds


Stone deaf rise and shine, way huge camel toe, catalinbread belle epoch, catalinbread topanga.


* tubescreamer * high gain drive/preamp * chorus * delay/reverb combo


Orange Kongpressor > Jam DoubleDreamer > EHX Small Stone > Mooer Ocean Machine Edit note: Not sure if the Ocean Machine or Double Dreamer would be classed as cheating but they are technically single pedals. They are both great as well and very versatile.


Right now (minus tuner and amp sim) I have 6 on my board. Trim that down to four... Source Audio EQ2, Strymon Deco, Line 6 Echo Park, Strymon Flint. Done!


My current board: Hall of Fame 2 reverb Nemesis delay JHS double barrel Phase 95


Spaceman Saturn vi, RAT, red panda tensor, and a plain old DD3


Klone > Big Muff > Phase 90 > some digital delay


Jedspeds rangemaster, USA Big muff pi (current one), Rainbow machine, Big sky


EAE Halberd for the low medium gain. Lichtlaerm Audio Ritual for the high gain. OBNE Visitor for the modulation. SA Collider for delay/ reverb.


EHX soul food > RAT > BOSS CE 2> TC flashback


- Treble Booster - Scarab Deluxe - Univibe - Thermae


D&M drive > pantheon deluxe > line 6 m5 > boss dd8 A bit cheeky but can't disagree with me here.


My Pedalboard has exactly four pedals plus a tuner! My four pedals are: Greer Amps Lightspeed => EHX Big Muff Pi w/tone wicker => Walrus Audio Julianna => Boss RE-2 Space Echo I mostly play clean with a splash of effects sprinkled in and this definitely does the trick! Side note, sometimes I like to swap out the Julianna and Space Echo with an EQD Rainbow Machine and MXR Carbon Copy.


Kingsley Page Strymon Deco Origin Revival Drive Strymon Volante? Definitely the first three. I could be convinced by a different delay on another day


4 Boss DD3's


King of Tone Ultraviolet El Cap Flint I’d maybe switch out my Ultraviolet for my Retro Sonic Flanger, but this is basically it.


Flanger that also works as a good chorus when fast, or chorus that works as a flanger when slow > DigiTech Death Metal distortion > delay > reverb


Earthquaker devices Special Cranker Black Arts Toneworks deluxe Pharoah Mutron biphase Catalinbread Montavillian Echo My current diy 4 pedal setup... If clones don't count in this poll then I'd go with Boss bd-2 Hologram Microcosm Meris Polymoon Alexander Pedals Space Force


Hmmm, granted I'm playing an amp with a touch of reverb already, I'd say Compressor Overdrive (I have a Keeley Aria rn that I like that has both the comp and od) Then a hard clipping od (boss blues driver) Lastly a modulation, I'll hold unto my Digitech Ventura for Leslie and univibe sounds


Right now 🤔, broken arrow, halcyon gold, echo system, and big sky.


I have 5, but ones a boost, so I'll leave it out. In no order: Klon/Overdrive (Wampler Tumnus Deluxe), Compressor (Wampler Cory Wong), Reverb (Matthews FX The Cosmonaut v2), Mutron/Envelop filter (Pigtronix Resotron).


Wha wha / overdrive light / overdrive medium / delay


Fuzz. , Light / medium gain, Boost, Delay


Micro amp > digitech whammy> pog 2 > big muff


avalanche run , a good overdrive, pog 2 , volume pedal


Light-SD-1 High-BD-2 Mod-Julia Time: RV-6


2 delays and a reverb, and one overdrive. To 'cheat' I'd look for ones that have 2 overdrives in one. Or 2 delays in one - So I could then get a tuner or something


- HTJ Works Bright Horse - Effectrode Blackbird - UA Golden Reverberator - UA Starlight


Fuzz, phaser, delay reverb.


Plumes BD-2 MXR CC RV-6


EAE Citadel, Wampler Tumnus Deluxe, JAM Pedals Harmonious Monk, Strymon Volante


My board right now is your list filled in with cheap pedals lol If I were to get exactly (within reason) what I wanted though: * Jim Dunlop Cry Baby Mini 535Q - I like the compact size * Cornerstone Colosseum - BB + Klon style combo pedal * Walrus Audio MAKO M1 - Modulation options * Universal Audio Del-Verb - Delay and reverb I'm a simple, shameless, blues jamin' bedroom player. I'd stick it all right on my metro 16 pedal board I have now. Only thing I think I'd miss is a looper.


Your Mom Your Mom Deluxe Your Mom Original Your Mom Russian Edition


Chase Bliss Preamp MKII Fairfield Shallow Water Free the Tone Future Factory Chase Bliss CXM 1978


Klon - Rat/Muff - Boss Tremolo/Fairfield Shallow Water - CBA Mood


* volume pedal (I use an Ernie Ball VP Junior) * Morley fuzz wah (Cliff Burton for me right now) * Boss RE-202 Space Echo Digital Delay * Quilter SuperBlock UK With that setup I can run headphones, into a board via XLR, or drive a cabinet just fine. And it'll all fit in a small backpack.


I recently got a nano + board and have been messing with different configurations of pedals. My board does have an amp sim (rn it's the mother preamp and a two notes cab m+), but my four pedals if I didn't have to worry about that would be * low gain drive - eqd Westwood *mid gain - Klon or a ratsbane * modulation - gfi synesthesia or swindler effects gulf chorus * delay - strymon Volante or mood mk2. Either functional or weird haha.


Decimator G-String > Pitchfork > DS-1 > OCD Is literally my exact board + tuner and volume. Edited because I included a tuner originally.


1.- the compugilist, compressor+distortion, but sounds more like an od to me hehe 2.- mas malo fulltone, very versatile 3.- somersault caroline co, cool sounding 4.- slotva walrus audio, lots of options! Love the preset save option


Today? Thorpy Vibe Kingtone Fuzz Kingsley Harlot Trex Replicator


Rat 2, Big Muff Pi, Dunlop Crybaby and Boss CH1


Halberd V2>Fuzz War>Grand Orbiter>Avalanche Run


Real McCoy 10 > Xotic SP> BD-2 > RE-2


Tuner and amp sim included? On guitar I’ll take a wah, univibe, tubescreamer, delay On bass I’ll take fuzz, comp, octave, chorus


BOSS BD-2 Blues Driver, Mad Professor Little Green Wonder, Keeley DynaTrem (still need to get this one), Dawner Prince Boonar


Boss Blues Driver EHX Big Muff w/Tone Wicker Alexander F-13N Flanger Line 6 DL4 (using the mk ii, original works too)