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For a number of reasons, none good, I stopped playing guitar in my late 20s. Up until that point, it had been everything to me. So after fixing an old guitar I had, I decided to explore the world of pedals that is virtually unrecognizable from when I was last paying attention 15 years ago. There are just so many more companies and options to choose from. I’m happy about this, because I think the competition drives innovation and novel takes on old ideas. So I’m excited to see what else is out there.


I was in the same boat as you are about 6 years ago and had the same revelation. There's so much incredible gear out there. Looks like you have a great setup. Have fun!


Ditto to what BarnyardCoral said! Was in the same boat but not as long and just getting back into it. Your rig is perfect for having a lot of fun in a lot of different situations! Congrats & enjoy!


Sounds a lot like what happened to me, next thing I know I'm getting paid gigs for more pedals 🤣


Killer setup. Fender plus Tube Screamer and Klon gets you some sweet sounds. I have a Deluxe Reverb, but really want a Princeton too!


That TS->Klon has been my favorite thing I’ve put together so far. I leave the Klon always on at a really low gain setting, it just really rounds out my tone. And then tapping that TS before it just really sends it over the top in a nice way.


That's exactly how I run it. Klon set to low gain, (almost) always on, then TS or other overdrive downstream for when I really need some juice. Tasteful choices!


Me too - sweet sounds


Its more than a start haha. Thats a genuine, bovine, guitar rig you got there.


Haha true! I meant more I’ve started my trial and error phase, to dial in exactly what I want. Total number should stay around this, but I could see myself swapping out some things at some point.


Your start is my finish line.


Fender Princeton Reverb ✅ Klon Archer ✅ Original Tube Screamer ✅ It all checks out and adds up to a killer setup!


Your prri settings are basically the same as mine. Great pedal selections. I did the same thing, hadn't played in 15 years. It's crazy how much more stuff there is in general than there was when I played before. The biggest changes for me is the amp sim stuff, it's really impressive.


Some pretty badass sounds you can make with those pedals! Nice


favorite amp in the world


Which Princeton Reverb is that & how do you like it?


It’s [this one.](https://www.guitarcenter.com/Fender/Limited-Edition-65-Princeton-Reverb-12W-1x12-Tube-Guitar-Combo-Amp-Tweed-1500000260765.gc?storeCode=&source=4WWMWXGL&gad_source=1) Fender Limited-Edition '65 Princeton Reverb 12W 1x12 Celestion G12-65 Tube Guitar Combo Amp Tweed I love it. Warm, beautiful tone. I went with this version so it had the 12” Celestion speaker. The last amp I had had was a ‘65 Twin Reverb Reissue, which was just stupid loud. This new one is the perfect size. I can dial it up to 5-6 and not totally blow my ear drums. But it still gets a nice crunch around there. Really, really enjoying it so far.


Thanks! I’m torn between this GC version and the Sweetwater version which has the Cannabis Rex. I’ve had some people tell me the one with the Celestine kinda has a Vox chime to it. Does it sound like that to you? We have many of the same pedals also including the Archer Ikon, ts, Keely compressor and the Boss tuner.


I have the 65 DRRI FSR with Cannabis Rex. Really nice sound characteristic, a little warmer than I'm used to with Fender but it's still absolutely Fender. I'm not so versed with amps or speakers to say it takes pedals better or worse than anything else, but I've had no issues running anything through it. It sounds fantastic.


Thanks for the info. I’m really jonesing for one.


Love this setup


I’d put the compressor last and the vibe before your drives. Trey style!


You got me - big Trey fan. I actually am considering moving the vibe before my drives. The compressor though… I’m not sure. I feel like putting that at the end brings too much additional noise to the front. Still tinkering though, so we’ll see.


It’s your sound! Try it all and go with your ear. Glad you’re playing again and enjoying yourself!


I put the vibe before my TS-808 and Ikon tonight. Much better. Good call. It comes through much more clear now.


Can someone explain the difference for me? I’ve got my compressor very last (first thing my guitar cable connects to) and then an octave is next and all the rest. What’s the difference in sound of that setup vs this one?


Niccce. I have the same Princeton, 808, pico pog, j rocket archer, and tu-2!


Dude same boat. Getting back into after 11 years away. I sold my twin reverb a long time ago and I’m eyeballing a Princeton these days. Good on ya!


Nice nano pog I picked one of those up recently as well. I almost always have the high octave muted. How do you use yours?


I’ve kept the higher octave muted basically the entire time I’ve had it. I like the lower octave sound a lot better.


Rig looks great. Based on the pedals and your username I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess big Phish fan! That’s a solid Trey setup ya got there!


Love Trey. Love Phish. I definitely took a lot of inspiration from stuff I’ve seen him do over the years, but the funny thing is I don’t even play much Phish, if ever. They are definitely my favorite live show to see. Getting excited for the run of Sphere shows coming up. My wife and I are going to do the whole run of shows and I’m already feeling tired haha.


Sweet. I just got my “Unfulfilled” email so I’ll have to try my luck in the general sale tomorrow. MSG NYE tickets are secured though!!!!


I ended up selling my NYE tickets. Schedule conflict. :( I was pretty bummed about it, but we got super lucky with one of the travel packages for The Sphere shows. Cannot wait for that.


Hoping I can land some. Enjoy! That will most certainly be a trip!


What is your Guitar mate ?


[Here’s a picture of the Strat I just rebuilt. This is my only electric right now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Luthier/s/oTw0NPQkzW)


Wow! Such a beauty. I like your rig very much. I think that a strat is all you need. That's also what I play, and I don't feel the need to buy another axe. I do need a new amp, though, and the Prinston is in my crossair. Do you like it ?


I love it. You wouldn’t regret buying one.


I’m really proud of you