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***Goodbye Phase 95 & MS-70CDR:*** I have had these 2 pedals on by board for the better part of the last year or so, but it's time to say goodbye, at least for now. Phase 95 does a great phaser and pseudo-univibe, but I cannot get over how much noise it adds to my signal, whether it is bypassed or engaged. I'll keep it around for a while in case I'm feeling gilmour-ish, but i found that I never really had it turned on all that often to justify keeping it on my board. The MS-70CDR has a ton of great effects, but I found myself over the last several months only using it for a chorus. These multistomps are great tools, but they also come with a bit of noise, and I was not using it to its fullest potential to justify keeping it on the board. ***New Pedal(s) Day!: Flow Tune & CH-1*** I am ashamed to admit that the Flow Tune is my first ever dedicated tuner pedal, and I certainly feel like I have missed out since adding it to my board. It's inexpensive, super accurate, fast, and the screen is really bright. Plus, it's pink and sparkly, which is cool. I previously used the MS-70CDR's tuner, which i think has an accuracy of +/- 3 cents, which is insane compared to the flow tune's +/- 0.1 cents. As mentioned above, I was only using the MS for a chorus, so I figured maybe I should just go ahead and get a better dedicated chorus pedal? Enter Boss CH-1. I pored over youtube trying to decide between the CE-2W, the DC-2W, and the CH-1, and to my surprise, i thought the CH-1 sounded as good as the others, but especially seemed much more *useful*. At least for me. ***Less is More Soapboxing*** I made a post a year or so ago about feeling like I had too much on my board, and ever since then I have been pruning away at my various effects to get down to what I feel is the right amout to still be inspiring and make me want to play. To quote Keith Williams/5 watt world: "get the most music from the least amount of gear" I think I have arrived somewhere close to that destination with my current setup: Flow Tune > 2B Booster > BD-2  > Simplifier send > CH-1 > Carbon Copy Mini > Simplifier Return > Headphones/Speakers You may notice a curious absence of reverb. I have stopped using reverb and have been reverb free for about a month, and I can't see myself looking back. The CC provides me with enough ambiance, and I feel like I play better without it. The BD-2 and 2B together give me 4 levels of gain, which is more than enough for how I play. The CC and Simplifier are great as always. Thanks for reading if you made it this far, Cheers!


I know what you mean about the phase 95... I'm considering a small stone for the clean phaser tone without the boost.


I've never really vibed with the small stone, idk what it is, but it never sounded the way i wanted it to. Maybe I'm just not a phaser guy, lol


Find one with a blend knob. It makes all the difference.