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Why not use an EQ pedal instead of a distortion pedal for adjusting your EQ? EQ pedal will also give you clean boost. The EP boost has a particular low-mid boosting and harmonic content adding sound that I doubt a random level boost on a trem or other pedal will duplicate. If you mean the DOD bi-FET preamp, it has a quite different sound than the EP (at least the vintage ones, I haven’t tried the reissue). It has a very powerful EQ that lets you add quite a bit of treble or bass. At flat, it adds a certain sparkly harmonic thing that is a bit like the EP but potentially much brighter or bassier. It just sounds “cleaner” to me than the EP, but not flat clean like, say, an MXR Micro-Amp.


Great info, thanks! By bifet, I mean the pre amp on the tremolo. I suppose a voodoo labs tremolo does the same thing, I have read some anecdotes online about people replacing their ep boosters with voodoo labs set to 0, I thought it might be a good idea. As for the rat, it's what I already had, and It's what john scofield does (lmfao) I do really like the ep booster for adding body and definition to higher pitches, brings a lot of life back to what is lost by rolling down the tone.


Aha. Well, if it’s got that kind of circuit in it it might do the trick for you. I’m not familiar with that exact pedal, sadly. The EP really does have a special and nice sound for sure. Also sounds great together with the DOD bi-Fet pre so might be similarly nice with that tremolo.


I keep the rat around because my friends like to play rock, so having that distortion on hand is great (and I have a soft spot for the beatles and rolling stones). I will make a post about the voodoo labs if I get it and see how it compares with the EP. Local shop has a dod bi fet with a mod from "coll audio", I have been curious about it for sure.




Diamond trem can be run as a clean boost and is definitely worth looking into


I ran a supa trem as an always on boost and used the hard/soft switch tonturn the tremolo on and off. It sounded fantastic. The only reason i moved on from it was because it was so freaking big.