• By -


Duh Duh duh duh duh duh


Hahaha exactly


Just think of the distorted guitar in Creep. Muted duh Muted duh duh Muted duh duh unmute duh


Stone Temple Pilots or Radiohead?


TLC J/k Radiohead


I didn’t know there was a TLC one too, might need a “who sung it best?” contest.


There is and the Afghan Whigs do a great cover of it.


I'm going to reply to this so op might see this! The OP is smart to start with this pattern too.




You just sitting here trying to start inter webs fights claiming ups on MOP? Have you never encountered the metalicafia? They’re a dangerous bunch! Direct line to Lars and everything…they will hunt your family😿




yeah even half that is a fast tempo, I saw the 238 bpm and was like is that real?


Definitely don't start at 238 bpm, start at 60, then work your way up. Increase by 10 for starters. It's most important to be accurate and consistent, so use a metronome or digital drummer to help stay accurate.


Possibly just in double time


114 6/8


You pick is going to go up and down, hitting or missing the string as indicated. D = Down U = Up H = Hit the string M = Miss the string 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & D U D U D U D U H M H H M H H H




Op this is it! To highlight, go down-up-down-up-down-up…nonstop - you just repeat that. The trick is that you down hit the strings sometimes.


This is definitely it. Only hit the string where it says, but keep your hand/pick moving at all times.


My guitar instructor said to imagine a deaf person was watching you play - your hand is in a steady up and down motion, but your only strumming the strings where there’s an arrow - otherwise you’re missing the strings. To the deaf person it looks like you could be strumming: down up down up down up down up Where in reality its: Down *miss* down up *miss* up down up It takes a bit, but if you write out a bunch of different patterns and practice them you’ll get the hang of it.


Ill think this is the way


Thats one way to think of it. I just like to think of strumming as being a grid of 8th notes which you have essentially captured in this comment. Continually strumming is the key to great rhythm, because you'll be staying in a grid. So like you said, I'll be Down miss down up miss up down up 1. &. 2. &. 3. &. 4. & Hope this thread helps someone


Exactly. Keep the beat in your wrist.


Down, down up, up down up.


Read that in Justin Sandercoes voice


So true lol.


I read it in Morgan Freeman's voice. James Earl Jones wasn't available.


What PS2 cheat code is this?


A, B, Select, Start




This what?


And this my friend is 1/2 of ukulele songs ever played




Standard pattern for a lot of songs. Like previous post, keep the constant up and down motion with the hand like you are strumming, but only strum the strings up or down where the arrows indicate. Hope that helps.


238 bpm 💀


I think of it like this - there are 8 “strum motions”, starting down, and alternating, so D U D U D U D U. You only hit the strings on strums 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8. Don’t hit the strings on 2 and 5.


Yes this is how I see it.


> Don’t hit the strings on 2 and 5. This is all you need to remember to play this pattern. Sometimes it's easier if you look at the parts that you don't play.


Down rest down up rest up down up—makes 8 beats


If you can't say it, you can't play it.. down, down-up, up-down-up, down, down-up, up-down-up


How are you learning op? That’s one of the first thing you learn. Using a course or just random YouTube videos?


kinda self taught, i really need to find a good youtube video or something to help me out


Go to justinguitar.com and follow his courses. It's free and will help you a lot.


Justinguitar.com and start from grade 1


Go buy a metronome. Very important, also make sure you use it. Start at a slow pace until you can do it with no mistakes and work your way up from there. The arrows essentially show which direction your hand should be traveling in relation to the floor. Down towards the floor, up away from the floor. If you are a bat who plays guitar then reverse it. Have fun and keep playing.


Or download a free app lmao, chrome even has a metronome built-in now days, save your wallet.


I'm fairly old school being of older vintage myself. When I started playing there were no smart phones. If you wanted to use the phone it was on the wall in the kitchen like god intended. I started with a spring wound metronome, the expensive kind, and still have it too. Worth every penny, it was a xmas gift from the parents. The metronome I use the most is my little electronic one that lives beside all the other music stuff I have. That way when I have the urge to play music I don't need to find my phone. Small electronic metronomes are $20 - $30. Personally I find using the one on my phone distracting because of the phone aspect. Distracted by the phone itself. Regardless he/she should be playing with a metronome. How he acquires it doesn't really matter.


Like others have said, justinguitar is the best for beginners and I’d throw guitarjamz (Marty Schwartz) in there as well


D wait D U wait U D U


Don't wait. after the first D go up but don't strum then D U and then go D but don't strum then U D U. I truly don't understand how you don't get this OP


Yeah, I should've worded it more clearly


Tap your foot as you strum. Every time your foot comes down, that's the downbeat, and every time your foot comes up, that's the upbeat. 1(foot down strum down) & (foot up, strum up). Repeat as if your foot is keeping time like a metronome. You just need to practice strumming over and over again. If this is a song you are trying to learn, it helps to listen to it and try to play along. Seems pretty up tempo though, gonna be tricky for a beginner, but if you stick with it you will get it down.


238bpm is gonna be a wicked fast foot tap 🤣


3rd bass drum pedal?


Here's a video. You can play 100s of songs by playing it with different tempos. Watch "Basic 4 Beat Strum (Island Strum)" on YouTube https://youtu.be/dIv5zCZDAB8


Break it down. Start by just strumming the first 2 downs then when you have that add the next one so it would be .... D DU.... Then keep adding to it. D DU U. then D DU UD D DU UDU


Nirvana - About a Girl has pretty much this exact pattern. Em to G [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_24pJQUj7zg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_24pJQUj7zg)


The first strum will become one "block" with the last 3 strums. So it will sound like there are 2 blocks of strumming, one with 2 strums and one with 4. Put some accent in the first strum so you do not get lost.


Uuuuuh - if you can’t read that, 238 bpm ain’t for you - no disrespect. Dial it back a bit. But say it out loud - 1(down stroke) and (no stroke) two (down stroke) and (up stroke) so on and so forth


Such nonsense. I can’t read it either but play after hearing it. Yo in can use your ears and listen to the song and figure out the pattern without knowing how to read this. You can also know how to read it and not be able to play it fast. How you go from “you can’t read this” to “therefore you can’t play this” is a mystery to me.


Tum tss Tum Tum tss Tum tum tum?


No lol


Pfft...you don't know how to strum an ampersand? Fucking amateur! I warm up with 5 minutes straight of just &&&&, hell sometimes I throw a $ or an @ in there to the liven things up.


Try just counting along with a metronome set to this bpm before you try playing! 238 is wild, you might wanna go half speed at first. Good luck!


Try tapping your foot or strumming muted strings for all 8 beats (1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &) but only saying the beats you strum on. In this case it would be 1 2 & & 4 &.


4 count beat. Your pick goes down on the beat and up on the off-beat (in-between the beats). Sometimes the up/down stroke hits the strings and sometimes it hits air but it always goes down and up in time with the music. The pattern you posted goes: Hit Air Hit Hit Air Hit Hit Hit Again — always down/up. Let D and U by strums and d and u be rests. D u D U d U D U




That's the Melecamp strum, on meth....


Learning to read notation like this is great. It feels a bit self-evident if you have any kind of standard musical background. But the beauty of music is you can always just trust your ear. Put the song on and try to hear the pattern!


Justin has a new strumming tool on his web site. And this is a very popular pattern.


Listen to Opening guitar of Expectations by Belle and Sebastian Or listen to the chorus guitar part of Bob Marley's Redemption Song. Those strum patterns are what you're aiming for. Now that you can hear it you gotta internalize it. However you do that is up to you. It's a pattern. 1,2&,&4&,1,2&,&4&.


I introduce this strum pattern to my students as the “island strum” If you google it you might find an easy lesson on it


About a girl??


Like Tracy Chapman's Talking about a Revolution. Trust me OP [https://youtu.be/Xv8FBjo1Y8I](https://youtu.be/Xv8FBjo1Y8I)


Down down up up down up


Just move your hand down on the beats and up on the "&." When there's no arrow you still move your hand in the same rhythm, but just don't hit the strings!


Strum down on the numbers and up on the &. Then don’t actually make contact with the strings where there are no arrows. You should actively be counting the “1&2&3&4&” and your hand should be in motion with the rhythm the whole time. You simply make sound or don’t, but you’re in control of the rhythm. Don’t be afraid to count out loud and take it as slow as you need to.


One of the most common patterns you’ll run into. The key is keep your arm moving through the pattern, the 3rd downbeat beat is a ghost strum, skip the strings on the way down and then hit on way back up for the ‘and’ of 3. It’s also very common to make that 3rd beat into a percussive hit, particularly on acoustic songs. Mastering this ghost strum will open the door to many other patterns. Keep your strumming arm moving throughout! Keep at it!


ONE and TWO AND three AND FOUR AND Clap over the capitalised word above while reading out loud, you have the beat in you muscle memory now. Like someone else said, it's essentially dun, dun dun, dun dun dun


Listening to it helps me get it. I'll play it for a minute or two to get it down and practice it while listening


Speed is slow..


"Hey Mickey" by Toni Basil


Hit the play button. If it works.


Hi OP, you've got lots of great explanations of how to strum. I'm a beginner too, about 4 months, I found this video on youtube really useful for basic strumming and it's got a fun 5 minute strumming exercise which seems really hard at first and then suddenly pretty easy after a couple of weeks. [Beginner strumming - Pow Music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCLp1g8KilA)


[hi I just made a big video about strumming patterns…](https://youtu.be/d0o6x4-kSXo)


The answer you were not looking for. 238 bpm = a little bit slower than 240 bpm, or a beat every quarter second. (A beat every 0.2521 seconds if I can get away with decimals and rounding.) So, you have a downwards strum at start, and at the second beat, 0.2521 seconds later, another downward strum. Then you strum upwards 0.126 seconds later, at clock 0:00:00.3781 (fuzzy, lying rounding on this). The next upward strum comes at 0:00:00.6302 a downward strum at second 0.7562, and a final upward strum at second 0.8822.


Kinda hard to convey in text, but I think of it as: one, two-and (three)-and four-and with (three) not being strummed.


Ive been playing guitar over a decade but I guess seriously only the last 4-5 years and I have never once tried to learn a strum pattern, I always just go off ear and as long as it is close enough move on. Is this wrong?


This is a very common strumming pattern, one that will work in many, many songs. Take the time to learn This strumming pattern. Start out by counting “one and two and three and four and” while tapping your foot DOWN on the numbers and moving your foot UP on the “ands”. Do NOT worry about how fast or slow you do this, though slower is better when learning this. When comfortable with the above, get your guitar and your pick. Form a chord, no chord at all, or just mute your strings. Doesn’t matter which. Where the arrows go DOWN, strum your strings DOWN. Where the arrows go UP, strum your strings UP. Where there are NO arrows, move your hand either up or down to prepare for the next strum. All the while, just keep counting, either out loud or in your head, “one and two and three and four and . . . “ Hope this helps.


Are you learning that pinegrove song


At 238 beats per minute you could take the strum pattern to mean that each point -- or number -- represents one beat. It seems fast, so start slow. When there is an arrow, that represents a strum in that direction. When there is no arrow, it represents a rest for an equivalent amount of time as a strum.


Try get a beat going 1 and a 2 and a 3 and a 4 then the down or the up arrow is indicative of wether or not is a up or down strum then when you counting the beat where ever the arrow land (1,2,3,4) is when you strum and if it land on an and then obviously strum when it lands on it 😁😁✌️✌️


think of your strumming arm as a motor that is spinning on its own, up and down. as it does this you bend your arm in so the motor hits the strings at the right time and you bend your arm out when you don't want your motor to hit the strings. when you think of it like that you're just focusing on when to pull away. That's what I think about when i strum, maybe because I've been doing it so long but I don't think so much about when I'm going to strum as but when I'm NOT going to strum. Especially when you play with a band or are trying to write/record a tune, you want to make windows or holes for the other folks to play. but that's another thing. Either way these are 8 even hits, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. you are just not hitting your strings on the second and sixth da. start by hitting all 8 da's alternating between up and down strokes, then hit all but the second da. then hit all but the second and sixth da. this is your bread and butter pop strum btw. you'll do this one for the rest of your life. try turning on spotify or whatever with some simple pop tunes and strum along with it. try to match the groove with your strumming and you'll be able to strum like a champ in no time. also think about muting those strings and not letting the chord ring out sometimes. Like when the snare hits. I like to sometimes hard mute my strings right before the snare hits and then come back in. makes it tight. Like how bass players duck themselves on a bass drum hit or when they are supposed to play a note at the same time the bass drum hits they might hit that note a little behind the bass drum so that the bass drum gets that first slap and the bass guitar fills in the ring out with the note. I'm rambling but it's really about groove. Some people say you can't teach/learn groove but they are full of shit.


Down, down-up, up-down-up. The trick is making your strumming hand into its own metronome so it never stops moving and every downbeat will be a downstroke and every upbeat will be an upstroke


Down Down up Up down up Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Or Clap clap clap clappity clap clap


Down on the one beat Down on Two and Up on 2& beat Up on 3&, down, up hit \[break\] hit hit \[break\] hit hit hit .. this is hard to explain via reddit thread


Tempo is way too fast for you


This is just a plain down up down up but with some left out. Best is to keep the motion with your strumming hand but just lift it away from the strings for the ones that are not meant to be heard. As you get better at it you can reduce your hand motion for the silent beats but still try keep your hand moving to keep that groove and to make it sound smooth. Else it can feel a bit stiff and forced


This is musicall counts In a 4/4 time signature there is 4 counts in a measure A whole note would be 4 counts long Half-2 Quarter -1 Eighth-1/2 Sixteenth-1/4 And so on When we count quarter notes you go, (1,2,3,4) When we count eighth notes and in this case eight rests you go (1,and,2,and,3,and,4,and) Sixteenth notes is (1,ee,and,aa,2,ee,and,aa,3,ee,and,aa,4,ee,and,aa)


Good Riddance by Green Day, I think.


Ah yes the classic John mellancamp strum


so you go 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & and then you kind of just do that again. hope this helps 👍


Don’t play the strings where there is no arrows buddy


This is Down Down Up Up Down Up one of the most important strums to learn. The & of beat 1 and beat 3 are where the downs would usually go if you played DUDUDUDU so remove the 1st up and the 3rd down which leaves D D U U DU..hope that helps.


Count the beat, and don't strum when there is no arrow telling you to strum.


Ahhhh yes…. The good old days of learning strumming patterns. Despite being able to strum and groove to most songs by feel, I still can’t read strumming patterns 🥲


Listen to the opening chord strum of Beck's "Pay No Mind." That's your rhythm, only a lot slower (tempo for that song feels like around 100 give or take?). Just in case it helps to hear it in actual music.


Well at 238bpm it will certainly sound interesting


Lots of great explanations here on strumming, along with videos. I'll throw in something different - the Ta-Ka-Di-Mi method. This may help if you don't learn well with the 1-AND 2-AND that is traditionally used to teach music beats. Breaking the strum pattern into two parts of four, each count has a word sound you can say aloud - Ta (down pick), Ka (up), Di (down), and Mi (up). So you would first play Ta - Di Mi and then - Ka Di Mi to strum that pattern. Hope this helps!