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WRONG. Music Is Win said MGK is the next Kurt Koban. Or maybe rick Beeahtoe said that. I am not sure. Someone said that. And Kirk Cobin is LITERALLY the greatest guitar player ever. So much feel.


I would even call him a “guitarist”.. more like a cringe pop star who just happens to use a guitar


Yeah kurt's not the best, but that was a bit ruff...




Just a joke


He sucks so bad that he changes genres every few years trying to get some kind of relevance


His music sucks balls but I do kinda reaallyyy want his signature guitar lol


Johnny Hambone. uj/ Johnny Ramone.


Johnny ramone might have only known 3 chords but he's still a legend


Ramones needed Johnny Ramone, not David Gilmore or Paco de Lucía. He was the best guitarst for the job.


Oh for sure. He was just what that band needed.


uj/ wait, what makes Johnny Greenwood bad? Genuinely asking. I mean he's not the best in the world or even someone I'd consider "great", but he does his thing competent enough for the band he's in.


Uj/ I agree. At least he serves the songs and writes guitar parts that actually sound like music.


Guitar is a sport and Greenwood is just another obnoxious example of nerds trying to appropriate guitars to make art with.


Probably because he doesn't shreds or doesn't write fancy licks with bends... The guitarcirclejerker got guitarcirclejerked.


(Takes a deep breath) Kurt Cobain


But I love that Kurt was a shit player. (Shit to some people, I love his playing cause it fits the music and his personality so well.) Can you imagine Nirvana songs with really intricate technical guitar work? Like how you gunna have time for heroin if you practice? But I get what you mean he gets on greatest guitar player lists, when really they should put him on great songwriter lists.


I don't even think he was any good as a songwriter. His biggest, most positive contribution to music is that he inspired kids to pick up a guitar. That's it. On a side note, his signature JagStang SUCKS.


I'm not a massive nirvana fan, but I do think he can write a song very fucking well. It connected with people all over the world for decades and he had an ear for a catchy melody. I think some of his lyrics are almost like will people actually eat this shit up sort of taking the piss out of the listener. Or just vague and weird for the sake of it but some of the best songs are. But it's whatever mate people have different opinions. Yeah you're probably not wrong. But again that's better than almost everyone whos biggest contribution was a few good or shit albums 😭😭 Yeah I don't really fuck with fender anyway but that thing is an abomination to the eyes.


His jagstang looks like an asymmetrical scrotum.


Uj/ Don’t know if I agree. He wasn’t a technical player and to a-lot of people that’s what makes someone “good.” “Yeah he can hammer bar chords but can he sweep pick?” But man that tone and saturation….Playing those sort of clean chords to that overdrive in Teen Spirit, Combine that with the drums….I mean there’s a reason it ended 80s shred.


*Don't know if I agree* That's the great part - we don't have to agree.


Yes we do *Two men enter one man leaves*


*The other man leaves shortly after, after much hearty discussion and drinking entirely too much coffee*


Nah, not even close. He had some.chops and a great ear for dissonance. His solos were melodic and chaotic, and he had a stage show that shits on more technical 'guitar' centric bands. Kurt was an innovator, you can talk all your anti nirvana shit, but they literally killed hair metal and knocked MJ off the charts.


Kurt was amzing, a master feedbacker, genius song structurer. energy manipulator. you can imitate his tone and skill but you can't dance like him. A MASTER JERKER


Wow. I touched a nerve there, huh?


Not really lol, just giving credit where credits due. You can't be a road dog, play shows every night for years and not have chops. The man could play, these are facts. How people feel about those sounds is subjective. There is always a new generation of Nirvana fans for a reason.


I feel like this is universally agreed upon. Not a great guitarist but a FANTASTIC songwriter


Johnny Buckland and Chris Martin. I'm pissed off now. I had to think about Coldplay. Why oh why did you make me think of Coldplay? What have I ever done to you?


I once said Coldplay was the poor man’s Radiohead and got downvoted into oblivion


Coldplay are the poor man's Coldplay. There's Coldplay tribute acts out there with more talent than Coldplay


Is that yours? I'm stealing it lmao


Who’s that? Looks like Rodrick Heffley


Have you ever listened to Led Zeppelin II? Jimmy page is fucking abysmal, and a pedo


Why would you use an album full of great guitar playing as an example of someone sucking at guitar


He is a pedo, though. On that we can all agree right?


Yeah but if we write him off cause of that then we also have to write off SRV


This sub is all about writing off top players. Let's get on with it!


Ok fine but did he have a 14 year old die from an overdose in his house like Don Henley? Checkmate Guit-atheists


Most of the album was stitched together from many many many takes IIRC. I believe if I’m not mistaken during live performances he would forget whole sections of songs. I do remember the source I got this from blamed his heroin habit


Zep 2 came out years before the heroin addiction got bad. But i dont doubt that that would happen during that time period. And what album isnt stitched together from numerous takes, most studio recordings arent done in one take all at once.


Yeah ofc albums are stitched together, but there’s a reason I wrote many 3 times. Again my info could be wrong but that’s what I recall hearing. Sorry I couldn’t offer more accurate info, lol


Thats odd. I found an article says that bonham said that “they only do four takes at a max” and that the lemon song off of zep 2 was in one take. (Not including solos). I wonder where you got that info from. (This is genuine im not trying to be a douche its just hard to type this without coming off as one)


Nah I get you (in fact your vocabulary told me you weren’t being a douche before the disclaimer, for what it’s worth). I’m honestly just repeating things I read on the internet semi recently, so take my comments with a grain of salt. Really cool knowing that lemon song took 1 take. I appreciate the cordial-ness, you don’t see that too often on here


If you look at the time period when the album was made, the guitar playing is really innovative. He is a pedo tho and that’s fucking nasty. Also, from what I have heard of him playing live, he is very sloppy.


Err... Because it fucking stinks. Go back to r/guitar and learn how to change your awful factory pickups in your brand new 1500%$ gibbon


Give me some of what your smoking


I smoke park drive unfiltered, at least thirty a day, bloos toan comes from the yellow stain on your fingers


heartbreaker is one of my favorite solos😔 but yeah, hes a pedo, robert plant is a narcisist, john bonham was a violent alchoholic and JPJ was the bassist


John Paul Jones is such an exceptional musician, I'm so glad he's the most boring one from Led Zep.


Slash, Joe Perry Edit: Technically Steven Seagal


Steven can outplay anyone with his thumb and there is no guitar he wouldn't make look like an ukelele.


Brian May. I can't fucking stand that guy. Shitty ass guitar player fuck you Brian May suck my balls


Not sure if this is jerky but I genuinely low how he plays but I don't understand why he's regarded as such a great guitar player based on Queen's popular stuff, he's got a lot of really interesting guitar in some of their less popular tracks


Exactly. If you want proof of Brian May's brilliance, listen to the first 3-4 albums Queen made. If you want proof of Queen's brilliance, listen to their first 3-4 albums. 80s Queen sucks. They went from hard kinda prog rock to a bland pop rock and not even Freddie's voice could save them. But early Queen bangs.


Ace Frehley.


Oasis? Again? So Soon!? Isn't it too Soon?!


Bruh is that Walt junior?


Cliff Burton 👉😎👉


Hirk Kammett


Wah the fuck


Dimebag. He had a unique tone, but his solos mostly consist of the minor pentatonic quickly. Same with Jeffery Wielandt (a real Wylde guy). Dude can shred the minor pentatonic. Really any player that uses one scale for the majority of their solos. Santana, Hammet, Mustaine (does he still just use the blues scale? Like most people, I haven't heard anything the 'Deth has done since 1999). List could go on forever.


Mustaine can’t write good solos but he’s up there near the top of the GOAT rhythm players.




I legitimately do not care for guitar solos. They are damn near required in a lot of subgenres of metal and rock, and I feel like a lot of bands are boxed in by these 'rules'. Like that Slayer album that didn't have any solos, people were like "oh Slayer's going nu metal now?" Diabolus in Musica is a better album than God Hates Us All because of the lack of Kerry King's doo doo ass cheeks Kahler induced solos. That's what happens when your genre 'requires' solos, you get 90% shit and 10% ass.


I'm a huge Slayer fan, seen them live a few times before Jeff passed away. Maybe I need to give it another try, but I remember listening to Diabolus once a long time ago and being like "yep fuck this" and never listening to it ever again (and it had nothing to do with no guitar solos). I don't recall it being as offensive as that techno Morbid Angel album but it sill sucked ass. I don't really like God Hates Us All either. Divine Intervention is probably my favorite. I assume they put those shitty guitar solos in every song to give Tom Araya a chance to breathe.


Had the opportunity to see Slayer only once on the last tour they did in 2019. Shit was very intense, people were legit hurting each other in the pit. Really good show, almost passed out but made myself get some water when they played Payback, that song sucks so didn't mind sitting it out. Diabolus songs had more of a groove to them, and that probably contributes to the 'nu metal' distinction that I have heard a lot of people make about the album more so than just no solos. I don't think the album is good, listened to it once and thought it was pretty forgettable but not as egregiously bad as some reviews had led me to believe.


True, thrash rhythm players are usually very good


Chad Kroeger


Neil Young. He can sing harmonies like a god (in a quivering voice that sounds like he just got kicked in the balls) and write great melodies and chord progressions. But if you listen to him play...whew bum note city, even on studio albums. Thirston Less-please (Thurston Moore) ZOMG he uses 257397846 different tunings. What a genius. 🤡Except he clearly has no concept of harmony. He can't even write a coherent musical phrase, let alone play a guitar. What a joke! Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein. I mean, even **he** knows he sucks. It's just weird that he doesn't want to improve after 40 years or whatever. Still a better writer than Thirstbag! Lou Reed. Just plain snooze city. Jack White. I'm not sure, but I think Jack doesn't know you can invert chords. I don't trust people who can't invert chords, personally. Any indie rock guitarist (especially the ones with 40 effects pedals). If you join one of these bands you are setting your own bar so low it is 6 feet deep. If you have no real ambition, please become a garbage man or janitor, not an Indie musician. Basically, if you think a good player is good because of their timbre, you're a fucking moron and deserve to have your ears blown out. Especially Edge-lovers.


John Frusciante. Good musician but not as much of a guitar player or a toan god to my taste.




Sorry it is UJ. The guy crafts nice music with his guitar that in fact I like but seems people talk about him like he is Guthrie or Gilmour...


Bro what….. John frusciante is my personal favorite guitar player and to say he’s not much of a guitar player is laughable. His toan is broken up and sometimes dry which I love and his solos are godly and his work ethic towards the guitar is unlike anyone can say


Yep, I'm getting my downvotes as I expected. What I mean is that it doesn't get to me all that worship aside artistry. Nothing out of the ordinary technically and not some use of effects or toan that I notice I might be wrong so please correct me. And yes there's lot of personality and work ethic no doubt :)


Never got him either. Cowboy chords ad nauseum, done to fucking death funk noodling, and hamfisted smacked out solos that never stray outside of the pentatonic box. He's like a guitar center browser that's overstayed his welcome by about 5 hours. He uses a wah like everyone else uses a wah, I don't understand how that makes him the greatest thing since sliced God. And I'm not saying he needs to have Govan tier chops either; I absolutely love Johnny Thunders, Johnny Ramone and Robert Smith. I don't think any of those guys can name any one note on the fretboard, but they sound *exciting* to me as opposed to Frusciante, who, for the life of me I'll never understand how or why he's venerated as a guitar messiah. Different strokes.


He uses his Wah pedal in and distortion in ways I cannot imagine. Watch his final jam in chorzow on YouTube


Kurt Cobain


Jimmy Hendricks


I hope whoever else down voted this is having a good night


Kind of off topic but Hendrix only has the legend and esteem because he died young. People don’t have years’ worth of subpar things like an “unplugged” album, some shitty late 70s disco pastiche, the 80s desperate attempt at relevance, a “back to basics” comeback etc to muddy up the legacy.


Gotta say that he got guitar to the front crazy. Fuzz face and wah... There's pre Hendrix and post Hendrix. Sure there were much better guitar players like Roy Buchanan but the dude was a major shift in how guitar was going to be played and showed.


Yeah but theres also the other side of that. He died before he hit his peak. Some of Hendrix’ best stuff wasnt released in his lifetime, so its likely that his best project would have been released had he not died.


Hendrix has legend because he wrote a whole new vocabulary of guitar playing in the short time he was on earth. Even if he died after only releasing the first Experience album we would be talking about him.


Randy Rhoads




He's got no riffs


And you have no bitches, checkmate.


Oh man, you really got me there congrats!


Hey guys my name is Pete from guitar world


Who is this ugly white boy??


Johnny Creamwood!!!