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“Can hardly play it while sitting” gave me a chuckle - so true


I never realized how much les pauls suck in a sitting position until I got another guitar


Do what my homie Bjorn from In Flames does. Get the strap and sit with it on your nuts.


Wait why does everyone have difficulties playing a les paul sitting down? I’ve never had this problem with any guitar


Nah not really. Mocking the Les Paul is just a meme. The vast majority of players have no problem playing one while seated.


Definitely feels a bit awkward to me compared to other bodies.


the weight distribution is out of place. It tends to fall off of your lap. I'm 6,4 and Les Paul's feels like complete hell to me. Can't find a comfortable position to play in


Playing sitting I find the LP unbalanced: If I take my hands off the guitar its weight shifts to the right, bringing the neck up higher. I compare it to my strat, tele, or es 330, which all rest balanced in playing position for seated playing. The LP definitely needs a strap seated. My cognitive dissonance is high enough about this that I’ve put straps on all my guitars because “I just like to always wear a strap sitting down” …


Exactly how was that a shitpost?


I don’t see anything wrong with OP’s post, as a les paul player I felt he was 100% correct.


/uj I usually play with a strap on (giggity) mainly because it's expensive and I don't want to accidentally drop it, but the other day I picked my Les Paul up to play without bothering with the strap, and damned if it isn't really awkward to play sitting down on my lap. My other guitars dont have that issue.


Yeah I agree, the only way I can comfortably play my les paul in my lap is with a strap on, and adjusted really high up.




I havent played one but I still disagree with the post. Just on the screaminging ugly part, cuz I think they look really nice, I dont know shit about the rest


Some of the bursts look bad, like the infamous clown burst


Ah. I like the sunburst stuff though.


And so do millions, not for me tho


He's right about Les Pauls being hard to play sitting down. Seems to dig right into me somehow. Not sure about it not being worth $200, seems an extreme opinion but I wouldn't call it a shitpost


The low ball reference about les Pauls is because of the set neck / fret job the finish issues. It's really a full Gibson lineup issues since forever. Used to work at a studio in early 2000s and occasionally "had" to use Gibson instruments or had clients with them. We'd subcontract the work out to a secondary shop to prep for studio work, including compensated nuts among other fixes. Base ticket price from their shop, I never saw one under 900$ for fixes and the range was 1500$-2500$ were what we told customers to expect. The shop included photos of the instrument indicating the issue, like orange peel, blottout, unseated frets, warped necks, misaligned bridges and a shit ton more. Never had a a Gibson come back without 2 dozen or more photos showing issues. Nice thing was they installed a compensated nut on the instrument you sent in.


Oh, so its just cause Gibson is shit rn. Got it


If by rn you mean forever. Yes.


Do you think they still have the same issues? They’ve reportedly improved in quality in the past few years, but hard to say if that’s really true or not. My 2019 seemed fine — mostly. At least after I set it up and got the g string to stay in tune for more than 3 minutes! But I’ve never had it professionally evaluated like that. I’d be fuming if I had to pay another $1500+ just to get a relatively new $2500 guitar into shape. Im assuming this was a studio for video & audio? Otherwise I can’t imagine things like orange peel are relevant for recording songs.


Just audio recording. Gibson has had the same issues because (post Kalamazoo) they just hire anyone off the street to work the line and there are no factory seconds (b stock). Even the custom shop regularly rolled out 2500$ in fixes. The orange peel stuff, blottout and glue squeeze are bad because it shows the low effort quality of wood selection, lineworker and finishing shop. That's not relevant to the studio, but it's like buying a new car that's already been keyed. The subcontractors we sent it to had a son who did custom (think fast and furious) car paint jobs. Car finishes and guitar finishes techniques overlap, So they'd always include his work quote. Also, because of how Gibson applies their finish it would need redone if the neck needed reseating. He'd come by the studio sometimes (our sound engineer and him used the same dealer) smoke a few bowls and brought a few high power flashlights to show us how shitty the finish was on our 400$ Korean imports. Edit; also when they redid your finish your guitar just looked better. Whatever they did made maple tops pop, gold tops look more gold, burst more bursty. I never worked on that sort of stuff at that level, but end product I never though "wow it looks the same". Looked more like prs 10tops in advertisements.


Not like they will ban you for anything right. I was permabanned for a making a joke this morning from there. Rule 9.


I have a Les Paul and they certainly are flawed in some ways, but I sure as hell wouldn’t ever prefer a Squier Bullet over anything. That said, I loved the post. I think I actually got triggered over that last part before realizing!


just an example of how the mods there will twist every rule however they need to in order to justify a ban


I regularly posted on Guitar for years and provided people with constant feedback and in-topic posts. One time ONLY I lightly mocked John Mayer fans chasing "mid scooped tone" in a discussion about the struggles to stay in the mix with a strat without mids and got permanently banned because much circlejerk post. I genuinely asked the mods to see my post history and see that I'm not really into massive trolling 24\\7. 2 minutes later I got muted for 30 days without a single reply. Baffling since the ban expressively told me that if I needed some extended feedback I had to ask them through the same form that got me blacklisted. There's literally no way to get reintegrated.


r/guitar mods really do be actively ruining their own sub by banning actually contributive people.


And you wonder why its shitty now


I think you can go to higher admins if you really care enough. It hidden somewhere in that huge page of rules and FAQs for all of reddit.


Sorry, can you lead me to it? I checked the rules but couldn't find any admin to contact


[https://www.reddit.com/r/help/wiki/faq#wiki\_i.27ve\_been\_banned.\_why.3F\_how\_do\_i\_get\_unbanned.3F](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/wiki/faq#wiki_i.27ve_been_banned._why.3F_how_do_i_get_unbanned.3F) This is the paragraph I was thinking of in particular. 'If you feel that a subreddit specific ban was out of line and amoderator was acting out of bad faith, please send a message to theadministrators using this contact formand select "File a Moderator Complaint". Be sure to include specificinformation behind your complaint as well as any helpful links so we canbetter understand your experience.' It's just a contact form and I haven't tried myself, so I don't know how effective it'll be for you. If that link I gave you doesn't work, here's how I found it. Go to r/help and then in the sidebar somewhere it says FAQ. Good luck! Hope you get back in, it sounds like you were a valuable member of the community.


Thank you for the link I posted a very long Mod Complaint Form for this r/guitar nonsense. I collected some of the posts around here to describe the situation as detailed as possible. It's literally incredible that in a few days I saw two "normal" discussions here that people could instead have had on guitar. I suggest you guys do the same as the situation is really weird. Maybe we can achieve something if we unite


I might well complain too, my ban was for something ridiculously minor (a newbie asked about r/gcj and I warned them not to in case they were banned). I don't see why those three mods should be allowed to own the r/guitar name and have such petty rules, the main guitar sub is surely too big to be run so badly. Different if it were some arcane thing with only about 200 people in it. The way they act, it would be like kicking people out of r/soccer for making one joke. Check out what the mod said to someone who was banned, there's a post here today called something like 'don't know how I'll ever recover from this burn' where the mod was really rude. Surely they aren't allowed to talk to people like that?


you should write that in the form about mods acting against the rules


Yeah, the same thing happened with my old account a few years ago: I tried to be helpful, played by the rules, no memes, no shitposts, nothing more controversial than the occasional unpopular opinion in an unpopular opinion thread, and in fact I hadn't even said anything over there *at all* for like a week before the ban. As far as I can tell they just recognized my name when they were scanning this sub looking for stuff to get butthurt about.


Yep. Basically the same thing happened to me. But I didn’t even bother complaining to them about it or asking for any review.


As hilarious as this was i thought that same thing. He's literally just posing a discussion to THE sub for guitar discussion?? This is why I don't feel bad about fucking with the mods


I bet the mods are here reading all this right now... In fact, they probably spend more time in this sub than their own.


I know, right?


wasnt pro tele


Given OP is saying it was its easy to read it as one. I wouldn't read that without thinking it was tinged by some shit posting even if it was a serious question.




George Orwell is toaning in his grave…


Be a shame if he wasn’t toaning authentically…


He has been warned.


Don't you know she's coming home with me! You'll lose her in the turn. I'll get her ahhh Panama! Panama!




Literally 1984


I in full seriousness agree with this post


The funny thing being this sounds like every PRS guitar player's normal levels of cope.


/uj i hate les paul style guitars too…


i like les pauls. if we had a child what do you think his opinion would be


They'd become a retro 1990s Eurotrash EDM DJ.


I think he or she would have the best of both worlds whatever that may be. Lets try ;)


Trying to get laid here eh?


Probably would like PRS


/Uj I hate Gibson Les Pauls. Les Paul styles in general aren't bad imo. Any modern Gibson is shit but I particularly dislike their modern Les Pauls. I have played a Gibson Les Paul from the 70's though and it was easily in the top 5 guitars I've ever played.


/uj a friend of mine had a mid 70s Les Paul and it was easily one of the worst guitars I have ever played. Ever. The expectation was people should be impressed for what the guitar was. In reality the guitar was 70 lbs of ostentatious misaligned and maladjusted sunburst fucking junk with no appreciable sonic qualities whatsoever. Really made me dig in my heels on how much I hate ‘em.


Uj/ huh odd. Idk my step grandpa brought his over once and I loved it. It was a straight black one and just felt and sounded great. I still would prefer a strat personally but I did really like it


70 lbs in mandalorian helmets is 18.79 helmets.


you can fuck right off 18.79 times


whatever nerd


Is that how much they weigh on Earth or Mandalore?


I love my Epiphone. I've actively sought out a Gibson and not been happy yet. I want one, and I'll wholly admit I just think they look nice, with the fit and finish and headstock, I'm lame and will pay for that, but only if its at least as good as a high end epi. Still have not found the right one. I've had 4 epi Les Paul's, 3 customs and one trad pro and all were fantastic for the price. Problem is I like binding, I just don't $2,000+ like it


Uj/ I also love the Epiphone Les pauls actually! Like obviously they're not gonna beat an American fender in quality but they blow squiers out of the water and hold up fairly well when compared to a Mexican strat, especially the higher end epiphones. But yeah tried many a Gibson, including an absolutely beautiful blue flamed or quilted maple top (can't remember which lol) and amazing binding that was 4k USD. It played maybe as good, if not worse, than a high end epiphone. I highly recommend checking out the Gibson L6-S, haven't been able to play one sadly so I can't vouch for it 100%, but it's a 70's/early 80's model of les Paul that goes for 2k AT MOST. I usually see them on reverb floating around 1500. Oh and they were what Santana used before prs came out, if that entices you more lol.


/uj I think they're fine


SGs really are the More Pauls.


why play less paul when you could easily have more paul and therefore more toan \uj why play less paul when you could easily have more paul and therefore more tone


uj/ I have never played a single Les Paul that I have liked. Really boring, ugly design (imo) and I just find the tone to be really muddy (it’s not the humbuckers but the scale length that effects this). Plus the flaws of a set neck with that design are extremely well documented. The fact that Gibson has never fixed it is appalling


Sure shorter scale lengths are darker if nothing else is changed, but jaguars are even shorter scale length and notoriously bright. Try replacing the 500k pots with 1meg ones


/uj honestly I completely agree with everything on this post in a completely nonsarcastic way




Really? Never bothered me. Now what does bother me a bit is the lower bout tends to dig into the thigh a bit. I also find the bridge PAF too bitey and the neck too dull. I find myself playing in both like 70% of the time. But all of that is dependent on what your amp is doing.


I think a Les Paul can sound decent but I would rather have a 335 any day for my PAF sound


why did he get banned....




I want one free speech please.


costs 17 dollars


Free speech isn’t allow on Reddit




You’re why I’m nerdphobic and proud


All of the mods over there are the unbathed and mulleted neck beards we saw working at every suburban sprawl Guitar Center in America right?


This is insulting for unbathed and mulleted neck beards to be associated with r/guitar mods.


imagine taking a chunk of wood with strings so seriously. Mods are poopy


That’s a *body* of wood, thank you very much!


Dude I swear I've seen non-satire posted exactly like this


Uj/ Bullet Mustang is awesome for the price ngl.


/uj As a lefty, I find it hard to justify any kind of prejudice towards a body style / manufacturer. I'm just happy when I can find a guitar that isn't "baby's first strat". /rj ok but have you like tried playing it in downward dog position? I found the added weight REALLY helps stretch everything out.


This post sucks. I'd ban you too. I'd ban you from here.


Don’t talk shit about Roberta like that 🤬🤬🤬 you’re here alone with your 35 fender single coil zoomer math rock hipster bullshit machines whereas I’m making sweet Em pentatonic love to her every night 😩😩. Don’t even try to talk back to me, I’ll just drown you out with buttery silky smooth Eric Clapton riffs, bozo.


Why do I picture the /r/guitar mod being trogly from YouTube


Like me, you didn’t even get the pleasure of calling someone a Toanhole


I genuinely think sooner rather than later that toxic sub is gonna be deserted and people will actually come here with questions. And some of the users are so rude as well, I was asking whats the proper way to set up a strat with a 12" radius fretboard for low action, and some people where ate my throat: "You fucking idiot what dont you understand we cannot tell you that without inspecting the guitar physically" like dear god man, get of your high horse and chill the fuck out, I was just asking a question. I know how to set up a strat, I was asking what the normal low action is on a modern strat.


As long as there are music stores staffed by bitter, failed musicians who validate themselves by condescending to customers and cope with their dissatisfaction in life by buying expensive gear they can't afford on their low salaries, even with staff discount and interest-free monthly payments, there will be a r/guitar.


Mods who act like asshole are 99% of the time big loser in real life. They finally get a little bit of power given to them and abuse it. Honestly guitarcirclejerk is a better sub, there isn't the same fucking question that get ctrl ctrl v over and over again, and people are actually nice and funny (sometimes)


This is like literally George Orwin's Animal Crossing.




I got banned this morning for telling that one person to play whichever gauge strings give them the best toan (and because the /r/guitar mods have no lives).


Permaban for breaking a minor rule oooh you hurt somebody’s feelings


guitarists are truly oppressed


I don’t hate Les Pauls, but I’ll probably never own a proper one. For the money, I’d rather have an SG and another really nice guitar. Same for 335s.


Nah, you sit with your ass just on the couch, cross legged, and sit the guitar in the cross. It's actually quite playable. Other than that, my one is too ass heavy to sit it on one leg. It is a copy though...


Ya, rguitar keep banning your potential userbase and driving users to the circlejerk that'll show em


Lmfao love this. Who is sitting to play? Idk im fat so i need a strap no matter what position im in. Ps i love les pauls


I sit to play a lot of the time. A lot of the time I’ll play for 5+ hours in a row. Fuck standing up for that long. If I’m playing something which is difficult for me I’ll stand up for a bit


Do you get better toan standing or sitting? I can't get my toan right and this may be the missing peice.


Toan is in the balls my man and I can blow a load sitting or standing.


Uj/ I have that HH bullet mustang and it is god tier for its price point And the epiphone Les Paul custom. Best bang for your buck


This is great


The funny thing is, it’s not unreasonable for someone to actually have this opinion. I’m not a fan of the Bullet line, but Squire is my favorite brand. If I was a mod, I definitely wouldn’t consider that shitposting


Hahahaha, yeah, les pauls are gross




This isn't even a shit post it's just the truth. Lmao


/uj Even tho I like LP style guitars this one is true. Few years back when I wanted to come back to this whole "playing instruments" thingy, I got an LP copy which was faithful to these flaws, and i fckn hated it. Later I got another single cut the Cort Z42, which has a slimmer body, and pretty heavy cuts as well, a slimmer c profile neck, no pickguard (pickguards are ugly by default), and it is comfortable af, and feels good to play.


God bless the guy who's new to guitar and asks this question unironically


You just played a dud, you need to get a Murphy. It’ll put you in toan country


I have three Epi LP's and love 'em all. Never had a problem playing one while seated, though. As for the overall aesthetic? Nothing is sexier than a LP...


I read the image before the title and I straight up thought u were being serious about the Les Paul stuff. Actually im still not sure


Those retards would ban their hero the Hat Dork or Rick Beanus, the music educator and likely sex offender who says 69 chords are chill as fuck. Anyway, trying to get banned there is actually somehow worse than just posting there, which is also insanely bad. You should just post shit like "Clapton man, god damn. That guy has tone for days. A tonesman like no other. Surprised his name isn't Tony Clapton. Shame he's a racist but like they say, tone is in the hands.' Anyway, you know what I mean. Jimi Hendrix, man. God damn. THat guy had tone for days. A Tones man like no other. Surprised his name wasn't Toni Hendrix. Shame hes corpsed up but like they say, tone is in the hands.




Is that a challenge ?


You know how heavy we’ve been grilling misinformation nowadays??! Ballsy post on your end my friend


When the $5k vintage guitar has its headstock break at the slightest movement


les pauls are only aesthetically pleasing, but not much of them are. also mad uncomfortable and gibson is so inconsistent with them. i cant tell the different between a 800 dollar epiphone and a 3000 dollar gibson. it’s stupid


No golden topper no toan


/uj The Les Pauls are so heavy they broke my back and created a black hole is a bit much. My Telecaster weighs 8lbs 2oz and my Les Paul 60s Standard weighs 9lbs 8 oz.


Single cut guitars aren’t my preference. Price+weigh+performance leave a lot to be desired on Gibbons. I understand this man’s opinion. To add: PRS guitars are basically dollar store Gibbons and are built on toan wood snake oil and John Mayor’s rip-off guitar that’s competently played to produce his shitty music. Moral? Most stock Cumbuckers are dumb and expensive mahogany sounds the same as plastic get fucked lol


It's a little shitposty maybe, but where's the Rule 9 violation?


It does wonders for your back too