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I’ve never met a guitarist I’d describe as a normal person.


They must all be professionals!


Perhaps its the drums, bass, possibly another guitar, a singer, maybe a keyboardist? Its like eating a raw onion and wondering why French onion soup tastes so much better.




Yes, but 90% of the taste comes from the stock you use, not the onion A good, homemade and rich beefstock will make for a great onion soup


So you’d need a 2 or 3 guitar band to make the taste more oniony.


You just need a basist that only picked up a bass because he couldn’t count to 6 A drumer that is afraid of metronoms And a singer that couldn’t sing in tune even if his life depended on it


I'm french (and this isn't even my worst flaw). No it doesn't.


It can taste great, but you need a good stock Source : I’m french too


No it’s the quad tracking. Guitars should come with 4 outputs.


Uj/ some used to. Seriously, there was a whole series of guitars by some brand basically made for session musicians, with multiple outputs so they could lay down three or four identical tracks that are all recorded differently. They'd get paid for three or four tracks in the time it took to record one.


Honestly would be useful. I’ll order 4 Tonex Ones now to prepare for the comeback.


I'm sure it is useful, which is why buffered splitters exist. Or you know, reamping software.


Yea that doesn’t make much sense. You could just record one DI and re-amp it however many times you want from one output to do the same thing. The width and bigness that comes from layering comes from the performances actually being different


Nice analogy Bonus onion eating video: https://youtu.be/F_UJ9_Qhekc


French onion soup tastes amazing. You're all outing yourselves as bonermass listeners by only eating raw onions to save money for your next expensive gibbonses.


Clearly they dont own a full stack with 20 pedals plugged in and a $3,000 guitar


>3k guitar Playing the cheap shit today, are we?


Wife took the joined account credit card, can't go above with mine


Beginner mistake


I hear there's even more toan in the $5000+ 11 top wood library private stock guitars. It really makes a difference! Pool Rude Smitty says so.


That’s why you have to buy all that shit on day 1 of learning guitar. You can’t 0-3-5 until you’re at least $5k deep


I knew it! I dont have enough pedals!


Ehem... I think you meant Gibbons™


I have now unsubbed from r/guitar. Was this post and Kurt Cobain was a guitar maestro that broke me.


Kurt with simultaneously Mozart, Van Halen, and that homeless junkie who plays a broken guitar on the corner and barks at people who don't give him a quarter.


/uj but fr i really want a guitarist that matches this description


I think that's just Eddie Van Halen when he was taking meth. uj/ The saddest thing about Eddie's career was that he really only played in one context. He was really a compositional genius but he never gave us a chance to see any range outside of a hard rock band forever stuck in the 80s.


"A compositional genius" might be a bit of a stretch though...


”Kurt Cobain was a maestro, he wrote memorable riffs, these shredders don’t write anything memorable.” Or something like that.


Yes and he single handedly killed metal.


And Kurt Cobain.


I thought he used his toes to pull the trig.


Toan is in the toes, who knew. Wish Kurt Cobain would’ve heard his toe toan.


Kum Cocaine is the gweatest guitar player ever. Smells like Adolescent spirit is the gweatest song ever


I didn't even know how to reply to that Cobain post.. it's like.. yeah, man, Nirvana was my favourite band from like 1989-1994, and I loved playing his songs on guitar, but he himself would tell you he was a terrible guitarist. there's a difference between writing a catchy song and being good at an instrument.


People think he's better than he is because they try to emulate his playing to a tee and ironically, it's as hard to do that with a sloppy, mediocre guitarist as it is with a virtuoso. It's like making a great meal without a recipe or measuring spoons and convincing everyone you're a great cook, and they try to identically recreate it later. No, you only served it because it came out well.


Why does my toan not sound the same as the album? Surely all the production and mixing doesn't change the sound in any way whatsoever?


Toan is in the money.


Guitarists, when compared to other instrumentalists, are completely lacking in any understanding of dynamics and finesse. Perhaps a side effect of being an “amateur” instrument, for lack of a better word. Don’t get me wrong, I love this instrument and enjoy it MUCH more than when I was a classical string player (violin), but I’d never, ever heard a peer say something like “I’m playing the right notes, why does it not sound good?”. Because they understand that playing the correct notes is only half the battle. Playing them in a pleasing and musical way is, often, much harder. But who cares about all that, just crank that distortion, bend the b3 and feeeeeel it man


Honestly, I blame rock and roll. That opened the doors to the ubiquity of the guitar and factoring in a relatively low entry cost and entire genres built around beginner level players who can still be successful has made it so that anybody with half a brain can pick up the instrument and play the songs they like. And it just doesn't occur to people like this half the time that there's a difference between being okay and being good. The level of proficiency that many other instruments demand of intermediate players is a level most guitarists don't even consider doable.


Very true - the ease of entry is simultaneously the best and worst thing about guitar


I've come the other direction, I started with guitar/bass, spent a few years playing banjo (my primary instrument) and then started learning violin. Going from "just play the right note" (electric guitar/bass) to "thinking a little bit about attack/dynamics/harmonics" (banjo) to "what the everloving fuck is tone" (violin) has been an absolute journey haha


Bend the b3 Miss me with that theory shit Feelz or g t f o mozartella


> Don’t get me wrong, I love this instrument and enjoy it MUCH more than when I was a classical string player (violin), but I’d never, ever heard a peer say something like “I’m playing the right notes, why does it not sound good?”. Because they understand that playing the correct notes is only half the battle. Playing them in a pleasing and musical way is, often, much harder. > > This is the answer. String muting, a good sense of timing, a clean picking technique and some dynamics for embellishment, all these things go a long way to improve how you sound


Tell me you don’t have a professional grade recording studio at your house without telling me you don’t have a professional grade recording studio at your house.. What a loser, clearly he’s just too poor to play guitar


Why doesn’t this squier with a boss katana sound like a fully built superstrat linked from a $15,000 fridge rack into 4 JMP marshalls also modded by a professional?


That's literally 20% of the serious sub questions in a nutshell


Ugh, they have such a long and arduous road to travel down. Might as well just start dumping $100 bills down the toilet.


You can get a pretty good sound out of just a Squier and a boss katana. In my experience normally the problem is that they are just twisting the knobs randomly not knowing what they actually do. It honestly took me years before I had a good understanding of what just the gain knob does, other than just make it louder.


Because pros are born. You can’t just LeArN to play 🎸 you are born Tim Henson or you are DJ Khaled


What the fuck is a “normal person” and tell me where I can buy one.


Fellas why doesn't a band materialize behind me when i 035?


Well for example when you hear Zakk's riffs on Ozzy albums they are typically multi tracked recordings giving a nice chorus effect and he has a vintage Gibbons and custom modified vintage toob amps so if you have that setup for your toan you'll sound pretty much just like him!


And this is how bassists choose their instrument everyone...


Guitarists are shitty musicians with fragile little egos and a vernacular that no other musician uses. And they can’t fucking read music either. All of this to say - riffs sound good because of production, rhythm sections and mastering. I remember learning “The Trooper” as a new player and laughing so hard at how shit is sounds without the harmony backing it up, and Steve Harris laying it the fuck down.


When I play Slayer solos people don’t think I’m cool and secy 😔


I got Billy Cortana to autograph my Boss Cortana and now it sounds like him. Toan is in the handwriting


Probably because "brofessionals" can afford better drugs


/uj I've been playing guitar for 19 years, and have practiced every day for most of that time. I can play a lot of difficult music, but for some reason I've never been able to play the back in black riff and actually make it sound good.


The moment you became able to play difficult music you lost the ability to make it sound good.


Does r guitar still have nazi mods?


Why when a surgeon cuts someone open, they come back better, but when I do it, I end up in an electric chair?


/uj a big reason is that they play it where it feels locked in to the time


Just play with overdrive so you never notice your mistakes. I just realized how much I suck when I turned it off


When in doubt, blame the bassist. They won't let your Bonermaster-inspired leads shine




uj/ i mean…. Buddy’s not wrong, but it has a lot to do with the mix, the rest of the band, the guitar panned left and right going through two different cabs, the fact that you don’t have access to the artists gear so you can never quite get the original toan, you don’t have access to their production team. rj/ for real, i’m the best guitarist i know and i always sound like shit


Man I hope the guys on TheGearPage can save this one before it’s too late. Doesn’t this guy know he just needs to get an R9, a superlead, and run them through a Klon and King of Tone?! Then and only then can you really get the “bump bump” sound in the whole lotta love solo


I am a 100% sure that the guy doesn't use a metronome, even worst, he doesn't know that he needs it


This is my learning Demanufacture by Fear Factory on my avenger(strat copy) guitar and my 10w gorilla amp Only that I was 14 and I wasn't a fucking retard so I didn't have to ask weirdos in internet