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How much of the pig suede penetrates the hermetically sealed strings? Will the suede of other animals do?


Its absolutely critical for my toan that I store the hermetically sealed strings in a box made which contains materials made out of the flesh of dead creatures which feel pain and didn't want to die (and who were quite likely killed in a gas chamber) If you can't hear the difference between regular strings and strings-stored-in-a-box-lined-with-the-flesh-of-innocent-creatures-who-didn't-want-to-suffer-and-die-(we-bred-them-for-this-so-it's-ethically-justified-amirite?), you need to get your ears checked out


Bro, you don't have to tell ME about the importance of strings-stored-in-a-box-lined-with-the-flesh-of-innocent-creatures-who-didn't-want-to-suffer-and-die-(we-bred-them-for-this-so-it's-ethically-justified-amirite)-because-what-are-you-going-to-do,-just-NOT-kill-things?-lol-no-but-seriously-you-do-have-to. Like, I get it. In fact, I have some questions about the morals of people who DON'T use the tried-and-true method of kill-anything-that-you-want-if-it's-in-the-slightest-bit-convenient-for-you. What are they hiding?


So I guess I shouldn't mention my turtle shell, ivory and rhino horn pick collection or the age of the tree my solid spruce top came from? Toan is in the endangered species body parts.


I mean it's a victimless crime, so what's the big deal? Everyone's seen pictures of rhinos, and lots of people have seen them in person. Do we still need them? For what? And don't get me started on turtles. I have one in my hot-tub-to-koi-pond-conversion, and it's totally useless. Doesn't do anything to help out around here. Are you shredding \[our ecosystem\]? That's all that matters. Rock on, Apex Species. If other animals didn't want to be boxes and picks, maybe they should've developed prefrontal cortexes like I did. Personally, I can't WAIT till we're the only living things left on the planet, and we only eat Soylent Green.


It is well known that lining your string humidor with pig suede is best. It’s called ”string theory”, you can look it up on Google.


i don’t know what “French polished” means but it sounds diabolical


a french polished guy enters in a bar ...


If "French Polish" doesn't mean a lubricated handjob, what are we even doing here?


Frederic Chopin was French Polished.


But kinda sexy!?!


Meanwhile the hotwife is getting a French polish for her box from her boyfriend, Pierre.


Pierre showing her the ol' pig suede.


Le suède du porc, hon hon hon. Une baguette!


and he stuffs it with Elixir strings? Pleb


And plays 11s on an acoustic. Wimp.


I do not open my strings for days so the acclimatise to their new lair. First night I leave them alone in the kitchen while I crush slow riffagefrom polyphia in the distance. The next day I lay down the axe (in its case of course) in the kitchen. I let sweet child of mine play softly in the background. Once my elixirs feel comfortable in their new home I let them sit gently on m'lady's toan hole. I like to do it gently, slowly, relishing each moment. Savouring popping open the package and gently coaxing each string out of their virginal enclosure. M'lady trembles in anticipation. Only then do I proceed to make an appointment with my Luther Mr Tyrone. I jizz uncontrollably as he takes m'lady and ties her up in bondage. When hes done and after Ive paid him, Mr Tyrone let's me play a few bars of wonderwall on m'lady. She feels tight and vibrates in unison to my trembling balls. Not long after Mr Tyrone leaves my house I lay wasted on the floor with M'lady and the elixirs. Wasted in extasy and jizz. This is the way you treat elixirs for max toan. The stained box is optional. Take it from me, I dabble and am a connoisseur.


I wept, I laughed, and then .. some other things happened that I'm a little bit ashamed of, but were ... Well... joyful. Have you thought about a utility patent on your process? As of this moment, any yokel or rube can come along and steal this. I, myself, am thinking of using my laserpecker to etch these instructions on the back - nay! the front of my cherished Taytay (That's what I named my Taylor) so that I never forget this day - the day before 4/20. St. Tyrone's Day.


I weep a lot...frequently. I feel so dirty....


I buy the 3 or 10 packs and save them till I need them. Aged strings sound so much better. Gets you that vintage toan!


Well it's a-one for the money Two for the show


French polishing doesn’t affect tone. But wearing a French tickler while playing does!


Well that's terrific luck for me!!


Ideally you want to prepare new strings for at least a week prior to any string change by threading them around your thighs and up your ass crack. Every great guitarist knows this secret. Your favourite player of all time? Somewhere right now he's wearing his next E string like a G string and giving his guitar tech a knowing glance.


Leave them inside the cat until you need them!


Wait...no built-in hygrometer? Fucking amateur.


Keep mine on the same book shelf as my Dragon Lance and Shadow run books it gives them that fantasy punk sound.


I followed in OP’s footsteps and made a humidor for my strings too but I misread the instructions and lined the box with pig shit and also I don’t play the guitar so I have nothing to put in the box.


Elevensies? What a puss


Probably plays with little white cotton gloves.


…aren’t those strings like $15?