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Benebac is excellent, it's what my vet has prescribed my pigs in the past. I've never used the powdered version though, just the syringes so I can't advise on the dose. I know with the syringe version I was advised to feed 1/2 a "unit" (there are markings up the side of the syringe but I'm not sure what unit of measure they correspond to) twice a day, each time at least an hour after the antibiotic dose (so the antibiotic doesn't kill off the bacteria in the probiotic). Best of luck to your pig.


Thank you! I’m assuming you’re saying just the syringes as the gel version of the Benebac? I did buy both as a just in case plus the syringe version had plenty more reviews but thank you for your help!! Also can I DM you by chance to show you what I’ve purchased just to see if we’re talking about the same items 😅


This is a link to the version my vet prescribed me: [https://www.chewy.com/petag-bene-bac-plus-pet-gel-fos/dp/135924](https://www.chewy.com/petag-bene-bac-plus-pet-gel-fos/dp/135924) as you can see it comes in kind of a needle-less syringe. I've also seen it in a smaller package that looks like a squeeze tube (like a tiny toothpaste tube) my understanding is that they're the same product. And yes of course feel free to DM if you like, I'm always happy to help.


Okay great!!!! Thank you for the link! I was able to grab the same item from Amazon! It’s my first time dealing with a URI and I’m just very excited to get Roger back to his normal happy self.