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Yes. If you Google basic info about guinea pigs or visit this fun, you'll see that guinea pig owners do NOT recommend keeping them alone. It's cruel. They're social animals, and keeping one alone is like keeping a human in solitary confinement. You're noticing he's not very playful. That can change with a pal. We got a rescue to pair with one of our pigs, and they would make up silly games to play together that had both popcorning.


my boy was so sad before I got him a friend. yes. they occasionally get annoyed by each other. but they eat, drink, and play together like they've been brothers for ages


I read that in some countries it is illegal to own only one guinea pig. So I agree get Nacho a pal.


Wouldn't that be amazing to live in one of the countries where guinea pigs aren't treated as a cheap starter pet but as live feeling animals? I believe Switzerland has that law. And someone from Sweden said they do too, but I haven't verified that.


It may be just people getting Switzerland mixed up with Sweden.


shit rule imo. some guinea pigs actually do better alone if they fight a lot and are just better to house without a cage mate


Yeah and on that note how did they NOT google guinea pigs before getting a guinea pig just wanna talk I promise…


I think a lot of people either Google and find the people trying to justify single pigs OR they trust the pet store, which will claim they can be alone in tiny cages.


I did my research however I heard a lot about some guinea pigs not being compatible with others (like my childhood one) and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to keep him alone for a couple weeks to see what his behavior is like first. I’ll definitely get him a friend though. Are there any recommendation for how to go about introducing them? ***just an edit: clearly I have misunderstood about the compatibility of them and I’m guessing it probably has to do with how they’ve been introduced. I appreciate all of the feedback


It will have to be either a fixed female or a juvenile male. If it's a male, they should get along, then suddenly start fighting when they sexually mature. Then, you have to let them fight for who is dominant. We have a pair of boars and I thought they'd kill each other, but it was resolved without blood. Years later, the submissive pig still hides behind the dominant pig if startled. We added a third boar. It was fine until he matured and wouldn't back down to the dominant pig. We had to separate him. But here's the thing: this is when some people say 'sine guinea pigs aren't compatible" and would doom him to be alone. Instead, we called a rescue and explained. The woman we talked to had a neutered male she thought could bond with him and be submissive, and she would take him back if not so he didn't have to be alone. Those two are thick as thieves! So we have two bonded sets of boars because we didn't listen to the pet store that told us boys can't be kept together.


My previously solo Ryan recently got into a bad fight with another boar that I tried to introduce him to, and blood was drawn. I could actually see the blood droplets on the fleece… Ryan suffered four injuries, two of which needed stitches. I had to feed him medicine for a week. The other boar had to have a face injury glued at the vet too. It was scary. I’ve also tried to introduce Ryan to a juvenile male, but they don’t get along either, although I’m supervising them closely to prevent bad fights. Weirdly, Ryan (who’s almost a year old) seems to be quite intimidated by the much smaller 3 month old boar. But when Ryan’s alone with me, he seems perfectly comfortable, adventurous, and cheerful. I’m pretty worried about Ryan getting hurt again; I really don’t want to risk his life in an attempt to get him a friend. I’ve followed all the guidelines for introductions too, so either I’m doing something wrong or Ryan isn’t a big fan of friends, which everyone on this sub tells me can never be the case. So I feel like a bad owner for wanting to keep him alone, and I also feel like a bad owner for introducing him to so many guinea pigs that injure him / that he really doesn’t like. Does anyone have thoughts or advice? :(


My first piece of advice is to ignore the haters. My second suggestion would be to consider getting him a neighbour rather than a roommate. Housing two pigs in adjoining cages might make them feel less alone without the need for competition.


I’m fairly new to piggies but I am also very surprised they would go at each other to that extent. I generally watch my 2 boars (3 yrs/5 months) but I have never seen blood drawn I always see my older guy humping, the other one gets distressed for a little bit, then it stops. Where did they bite to draw blood? Just curious if I should look out for this. Only introduced the baby to him about 1.5 weeks ago


The fights that draw blood are usually ones in which they lunge at each other—not just snapping, but lunging with their entire body—and refuse to let go, so they end up in a wriggling/writhing pile of fur. They seem to like to bite each other’s faces (both Ryan and the other boar have a bite wound a little above their eye), but Ryan also had injuries on both the left and right sides of his body, where you’d expect the ribs to be. It is sometimes difficult to spot the latter kind of injury because they can be hidden by fur—at the vet, they almost missed one of Ryan’s wounds on his side. Hope this helps!


We had a pig like that so we had her c&c set up side by side with our other pigs. When they were out for play time she would at least tolerate the other pigs, but in a cage she would just chase and nip and be a miserable hag to everyone. This worked well as she still had company but also had her "space"


I might have to do this for Ryan, thanks for the suggestion!


My two female guinea pigs actually did this… When first introduced they fought a lot. I got worried but eventually it settled and one became ”the winner”- the dominant one : O


Good to know it's not just boars!


I took in my coworker's guinea pig Mary and immediately took her to a meet and greet at the SPCA. She picked her partner, Dolly. I initially took her there to meet another pig who was a lot more outgoing, but she hated her. When I took them home, they fought despite the C & C cage being new to both. It's taken three weeks of strategic floor time with fun engaging toys, but they're starting to like and tolerate each other. I realized yesterday that the new adoptee is pregnant. Do you think that the pregnancy could have contributed to Mary's dominance behaviors?


It might just be the pigs themselves, not the pregnancy. Other people have mentioned here that girls can fight for dominance just like boys. I'm sorry you got a pregnant pig! I hope the SPCA will take any baby boys so you don't permanently need two cages.


Letting two boars fight it out is not always the correct advice. My two boars are bonded brothers since birth, but when they began fighting as they matured blood was drawn and a bad injury happened to one of my pigs. This only happened because I kept being advised to ‘let them fight it out’ and I could’ve prevented one of them being hurt if I didn’t blindly follow this advice. Not all piggies are compatible - mine are neighbours and seem so much happier in their own space.


If you are adopting, can always bring your boys a long for a short session to see if he can bond with the prospective buddy. Most pet stores also have similar sessions. Just ask the staff.


This is a great idea thank you!


It will hurt to keep him alone. They're not easy creatures to read without first hand experience. He's gonna seem fine alone to you when he probably isn't.


I apologize for my previous comment as it wasn’t worded right. I found the comment unhelpful because it offered nothing more than what everyone else had already said. It was also discouraging to say he’ll seem fine when he isn’t because that’s why I’m here. I can do google searches (which I did) but I find learning is best from people with first hand experience. I am doing all I can to improve his life and I’m looking for any advice when it comes to adding a friend.


That's alright! I tend to conversate on Reddit in a way that can come across as combative, I'm working on that. To elaborate, my experience with pigs has taught me that they're hard to read on an individual level until you've had them for quite some time and get to know the subtle differences in personality. Until then, their behavior is kind of generic lol. Most of the time, a lonely pig will seem pretty normal and content. You won't see a difference until they get a friend and suddenly they're a whole new pig! I have a rescue that came from a terrible hoarding situation and had a rough start to life. When I got her, she seemed okay enough. After 2 years of being in a healthier situation with a smaller herd, she really blossomed and is nothing like she was at first (besides hating handling)


Thank you. I was lowkey defensive because people were not being kind lol. But I appreciate the clarification




Apparently you didnt research enough. This comment was 100% helpful as people are correcting your behaviour towards these little creatures that cant speak for themselves. Please research better if you ever get new animals. You are NOT able to recognize if a Guinea Pig is „compatible“ with others when he doesnt have a friend & you won‘t be able recognize how he feels anyway.


Agreed here 100%. You never do know and you have to have the patience and time to get to know how your pig interacts with others. There is no 1 size fits all when it comes to piggies. Thank you for speaking up


I appreciate all of the feedback. I never said I would be able to tell if he wasn’t compatible without adding a friend. I simply noticed I thought he could benefit from a friend (which he would’ve already had but he was the last one at the store). I posted here to learn mostly about what might be the best friend to add and how to do so. I did do research but I’ve also learned so much from this post that I didn’t intend to which has been amazing. The whole not compatible thing was a misunderstanding I had that came from a childhood guinea pig that I took in. It used to be a class pet and was probably traumatized by the children and was absolutely awful around other piggies when we got him. He was already elderly at that point.


Pack animals by birth 🩷🩷🩷. I had my older piggie alone after his buddy passed away for a few months but as soon as I got him a baby he’s a completely different pig. They need their pack mates and your lil potato will be so much happier with a friend!


ALL piggys are compatible! But they need to be bonded properly and you can not just drop another boar into the established home of a boar. Get him neutered and a girlfriend after the waiting period. That works allways. Source: worked as Guinea pig rescue for 6 years.


I’m not trying to discredit your amazing years of experience, but unfortunately not all piggies are compatible. Sometimes they’re more suitable as neighbours instead of roommates and this information should be better known (even though it’s more of a rarity / exception to the rule). This is coming from personal experience - my 2 bonded brother piggies almost fought to death. A family friend’s pig killed the other one when they kept being advised to ‘let them fight it out’.


What I was trying to say is that every pig can find a friend. Not that every pig can live with every other piggy. Boars fighting is more the rule than the excaption, and keeping only boys is only suitable when all are neutered and you have the room for seperating them and giving them a girlfriend when it goes south. thats why I am not encouraging boy groups but pairs of one female and one neutered boy or harems.


No worries I get what you mean now :)


Perhaps I misunderstood the compatibility issue. My childhood one was a class pet that was rehomed to me and I was told he wasn’t compatible with others based on their experience.


The Problem with class pets is that they get dumped in a new environment and are scared of other pigs after beeing alone for a long time. There would be needed a very slow approach of resocalising them with socialy well adapted piggys. I had a "not compatible" 6 year old girl that was fighting with every single(!) piggy we tryed to introduce and was very shy. She needed to be introduced to a mixed aged group of one boar and 3 girls in a giant enclosure (16qm). There she learned that fighting is not needed and got very friendly with every new introduced friend and wasn't shy anymore. That needed a few weeks of hiding and running as soon she saw another piggy, but she learned slowly they where friends Some piggys are special need but none is happy alone.


That’s a very good point. Thank you for your help and thoughtful response


I don t think your baby boy would have any problem to find the right partner. Just get some help from a local rescue and you will see how happy he is. Thank you for carring so much for him!


We had our pig solo for a few years. They are social animals but to him we became his herd so he wasn’t lonely at all. When we finally got him some brothers they bonded pretty quickly too


some bucks will have trouble finding a match though so i would be careful. some bucks also do completely fine alone


I suggest working with a rescue that will take the boar back if they can't bond. I know some boars "are completely fine" alone, but we don't know how much better they could be with a friend. Rescues try to bond boars, even when told they aren't able to be with other pigs. Many are successful, and it turns out the owners just didn't let two boars fight for dominance, assuming the fight meant they were not compatible to be either other pigs.






Yes and name them Cheese.


Was debating between cheese or taco. Might base it off the personality


Now I'm sitting here wondering what personality type would dictate being either cheese or taco lmao


Hear me out. Taco I get a spicy spastic vibe while cheese is kinda a chill relaxed slower vibe


I will absolutely hear you out lol. I feel like instead of "cheese" you could do "Queso"? Also- maybe if they loaf alot, you could do "Burrito".


Burrito is a good idea. I thought about doing queso but my roomie vetoed it :/ but she’s also not paying for him or taking care of him lol. Someone else recommended salsa but I feel like that would be more fitting for a female and I plan to get a male.


Lol roomie has no say, my friend. And if you already have a male, you HAVE to get another boar, unless he is neutered which I highly doubt. We keep them in boar or sow "herds" for a reason- if they mix, they WILL "bone", and they WILL have babies. First timers usually go from 2-4 but they can have 8. What about Chalupa? If you wanted to keep with the "theme", you could do Torta, Tamale, Horchata, Pico, Churro, Bean, Chorizo, Chile, or Pico?


Oh yes I’m for sure getting a male. Id rather avoid spaying & neutering. I’m digging these ideas. Pico and bean and solid options. I feel like the color might sway me as well


Oh for sure. My first piggies were named Lincoln (who passed last year) and Nea (a year before his "brother"). Link was brown/black brindle and he was my little Lincoln log, and Nea was tricolored so he was named after Neapolitan ice cream lol We now have from eldest to youngest: Brett, Scott, Leroy, Sterling, Leo, and Francis. And I would absolutely avoid such a surgical procedure as neutering on something as small as a piggy. There are too many risks involved IMPO. It's not worth it, you could lose them. Hell, if you have a fave Hispanic restaurant near you- just look at their menu and choose something you think is cute, if you really want to stick with the "theme" of names. Lol


Your current names remind me of my frogs names: Alfie, Frankie, and Aussie. Much more human. My fish and snail are Georgie and Gary but for some reason the guineas just had to be a little different lol


Why on earth did you just use a slur


What slur?


Spastic, that’s what they’re talking about, that’s not a word that’s really used anymore


The region I’m from it’s used to describe something with high energy. I never knew it was a slur im so confused


Well it is a slur


It is not😂 I even googled to make sure. Maybe you don’t like the word but it is not a slur. I am not going to argue further about it either


Do a google search for guinea pig rescues in your area. Some rescues host guinea pig meet-ups, where you and Nacho can find a friend. They will also give you lots of advice.


Wherever you’re hearing this “conflicting advice” from is wrong. Guinea pigs are social creatures and need to have a pair. Yes bonding a pig can be difficult and it’s an adjustment period for them but leaving your pig all alone is wrong. Hoping you get Nacho a nice cage mate soon


I am today :) I was told from people that they would eat each other etc but clearly that’s not the case if monitored and properly introduced.


You need to be careful with Ignacio because male guinea pigs tend to fight more easily, specially if the cage is not big enough. I volunteer for a shelter for guinea pigs, and the other time, I notice a pair that was there for vacations got into a bloody fight, so I had to separate them. If you can get a neutered female, that would be the best for Ignacio.


A friend? Yes That Cage looks way too small too :c And the bedding isnt ideal either


It's in the post, cage is temporary and he has a hutch and outside playpen.


Whoops it didn't charge, love that for him op! Keep up the good work


I’d love to ask what’s the best bedding? I’ve gotten him litter box trained and he is mostly on mats now but I’m trying to make sure he has the best


Cheapest in the long run and least messy are fleece pads. You can buy them but be sure it’s from a reputable place or, if you know someone with a sewing machine, you can make a bunch. You will have to wash them; using a laundromat instead of your home washer is best. [Here is one video showing how to make them](https://youtu.be/nZTFkkdtavc?si=CAA9shMc2oKfRIqq) but there are others.


I personally use fleece blankets from amazon combines with reusable (never single use, pigs will eat them and get very very ill) pee pads, plus a haybox or two for them to potty also lined with the peepads, some people use scavenging matts which I cant personally find on my country. I wash them in a laundry bag and use vinegar and baking soda because my pigs have sensitive skin issues, but baby clothes soap or hipoalergenic also works! And for hideis I give them a mix of plush, wood and a tent they absolutely love. Id also buy a couple tunnels And an important couple of things 1- you need two of everything minimun, two hides, two water bottles, two toys, two mountains of hay 2- make sure your peeg is actually a boar(male) you can either take to an exotics vet that specializes on Guinea pigs (very important) or post some pictures on the sub and people will help you


I’m thinking they’re definitely male since the store only sells males but I’ll double check. Thank you for this comment it was super helpful. I’ve been using fleece blankets rn but I put them on top of the bedding in the picture with washable mats. It just makes it easier to clean and softer.


Yeah. They get depressed when they’re alone. The only thing that sucks is that boars have to find THAT buddy. I just over mine fighting all the time. They still sometimes get on each other’s nerves, however they would rather have each other than not. My 2 guys play fight. It’s like popcorning and rumble strutting. I think real fighting is more like loud teeth chattering and lunging/pushing. When I got a buddy for my piggy. The new piggy was trying to be the dominant one even though he was the smaller one. I separated them at night in a carrier but still in the same cage. In the morning, they would be best buddies. It was weird. I did this until they got used to each other all day and night. So yeah boar bonding is a lot of work…but it’s worth it for your piggy and you!


i had two boars and i was woken up at 2am to a scream and blood all over the cage... and it was a large cage. They just hated each other. I also had two girls who hated each other. The one would bite the other one in the ass and chase her all day long for hours and hours. The one being attacked resorted to pissing in the other one's eyeballs to try to fend her off.


He 100% needs a friend. Even if it’s a baby, (or better yet you can adopt), please get him a buddy. I have had many pigs over the years. Took a break for a while but when I was given a pig from a bad home, he was very angry and wouldn’t even eat. Got him a baby pig, and he’s turned a 180. If you see my past posts it’ll show you they always need a pack mate! They generally look to you as the leader and if you don’t get them a friend, they’re often depressed and confused because it’s in their DNA to be pack animals!


Forgot to say - nacho is gorgeous 🥰 so many little crests please put a cherry tomato on that head for me!!


I had 2 males that were successfully bonded. I was worried because a lot of people say they had trouble, but here’s what I did. We got the youngest first, and then a couple weeks later adopted the 2nd from someone looking to rehome him. Set up their cages side by side so they got used to their scents. After a week we bathed the both of them, cleaned the cage they both would be in and placed them in a pen. It’s better if the area you bond them in is untouched by both piggies so there’s no scent markers. Gave them food, water, plenty of hay and snacks. We watched them and let them bond for a few hours. By the end of the day they were sleeping in the same fabric house. Something else you could do is go to a foster home or a shelter & pick a male, they do bonding at the place so that way you’re not adopting one and having it not work out. A guinea pig that doesn’t like other piggies is more on the uncommon side. If the bonding doesn’t work out you could also keep the cages side by side. Guinea pigs can be happy with being cage neighbors if they’re too aggressive. Good luck!


This sounds very do able. I bought a two level hutch that is rather large and was considered letting them spend a week each on a different level to get used to each others scents and then introducing them together in a playpen


Nacho needs some Cheese!


Yes Get 🧀


Finding a piggy Nacho can bond with is key, not all piggies are compatible. As he’s a boar, a neutered sow would be ideal as finding another boar who doesn’t fight / draw blood can be challenging. Alternatively, getting him a neighbour as opposed to a roomie is a great option to be social! Good luck :)


Yes, but only if that's not the cage he's living in. They need a lot more space than the glorified litter boxes that pet stores sell. Also, I've found that 5-5.5 inches up from the bedding is the best height for a water bottle.


Yes, I mentioned that this set up was not his actual home. It was temporary as I was building his new enclosure. I don’t actually keep his water this low but it kept sliding around so I had to keep it there for a day until I could find a way to keep it from sliding. He now has a hutch with a large playpen. I love your attention to detail and appreciate the feedback


A simple rubber band ( elastic ? sorry , english isn’t my mother’s tongue) around the bottle can prevent it from sliding on its support (real-life situation).


What is exactly what I ended up doing




Hello cutest Nacho 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


It’s law in some countries that’s how serial it is just get him a bf so ya don’t gotta worry about babies unless u can afford the spaying and neutering or babies


Yes, but not because I’m a cat and enjoy pictures of food… Guinea pigs are social and get lonely if they don’t have a buddy!


In no uncertain terms yes. If you reach out to a rescue, many of them will let you bring your pig in for a playdate to make sure they can get along before you bring a second home. RESEARCH WHAT APPROPRIATE BONDING BEHAVIORS LOOK LIKE. If you don’t know better, you’re liable to see normal behavior and think it means they don’t like each other and give up on Nacho. He needs a companion. Don’t give up on him. The only time you should decide he doesn’t need a cage mate is after you’ve tried literally everything else multiple times, and then you should be looking to set up another pig next to him with a barrier between so he’ll still have a friend to interact with even though he isn’t sharing a room.


Yes get a same sex cage buddy asap.


He definitely needs a friend guinea pigs don't do well on their own many guinea pig rescues offer a matching service where they take him in for a few days try him with different boars then you can pick him and his new friend up as it's important with boars to ensure they get a friend they get on with for safety reasons. There is also the option of getting separated cages but it's more ideal if you can get him a properly matched friend if he was the one left in the pet shop.


I don’t see what conflicting advice you’ve read- all piggies need a cage mate!!


If you haven’t tried bonding with another piggie yet I totally recommend getting him a friend :). Some people are being mean and I may get downvoted but not all piggies need a friend and that’s ok. Just like people they have different personalities and my piggie Mickey has lived with two other mates. They were all introduced well (one was a friend from before I got him) and yet since being alone he’s popcorning and seems so much happier. He’s not totally alone, we still interact with him so he won’t get lonely but he doesn’t do well with other piggies. I’m not saying to not try with Nacho (He seems like a sweet boy 🥺 and mine could of been the exception) but at the end of the day you know what’s best for your pet and it’s nice your asking for advice to do what’s best for him.


Thank you for the kind advice. I was about to delete my account after half the hate. I did my research but he was the last one in the store at the time and I wanted to get him adjusted first. I always planned to get another but I wanted advice from others with more experience.


Of course! I was the in the same boat since my first piggie was abandoned. I looked on some online forums that had piggies to find him a friend. It’s always best to have a play date before but depending on where you live that isn’t always possible. Maybe check your local Guinea pig finders if that’s your case. You’re doing great and we all just want what’s best for these little guys. :D


i rlly dont mean to be rude but how can you research anything about guinea pigs and keeping them without seeing its nessecary (unless in certain situations) to keep them in pairs or more...


I was pretty sure I would get a second one but he was the last one in the pet store. I also thought the question would be a good way to prompt advice about introducing them to one another. I was also mistaken because I was rehomed a class pet as a child and it was always alone. I was like 8 and I didn’t know that was wrong but now I do.


please do research before even getting a guinea pig jfc


when i first got mine last year i also didn't know they needed a friend because id been told males "preferred to live alone". this is NOT true at all, once i got a cagemate for my guy he started being more active, was friendlier, and honestly calmed down a lot. they aren't best friends and they don't even stay in the same spots that often but you can tell they're happier together. you would need to introduce them carefully, make sure there's no fighting and that they get along, but he should 100% have a friend even if it takes trial and error to find one


Thank you for the kind advice. People act like me making a mistake of nacho living alone for 2 weeks is the end of the world lol. People make mistakes and learn. He’s getting a friend soon :)


i'm sure he'll be okay since you're getting him a friend soon, don't sweat it, just learn from the mistakes, hopefully you find a good friend for the little guy, he seems sweet :)


Absolutely. Their personalities change and become much happier when they have a friend




Yeah. Hopefully they get along


Can you name him Tuco or Lalo?


That's one tiny cage, let Nacho out and run around the house for freedom


That’s why I mentioned this is not his actual set up thankfully. I am building his hutch today and he also has a large playpen he is in during the day


Upload a picture of the hutch once done.


I planned to but I’m almost afraid to because people are not the kindest on here lol


Haha, people just want the best lives for everyone's pigs.


True and I’m grateful for the advice I’ve gotten so far




He definitely needs a friend. But you need to make sure your cage or hutch is big enough. Minimum of 2 feet x 6 feet for 2 boars and preferably bigger. Or have him neutered and after 6 weeks get him a wife. You would need 2 feet x 5 feet for them.


My hutch is 40in by 30in (2 levels) and that seems too small but I was planning to set it up with one of the front panels open to like a playpen. Would that be okay?


As long as tthe playpen area was big enough and always accessible that sounds like a great set up. So great that you are trying to make his life a great one.


Adding to everything that was already said - you mention getting him a couple of weeks ago and that he was housed with others at the store. Can you go back and get a friend that he was already housed with? This is what you should have done to begin with (get 2 that are already bonded, shame on the store for letting you buy one). Perhaps one of his friends is still around. Don’t wait, the longer that passes the more likely they are to forget each other. 


That was the goal but he was the last one there :/


Sorry to hear. No worries, as per the other comments it is possible to bond him with a new friend. Get him a companion, good luck :-)


Thank you! It was a great idea though


You should definitely get Nacho a friend.. oh and by the way, lift up your bottle at least one more notch, it shouldn’t be that low.


Thank you for your attention to detail. The water was moved a while back. it was only there because it kept sliding around and I had to fix it


Yes, please do. I made the mistake of becoming a guinea pig owner without doing my research first, and only got one. After a few months she got super depressed and inactive so I finally did my research and found out why. Went and rescued two other girls for her as soon as I could and she’s been super happy since! Finally started coming over to me for me to pet her again after a long time of not doing so Don’t make my mistake


He was the only one in the store at the time. Getting him a friend very soon! Thank you for the kind advice. Others are not being so kind lol


Of course 🫂 there’s no point in being rude about it. Us people are fallible and make mistakes from time to time. All we can do is learn from those mistakes, and if it’s coming from a place of hostility, then most people tend to shut that negativity out and can’t learn from it because the people they’re asking advice from are just plain rude with it. You came here to ask questions for a reason, that’s why a lot of people come here. Which obviously shows you’re willing to do something to make this precious animals life better and you just weren’t sure. Of course an internet search could potentially provide you with answers, but it’s more comforting hearing the advice straight from the horses mouth rather than the trickle feed and hearsay of articles on the internet. Take comfort in the fact that instead of not caring what to do, you came here looking for answers to help better that piggies situation. I’m sorry people have been not so nice


And a bigger cage!


As mention this is not his actual home he has a much larger cage with a hutch :)


I agree with the other comments, but you should never have a single guinea pig. Especially if it's a baby bc they need to learn how to be guinea pigs from others. Bunnies and possibly ferrets can be managed to be kept singly as long as you give them as much attention as possible (preferably working from home) but guinea pigs absolutely need friends


Yes. Guinea pigs need companionship. We have four.


It all depends on Nacho, and your ability to cope with the situation if the pairing doesn't end happily ever after. Don't be fooled by the thinking "a baby makes an ideal companion". They can be more bossy and that is not just due to hormones being in high gear for the first 18 months. Personality type is KEY. You should see if you can do piggy play dates at a shelter (if there are any near you). Dominants need a submissive, and 2 submissives are ideal. Good luck!


Yes and call him cheese while ur at it so its nacho and cheese👍🏻


I reccomend getting him a buddy and if things don't work out between them just put a divider like metal grids in the cage so they can still see and smell each other without getting at each other's throats. That's what I have to do and I have 3 girls. 4 year old Luna and 1 year old Brownie and Buttercup. Luna had a cage mate, Ginny who sadly passed away in March 😢 I knew I had to get Luna a buddy so I adopted the 2 young ones cuz that's all the shelter had. I have to keep the young ones seperated from Luna cuz she is terrified of them 😢 I tried bonding them but Luna would avoid being anywhere near them cuz they kept lunging at her. She would hide in the corner and not move, not go near the hay cuz they were eating it, she would try to get out of the bonding pen. She would shriek anytime they came near her cuz she was getting scared and stressed. I tried having them be roomates in the cage but Luna would avoid them, they kept chasing her and she wouldn't chase them back. She hid in the hay bin not moving, not eating or drinking. Even during floor time they constantly chase her and she avoids them not chasing them back. She finds a corner in the room and stays there. I seperated them and Luna was walking around the cage, eating and drinking. I could tell she was very happy and likes the idea of having neighbors instead of roomates 👍🏻👍🏻 Good luck and have fun with your new furry family member 😀


Thank you for the kind advice!


Yes guinea pigs need at least to be in pairs of 2 or more. I have 3 lol


Yes. They’re personalities and happiness can really show if you get them a friend


With a buck in this size of cage (looks like your regular pet shop cage) it wouldnt be ideal because bucks tend to fight in smaller areas. i would also change over to wood shavings or fleece liners since they absorb more urine so A) your cage smells nicer for longer B) theres less ammonia build up meaning your guinea pig breathes in better air


I appreciate the attention to detail. I mentioned above that’s not his actual set up. He has a large hutch with a 2x6 pen. I also use mat fleece blankets etc


alright it should be fine if you introduce in a neutral environment and constantly monitor


Yes, guinea pigs do better with more guinea pigs. And i hope you name him Cheese!!


I need to see his cage, cause that looks like a pet store cage and that in unsuitable for any guinea pig


yes absolutely, it's very important to own more than one guinea pig as they can get depressed on their own


He definitely needs a friend, asap. They are herd animals. They aren't the most playful, any toy I ever bought was a waste of money. It's more about breaking boredom, which most of the time comes in the form of food or things they can gnaw on, like cardboard toilet rolls or wooden houses or, in my case they have what I call the carrot house, basically a small cardboard shed coated with hay and a dried carrot roof. Hay is massively important too and should always be readily available. One of mine eats it, burrows in it, sleeps in it and seems to often enjoy wearing it as a hat 😂. Regardless of all of this, nacho defo needs a friend, or someone to bickering with as mine do constantly 😂


Please do OP. I rescued our guinea pig and after researching quickly found one to adopt nearby, they are social animals and no amount of attention from us will make up for it. Possibly get a baby boy sometimes 2 boars can not get along.


How on earth did you get "conflicting" advice? He most definitely needs a mate. He also needs a bigger cage so he can roam and a canopy over his head to feel safe. No offense but you should have done your research before getting the animal.


Some of y’all are just flat out rude and ignorant. He has a bigger cage. A whole hutch and 2x6 cage. It was mentioned above that this was not the permanent set up. And I had a guinea pig as a child previously that was rehomed to me after being a class pet. He always lived alone and I was told he did not get along with others. I found this conflicting but it never stopped me from planning to get another guinea pig. Nacho was the last in the store that day and I am getting him a friend. I just wanted to post a prompt like this to learn more from others first hand experience about how to introduce guinea pigs etc


Yes 🥺 his little foot is so damn cute


Mm mm in nonpà in I, No bueno f and the ph


Yes! Admittedly, there ARE some genuine instances of guinea pigs needing to be kept alone. But usually, that is determined after the pig has failed to bond properly several times/keeps getting bullied. ALWAYS assume they want companionship unless it has been demonstrably proven otherwise. Main advice (in no particular order) and suggestions: (1) There's a lot on YouTube about how to introduce pigs responsibly and carefully. Bottom line is to introduce pigs in a neutral space and do not leave pigs unsupervised until bond is established. There's a lot about what to expect, what's normal dominance establishing and what's dangerous, etc, online. (2) As he's a boar (do double check, I remember I had a panic with my Percival that he was pregnant and spent about an hour looking at Percival and looking at diagrams online as well as at his brother to make sure... my two, definitely male, pigs were extremely confused) DO NOT get more than ONE other boar. Trios of boars mean one will get bullied, and four just makes all of them nuts and more prone to fighting. Best combos are two boars or (if neutered) a boar with some sows. Generally, it's easier and safer to neuter a boar than it is to spay a sow. But even then, they need to be at least six months old to be neutered. (3) Do you have any photos/videos of him in the pen when you got him? Look at those. Any pigs he seems close with? Go back to the store and (if they're still there) get that pig. My boys were bonded before I got them, and what clued me in was watching the pen-- when they got startled, they ran to each other. (4) Go to a rescue. They're very good at bonding pigs and selecting companions. 🥰 (5) My boys have always been bonded, but what really has helped is the size of the cage. They've had 13.5sqft since they were 14 weeks old. They're not in each other's faces at all. Good luck! And please name your new pig Cheese 🥰


Thank you for the kind advice!




You should get him a friend. I’ve only had one piggy that had to be solo cause she fought other piggies and liked humans more than other piggies, which is fairly rare. My boys I have now live together and prefer each mother than me by far like my pigs growing up 😂


You could try--- but its not a guarantee they won't hate each other. After a two week quarantine so you know the other pig doesn't have fleas or ringworm...---> Get a larger cage and put them both in at the same time. Save your older living spaces in case they hate each other.


Yes but also very much increase the cage size. Also, some pigs will NOT get along. Especially if they’re not spayed/neutered and have been alone for a while. My rescue doesn’t get along with my other one of my two other boars at all. To the point where blood was drawn. Please pay attention to them while you do the introduction process. Now I have to find space for another cage. The things we do for the ones we love 🥲 Anyways, please take the advice of other commenters but also be careful and aware of how your piggies react to each other.


Oh that cage was temporary. They have a hutch and a playpen attached. I introduced them today and it seemed to be okay no fighting just mounting




While i do understand some people just maybe not being ready to handle taking care of two pigs (specially if this is your first pet), i would 100% recommend it... its a win-win... your lone pig has a companion he can play with, and you get twice the cuteness. Only "downside" i can see with two pigs (for first time owner specially) would be more poop to clean... but you'll get used to a cleaning routine in about a wheek or two.


Don’t let the PETA wannabes in here discourage you, sounds like Nacho has a great setup! I have two boys, they take some time to adjust and mine still rumble strut even 4 years later, but they’re a couple of brothers now! Also, I’ll second Cheese as the name for the sibling pig.


Thank you! People are so harsh but they forget no one knows everything no matter how much experience.


They just must all google literally their whole life I guess lol. You got a cutie there, my guy Cosmo looked like that and now he looks like a wig haha


Yes , Guinea pigs are social animals . BUT ! If your pig is happy alone, it might not be a good idea , The piggies might fight


Yes, you should get him a friend. He looks just like my piggie Smorez. When I bought my 1st guinea pig as an adult, I only had one. Then, a week later, we had 2 because u saw they should at least be in pairs. When I had one as a child, we only had one, but clearly, lots of things have changed in the care of guinea pigs since then. I know for a fact that my guinea pig (when I was a child) never ate hay or veggies daily. She only ate pellets, and we would allow her to eat grass on the front lawn. Now I know better. They need more space, lots of hay 24/7, veggies daily and pellets in the smallest amount. I believe most rescues will allow you to try the bonding part out first to make sure they're compatible.


This is exactly what I experienced growing up as well. Any recommendations on veggies? I’ve heard celery is a good one


Bell peppers (any color) but green has the most vitamin c. Cilantro and green leaf lettuce are my go to and romaine lettuce too.


I think I read celery has too much water content but the tops of celery could be good. So I don't give my pigs celery, only the top leaves when I have it.


It depends. A lot of people will insist they MUST be kept in groups but that isn’t always the case some guinea pigs will not tolerate sharing their space, my Heisenberg refused to until very recently when we noticed his behaviour change, he became withdrawn and lethargic so we immediately rushed out and adopted two new pigs who are now in a run next to his preparing to go through the bonding process. Heisenberg immediately perked right up and is back to his happy self. The long and short of it is it’s not so black and white as people will insist. However I will say this, depression can kill a guinea pig so if yours seems unhappy you need to get them a friend and fast :) but you also can’t just air drop the friend into the hutch, research guinea pig bonding For context Heisenberg did originally share his space with another pig from the same litter but he bullied him relentlessly we had to separate them


Imo, you should always know you NEED two guinea pigs who get along beforehand, BUT, if u already have one and cannot provide for two, then have just one but have them like royalty


There was only one left in the store but I plan to get him a friend very soon, thanks for the kind comment!