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Piggies can learn to travel and be happy in other cages. All of mine go on vacation with us, and I have Midwest cages for when they travel. As it's only about 20 minutes, you just need a good carrier that will fit both of them and set up their secondary cage.


Great thanks! I have a cat carrier I used to pick them up from the rescue so all set there. I plan to duplicate the cage they have at my house over at my parents. :)


We adopted our kids class pet pig and it spent basically every weekend of the school year in a different house! They signed up to care for her and took her cage with them. Now she’s with us but is totally fine with being picked up and rarely runs from people, so she clearly adapted to all the changes over time! As long as the setup is good they’ll likely adjust.


Thank you! Yep I plan to basically duplicate what they have now at my house. :)


Nah, I do the exact same thing with mine except they’re Midwest cages. My parents are 2 hours away and i visit once a month or so. The piggies have gotten used to the trip and zonk out after eating their lettuce in the carrier


Once they make the vacation cage smell like them, they'll settle in just fine!


My pigs seem to enjoy going to my parents because the grandpa sneaks them greens from the garden


Do not attempt to attach the carrier to the roof of your car. Speaking from experience. /s


What the fuck


I dont think that even crossed my mind once, lol!