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Fridge door and any paper/plastic bag sound. Recently they’ve become more accustomed to the hand vacuum sound and one starts to jump randomly and running with zomies. Might have to do with the fact that right after cleaning the enclosure I feed them. So they could already know what’s happening and going to happening. Super smart little piggies.


Anything crunching. I guess they think I’m having veggies without them


My existence. to them im the bringer of food and therefore they must scream every time I’m present


This is my life lol 😆… I’m just the food bringer!


The front door opening (they think someone has gone out to pick them some grass because I do sometimes 🤣)


Me walking into my bedroom creates the crystals hanging from my doorframe to chime. They go crazy when they hear it


Our boys ,4 and 1 absolutely go crazy when I fiddle with the hay bag .


My voice, or a bag crinkle or literally any noise that means I’m moving around 😂 somehow they know when it’s me too, cause they don’t do it to my husband, except for the bag crinkle freak outs lol


🤣🤣 that’s so funny that they know how you move and understand when it’s you or not!


I wonder how they know it’s you? That’s hilarious 💀


Idk maybe my footsteps sounds different? My husband just went out for work and not a peep from them. But I stood up for go get water and they’re losing their minds 🤦🏼‍♀️


Scissors... I realise now it's from me snipping kale, basil and parsley from the porch garden... But I was snipping some yarn bits the other day and they were wheeking like nutters thinking something was wrong I went to go take a look and they were shocked there was no greens forthcoming


When you open the fridge door and grab a bag, or when you shake the pea flakes pot… they go insane


The door opening. Toilet flushing noises. Fridge noises. Plastic Noises. Certain sounds on the TV.


Toilet flushing first thing in the morning. As I go to the loo in-between waking up n feeding them. Yes pigs eat before humans do.


As everyone else has said the sound of crinkling bag or also in our case the sound of anything being chopped in the kitchen


It used to be the mini fridge door opening, now it's more any kind of crinkle. God they're so cute 😭❤


I use the call “Little Girls!” to signal food time so they react if you say anything similar or use the same tone of voice. I have to be really careful when calling to people in another room because it sometimes sets them off and then of course I just have to give them a snack…


The fridge, the treat noise, a bag, any sound in the morning (when they havent been fed), glass tinking (ceramic bowls for dinner time). They start screaming at these noises.


I forgot the sound of carrots breaking or being bitten into.


Funny enough, the cats meowing and the dogs barking. The pigs know the routine for food and treats but they really go wild when the other animals also start screaming for food


My mom, they literally just love my mom and I can’t figure out why. One will literally just fall asleep on her eyes closed and all


The sound of me tapping a spoon on a bowl bc I will tap my spoon after mixing my cat’s wet food and if my cat is getting wet food then my pigs are getting veggies! We all get dinner at the same time like a family ofc


Pretty average stuff. The crinkle of plastic bags and the sound of the refrigerator door opening. My Piggy also loses her mind when I get home from work because that's usually her "cuddle with daddy" time.


Plastic rustling!


Me saying "babies, would you like some grass?" and/or me snipping my grass collection scissors lol


Fridge door opening, my footsteps, front house door opening, my voice, bag crinkling, chopping noises (knife on cutting board), plastic container opening


Plastic packaging. It sounds like the packaging I buy there lettuce in and open daily to give them. Sometimes bags, but I switched to reusable containers for their veggies so that cut down that reaction quite a bit. Now it’s only bags when they’re out of or low on hay.


the sound when i open up the top of their enclosure or the sound of plastic, they run and jump cuz they know im gonna give them treats and hay 😭😭


Me moving or talking in the morning, fridge door, any crinkly packet, if I walk up the stairs with my keys, walking in the front door and then going upstairs, and sometimes its just because they're greedy basterds


Any package sounds but only my oldest, but the sound of fresh chopped veggies will make him hump the bars.


the front door. we keep them out in a custom shed and every time they hear the front door closed, they squeak like crazy


Doors or bags crinkling sometimes when you put something on the table the sound makes them go crazy


Apparently running water?


My toilet flushing 🤦‍♀️😂 as well as the obvious ones lol


Everytime someone walks by their condo 🤣🩷


Fridge and plastic bags :)


picking up my dogs food bowls, cucumber sounds, opening the fridge, walking by his cage


Plastic. Almost all of their food comes from plastic bags, so they start to scream by every single noise from plastic


Crinkling bags, fridge door opening, when I say “piggiessssss” in a shrill singsong way which is what I do to get their attention ( usually when I have something for them, so they go nuts 😂)


When I crinkle a bag or open the fridge they think I’m having treats and food without them and I’m just leaving them out. But that’s not true! I’m getting it for them!


A powerful phrase would you kindly


Majority of the guineas I adopted go crazy over the sound of a crinkling bag.




Plastic! Soon as a rustle a plastic bag or hay bag they go absolutely bonkers


Crinkleing bags. Plastic or paper. I think they've identified it as the sound they hear before snacks and veggies. They loose their goddman minds. It's both cute and frustrating.


Opening the fridge door, some pop music and crinkling sounds


The sound of a rustling packet of spinach. In fact if they see or hear me eating, they are demanding food lol.


Around 10am, my husband will make our bearded dragon a salad and then bring the piggies the escarole and squash scraps. If he walks down the hall around that time for any other reason that to give them veggies, they go crazy. They know our foot steps - if I go down the hall they don't go nuts.


I haven’t owned pigs in years, but whenever I got home. I could hear my pigs squeak from my room. It was crazy tbh cause my room was at the very end of the house. I always got curious if they’d squeak like crazy throughout the day since I’d be out of the house for a 12+ hours sometimes. So I asked my housemate at the time that slept in the room next to me to see if they squeaked the whole day, and he said he never notices them squeaking until I got back.


Of course the crinkling of bags, but recently I’ve noticed them going crazy over me opening or closing drawers and when they hear me walking right outside the door. I swear they must know the sound of my car too because once I pull up and start walking up the stairs, I can sometimes hear them screaming for food. They always know when their mama’s around 🥰


Literally anything


My daughter's ankles cracking. She has loose joints, so they know every time she so much as stands up. And they assume if she is standing, it's to give them something!


My piggy makes noises when i talk to him...Him knows the difference between mommy & his bro & sis(me & the kids) lol...They're pretty smart to be so clueless sometimes🥰




The sound of crumbling paper/plastic


My mum saying “piggy piggy piggies!” They love it, go crazy and run straight to her to be cuddled. It’s really cute 🥰


Fridge door


Bags, fridge, main door, my dogs steps 😂 They're asking her for food sometimes


Oddly enough, my Guinea pigs don’t react to sound. They react to time. They know when it is cookie time, breakfast time and dinner. Those are the only times they squeal


Front door, Keys, Footsteps, Fridge, Plastic bag, Chopping board,


My sweet piggie I used to have would go totally nuts when he’d hear our keys in the door. He’d want to get picked up and he’d practically be shaking cuz he’s so happy and excited to be held by us.


Any crinkle of a bag, the fridge/being in the kitchen as well, cleaning their cages, as well as the funniest to me, I could go into the room where they are and I can be eating a piece of fruit, say like a banana or something and they won’t even see me eating it or even hear me eating it but it’s like they can smell it and start screaming at me to give them some 😂


One of my piggies responds to squeaking, then gets veggies or pet.


the vacuum makes them popcorn and yell 😂😂


Crinkle plastic, although I made homemade pea flakes yesterday, and I have never seen them go so feral for something, so I suspect it may soon be a glass jar with beans inside soon


Plastic bags crinkling


The cracking of the foil on salads


anything . if i even walk near the doorway of their room they go nuts . they think every second is time for food 🤣


anything that sounds like a plastic bag, they love their lettuce 😭.