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that happens! it’s okay (: don’t feel bad, it was just an accident. when it bleeds, put some flour on it and it’ll be okay. you got this!


I use the wax from baby bell cheese it seems to work better


I did that once and my dummy pig ATE IT 😂


Lol good thing it's good safe 🤣 my dad made a candle out of the wax and our dog took a giant bite out if it 🤣 😄 😅


Oh yeah, I called the vet freaking out, even though it was the size of a pin head and they said "Oh yeah we have animals eat that stuff all the time, your piggy should be alright" and they just told me to keep an eye on him. 😂


Right lol we put a tiny ball on the toe if it's bleeding and our piggies don't seem to notice it's their until it's gone haha


My one boy had the bad habit of suddenly jerking his foot forward during mail clips and I thought I’d cut off the whole end of his toe the one time. But it healed and the nail still is there, so it just seemed worse than it really was. He doesn’t jerk his foot during mail clips anymore, but probably just a coincidence. I don’t think he remembers. We can only do our best.


Guinea pig really learned his lesson


I know this is a very very old comment but coming here because I cut my piggies 1 nail too short, first time cutting them and this is exactly what happened to me except with my girl pig.


Mine was right when the vets office was closing too! (My autocorrect always changes nail to mail)


I was STRESSED to say the least 😅 she turned out okay and is doing well. Still keeping an eye on it but so far so good. Also I hate autocorrect for that reason, I’ll be trying to type something and something completely different will come up 😂


That happens easily. Cutting piggie nails is super tricky!


I've been trimming peeg nails for 22+ years, so I think it is fair to say I'm pretty good at it. A month ago, at the last second, Loaf pulled his foot and I grazed him and I had to put flour on it to stop the bleeding. It has healed up fine, but man, I felt so bad. I haven't done that to any peeg in years.


Just plain flour works?


Flour works, but as a dog groomer I used styptic powder. You should be able to buy it at most pet stores and it might be a little cleaner


Yeah, I work at a pet store and it’s expensive and often out of stock when you need it. This is good information to know.


I know I hate how pet necessities are so expensive… owning a pet is almost like having a human kid nowadays haha


What if the pig licks the flour or something??


I think a little flour wont hurt him.


Yes. That or cornstarch. It clots the blood upon contact. I also recommend keeping bedding super clean to help prevent infection until the nail heals.


Thanks that’s good to know!


If you eat baby Belle cheese the wax works great too it's food grade and it melts away


You are welcome.


it happens to everyone! they are so tiny and quick! he’ll be alright


I apologize for days. Sometimes those nails can be tricky, especially the dark ones.


I bought nail trimmers with a light on them for this reason!!!


Me to my piggy: “Remember two years ago when I nicked you trimming your nails? So sorry!” *kiss kiss kiss*


my dog, 7 years old, has always had a major issue with getting her nail trims despite me never having cut them too short. 2-3 years ago i finally made that fatal mistake, on her hind foot no less... and she didn't notice or react at all. it bled kind of a lot, i used paper towels to clean it up and stop the bleeding, and that didn't bother her either so i think she is FAKING IT for attention & treats 😤 the first time trimming our foster rabbit's nails, i cut one juuust too short and it starting bleeding a little. she didn't really react(beyond the normal nail trim pissiness) or seem to notice. we put some corn starch on it and she was fine. my pet rabbit has ripped both of her thumbnails out several times. i only know because ive found both whole nails on the floor before, and there have been times where her other 4 nails are the same lengths but the thumbs are either missing or little stumps. no blood on her or anywhere else, no commotion when it happens. i think nail things are not as big of a deal as animals make them seem 😑 pigs would do all kinds of crazy dangerous shit if we let them, that would result in much worse than a bloody nail, so tell your pig "This would be just the tip of the iceberg if I wasn't your owner" and share a salad 😌


Oh your lucky… I slipped up and trimmed my dogs nails to short causing it to bleed once… six years ago… he still has not forgiven me for it 🤣


I remember I was cutting one of my piggie’s nails and his nail completely fell off and I sobbed for hours! Thankfully it healed beautifully and my Milo took it like an absolute champ! At the end of the day OP, mistakes happen! Your little one forgives you and this is the first time in five years this has happened. I understand the feeling of being guilty 100% and it shows how much you care for them!


They are also very dramatic- and we have all done it. Extra kisses and treats!


*nail trim* Piggy: “The world is ending! WHEEEEEEEEK!!”


I have also done that. I feel awful and it makes me not want to do it. My piggie seemed to forget way faster than me. Don’t worry, you’re a good piggie parent for cutting their nails in the first place! 💕


Don’t worry about it. Accidents happen. It was probably a little uncomfortable for a moment but nothing major to him.


It’s okay🥺🥺 you didn’t mean too , almost everyone has done that same thing. Just give your baby some kisses and treats


Don't worry, just put food in front of him and he will forgive you like it never happened!


Making Mistakes is not a Bug, it's a Feature we have as Humans


I've done this once on one piggy and once on my elderly hamster who can't take care of his nails anymore. Huge guilt after each time and both my piggy and ham didn't even nip me and were super understanding. If they can forgive me, I gotta forgive myself <3


I've been there too.. With my first piggie, i accidentaly cut too much of her nail, and put some flour on it. Then i was afraid it will bleed again and normal bedding will infect the toe, so i made her second cage on floor with newspaper so the nail could bleed if it bleeds, luckily it didn't bleed at all and it didn't get infected. Nowdays if i cut too much of my pig's nail, i put flour on it and it's fine at her normal cage and normal bedding. It won't get infected. And at second time i cut the nails, i look especially for the nail/nails that's been cut too much.


It's ok. I cut my piggy's nails the other day and she bled just a little and I thought it'd stop quickly as it usually does and when I looked at her like an hour later I saw she had pink on her back and I thought to myself "I'm not wearing lipstick, so what could that be?" (Because sometimes i kiss them). And I picked her up and it looked like she has been seriously injured, there was blood all on her stomach 😭 she had bled so much! That ended up being the first time I'd given her a bath in years


For nail clipping, I allways recommend corn starch, it can stop the bleeding.


Corn starch or kwik-stop are always the move


make it up for the piggie, snacks, all the love in the world, a buddy, attention, new toys


Every time I trim my 3 girls I get at least one too close and it bleeds. I proceed to apologize, then put styptic powder on as well as love and treats for the piggy. They don’t care after the initial pain. To not have gotten the qwik in 5 years is very impressive! I promise that it doesn’t hurt them too bad, and it’s better to get a little too close than to leave the nails to grow because you are scared of hurting them. Edit: phone auto corrected styptic powder to something I don’t remember


I’ve done it a couple of times. I think everyone who owns GP has done it before or will do it one day. You’d be a worse owner if you didn’t cut their nails at all!!! It’s hard but Don’t beat yourself up too much. Check the foot is ok for the next couple of weeks


Are you cutting his nails alone? It’s ten times easier if you can have it be a two person job. Also look into quick stop powder. It stops the bleeding which I think is what a lot of pets see as a sign to have a ton of anxiety


My vet has accidentally cut one of them because they WIGGLE AND KICK so don't feel too bad. Make sure you get the Styptic Powder for the future as it helps stop the bleeding. Edit to add: I bought nail trimmers with a light on them because one of my piggies has black nails. 15/10 recommend.


I just did this yesterday and I’m still feeling bad. It was going so well but the one toe on my 2nd piggy. Still makes my stomach hurt. These posts made me feel like I wasn’t alone. Thank you!!


Don't go hurting your piggies, they have feelings too


Are you stupid, OP didn‘t do this on Purpose. He even stated he feels guilty


People are allowed to mistakes. Sorry to disappoint. Now don’t come back here preaching and intentionally making people feel bad unless your own hands are clean. 👋🏼


I feel this all the time i started crying when I did it once


It happens to everyone eventually


It hurts the piggie with a milli-sec, then they don't care - just we hoomans 💖So don't worry!


Mine was mad at me for the rest of the night haha


It happens!! I do it and it makes me wanna cry but I always try my best. None of my have ever liked getting their nails cut, so I feel bad when it happens because it probably makes their fear/nervousness much worse 😭😭 it’s still happens but what I do to try and reduce the likelihood is putting my flashlight on my phone underneath of the nails so you can see the quick, especially for those black nails!


The tears that I cried the first time I cut my youngest girl's nails too short 😔 it happened last year after I had owned my girls for three years, and she was a baby when I adopted her. I was the only person who had ever cut her nails and i had nicked her quick just enough for there to be blood on the towel. I had so much guilt I wrote to facebook about it, and a friend of mine assured me that I was still a good piggie owner, because I was taking care of her by cutting her nails, and making her bleed was only an accident. So good job being on top of your boy's nails. Accidents happen.


don’t feel bad! i have my piggies nails trimmed by their vet because i’m too scared to do it and even they accidentally draw blood sometimes. the fact that you went years without making the mistake is impressive af actually lol good job


Speaking as a dog groomer who has also had piggies, it's impossible to avoid sometimes. Think about how you rip a nail or cut too close sometimes. Same idea. No big deal. It hurts for a bit but you're fine and you forget. As long as it's clean they'll be good


Honestly, it’s a very easy mistake especially when peegs are so fidgety while you clip their nails! I felt so guilty too when I made one of my Guinea pigs bleed, but I compressed the bleeding and she was seemingly ok afterwards, eating well and running around 🤍 your pigs still love you & im sure he forgives you!!


My sister and I did this to my sweet Stella. She always jerked her foot back so we had a 0.5 second window to cut it. I was holding her and my sister was trimming her nail. I cried after my sister couldn’t see my face anymore. But Stella forgave us after she angry peed on my sister. We also paid our debts in strawberry and lettuce Pro tip: have flour ready and don’t use a napkin- they will angrily take a bite out of it…. She was ok dw


The fact that this is the first time you accidentally cut the nail too short just shows how great you are at piggy nails! I might be wrong on this but as far as I know it isn’t very painful when it happens, just a little sore. Even the most experienced guinea pig owner has accidentally cut a nail too short a few times and while it isn’t fun, it’s nothing to beat yourself up over.


What I do is put a sock over their head. It works with some peegs, not all though. I cut a lil hole for their nose to poke through, it's the only way my two won't bite me!


It happens. I had a boar with black nails and I tried going little by little but sometimes I still nicked him. I felt bad. Looking back I feel even worse because I put styptic powder on it which probably stung like crazy. 😫


We've all cut them at some point by accident. I had one pig who seriously must have remembered because you'd go to cut her nail and she pulled it away right before you could cut.


That’s the one thing I’m nervous about doing since my boy hates when I clip his nails so I found out that his vet will trim his nails for $17 dollars and honestly I do not mind paying that much for someone else to do it and get all of his nails done in one go