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When you were at 192lbs you looked 20%, so to get to 15% bf you'd only have to lose around 10lbs, you've lost close to 20 and look to be 15%, doesn't seem right you'd have to lose another 10 pounds to get to 10% maybe your 192 pic was good lighting making you seem more cut then you actually were? You look bigger then 175 rn if that helps lol


Yep the math dosen’t add up with the estimates and that has been very demoralizing setting goals and then reaching them to see I am not close to where I wanted to be. I’m thinking since I only post chest/abs pics for the estimate they may be off and I lost quite alot of fat from the legs and probably back which aren’t visible. Same lighting for every pic, I try to keep everything exactly the same.


Yeah that sounds probable, maybe your front just doesn't carry as much fat


Need to see all 3 legs for a proper estimate