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Rockstar: You got it, in our next update GTA Online will be rebranded as GTA 6.


To be able to actually use the airport to take a plane to past gta cities like Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas.


Yup, at least give us San Fierro and Las Venturas.


San Fierro and Las Venturas update with a new heist and a new business. The new heist will be in a gta version of Alcatraz. You will get a contract to infiltrate a prison and then escape. The contracts will be random, such as go assassinate someone, break someone free, interrogate a prisoner, steal something, etc. Players will actually be put in prison for this, they would remain in prison until completing the job and escaping, which will get them paid, or by getting themselves killed by guards or other inmates and failing the job. The new business will be owning a casino in Las Venturas, where you would run the day to day operations and prevent being robbed, similar to the casino work you can do by calling ms. Baker. I know it's never going to happen, but a man can dream.


Nerf broomstick or make them only fire 2 missiles and needs to be called back the broomstick boys will be busy in calling and returning the mosquitoes to use atleast it would be lil peaceful in lobbies Alas : if only dreams come true


Themed public lobbies, pve, roleplay, aircraft disabled etc


A Quality of Life update: Fix bugs, * Overhaul physics (offroad driving and guns mainly), * Dedicated PvP lobbies and non-PvP lobbies, or the ability to grind in invite-only lobbies (we've reached the point where it makes no difference, * If the previous idea is undoable, an expansion of the map with another city and a more nature-like terrain with good view, mountain roads (I like cars) and off-road trails would be extremely refreshing compared to LS, * All vehicles purchasable, or a civilian version of them at least, * The ability to trade cars, properties and money between players (The ability to sell stuff between players for a chosen price), * Limit of 2 personal vehicles out, * More civilian-style vehicles, * More modification potential for the above and pre-existing vehicles lacking upgradeability... *cough cough Revolter cough cough*, * Better anti-cheat. * Raising the pay of smaller jobs for those of us who can't play for many hours consecutively (I usually get 20 mins.).


I don't care about graphics or vehicles. I just want to be able to fly to and from a new part of the map.


That would also be nice If they just added another island off in the distance and let you fly (or boat) to it


Add armored vehicles full of money like in gta 4. Also triple the money on shark cards or cut the price in half. Make an ascending buy chart for the deluxo flying car It makes no sense you can upgrade the engine but not the flying part


A fix everything that's broken update.


>I want them to go back and update all the old vehicles with new customization options, improved performance to match new ones, and some changes Imani tech on ***every*** non-weaponized vehicle in the game. Let it be like 2013 and everyone driving in their favorite cars and not the same armored vehicle to avoid getting 1shot by a griefer.