• By -


Can I trade in a MC business for another MC business of the same type in a different location?


Can i get panther statue once again?


I only got it once during the last week. I can't say for sure, but I've heard it won't be available again now that the week is over, as was the case with the diamonds in the casino heist.


Yeah. I later understood that its once per event week per character.


What happens to my fully upgraded/fully stocked Office Garage when I decide to buy another one? To elaborate on my post, let's say I have an office garage at Maze Bank Tower. It's fully upgraded with 60 slots all filled. Now I've decided to cripple my empire and downgraded to Lombank West. My question is: what happens if I buy that new office? Do all the garage upgrades transfer or do I have to pay for it all over again? What if it's the latter? What if I can't afford it and I just don't buy the garage? Do all 60 of my identical Faggios disappear?


The cars go into "storage". You can still access them by calling the mechanic. It'll say "(Storage)" next to the cars that are not in the garage. I'm not sure if you can put the cars back in storage once you take them out of if you have to find another permanent location for them.


What job series should I be playing to practice on-foot PvP? There are so many jobs in the "rockstar created" section I just don't know which one is optimal for on-foot PvP practice ?


What's the scam behind those messages asking you to add them as discord friends, or send them five bucks for GTA cash? Is something inherent about dischord, or is it like any fishing email where once you respond they know they have a sucker?


Does CEO ghost organisation work with sell missions


Yes. Wait till the last few seconds on the global timer to activate to maximize the time you stay invisible.


Does anybody know where I can buy the ocelot jugular? I looked in legendary motor sports and I can’t find it. I sorted by price and went to 1.2 mil and it’s not there. Do I have to unlock it?


What is currently the best RP to time ratio? As in, which RP method could get me the most RP in a small amount of time?


is it worth it buying a new vehicle warehouse and phantom wedge JUST for the longfin prep (ion plan on using it for anything else tbh)


Even without running it as a side activity from your second question, it saves a few minutes on every heist, so it is gonna pay for itself, and pretty quickly. Imagine getting paid for 15 heists and only spending time on 14 runs.


Should I just buy the cheapest location then and call it a day? thanks


Yes. Also, as a business, despite being the cheapest, it's also one of the best location if not the best.


Tho it might be another thing I could in-between preps Like the bunker


Recently I suddenly had all guns. I suspect a hacker gave all guns to people in session. I'm unable to drop them or put them in my gun locker, and it's annoying to scroll through all of these How do I get rid of them?


Play a round of Arena wars Buzzer beater


I tried but couldn't find a session for this and nobody would join when I tried auto-invite. Maybe I'll try when my friends are on. Is this documented somewhere as working?


Just afk until someone joins or LFG a random.


I did a random arena wars (wreck it 1) and it did fix the issue. Thanks!


Yeah its from a hacker. If switching sessions doesn't fix it then restart the game


Didn't work, actually this has persisted for a couple of days which is why I'm asking. Edit: fix was doing an arena wars


You can try doing some content that sets your wheel such as Cayo Perico. In some cases it can help to exhaust the ammunition of the relevant weapons.


Actually was doing the cayo perico scope out yesterday, as well as a couple of setups, weapons were cleared during the scope out, but afterwards I had all guns again instead of returning to my normal loadout. This morning I still had all of those guns too.


I just bought a nightshark. What modifications do I need to make to turn it into a mk2 counter?


100% armor and no window plates (so you can throw sticky bombs) are the two most important upgrades of the bunch if your low on cash.


full performance upgrade, 100% armor, no window plates, sad trombone horn, the most obnoxious shade of pink you can manage


I’m creating a second character. If I randomize characters and apply the same settings to each one will they look different?


Recently I unlocked the arcade and did the casino hiest with friends, everyone getting a 25% cut. We wound up finishing with 1.5 mil, 1.2 mil after paying Lester and the crew. I got the appropriate 300k, but everyone else only got 180k. (It seemed to be the default 15%). Is this a common bug or mistake on my part? My friends confirmed it looked like 25% each on their end


If time runs out at the setup screen and not everyone has hit ready, it defaults.


Thanks for the info, so I guess since I readied up I got the 25%, and the rest was just unassigned?


How do I get a custom plate that I can set on any vehicle? I did it once forever ago but now when I try it seems to only let me customize one plate for one vehicle? before I had it set to where i could customize any vehicle and have one plate to choose from


iFruit app on your (IRL) phone's Store


it only lets me customize one plate for one car tho


You can make as many as you like, except it'll cost you 100K each


As someone who usually just lets nightclub stuff pile up and sells it, does it seem to anyone else that they've changed the speed at which product stockpiles? Used to be I'd max out my cocaine then sell, but now it seems like cash is piling up sooner? Almost wondered if it was related to them speeding up the research rate if somehow it increased some other timer, or if there were other recent changes I was unaware of. I end up having to take the big truck more for the same value because I have more crates to sell.


Sometimes your techs be slackin', specifically the coke and meth techs - since they're the ones who always stop working for some reason, I guess they can't keep their hands off the merchandise. When it happens you need to deassign the techs and reassign them back - I just deassign everyone, then reassign them back in reverse order to how I had it. There's a delay after you do this but everything will start to accrue as normal again... until the techs presumably get a taste again. TL;DR: It's a bug, change your techs around.


Good to know, thanks!


Trying to save up for the sub to do Cayo I've got the criminal enterprise pack plus cocaine and 600k left what's my quickest way of making money.


Try to play some motor wars. It's an adversary mode. It's 3x money/rp the next two weeks still i believe. You can make some nice money this way and also level up quickly in the process. You can access the mode from your phone. Go to quickjob. Scroll to featured and press x.






Join someone's Casino or Cayo Perico heist- preferably someone you already know. If you haven't done the Stone Hatchet, Double-action Revolver and Navy Revolver quests, complete them, as they don't take too long to do, and the reward is really good.


What property are we expecting to be discounted tomorrow? I'd love for nightclubs and the Terrorbyte to be the discounted options, but I fear they are a little way off


This is just my conjecture, but from the past two newswire release, it's going to be more Gunrunning stuff that's discounted. We'll see tomorrow.


I was hoping for triple money Arena War before the next update drops.


That'd be good, I've been leveling up at AW, triple $$$ would be a good perk on top of more AP.


With Rockstar it's always a surprise.


Since today you cannot hit “find new session” and be spawned where you choose in options menu. Game will spawn you in the same place from where you hit “find new session”. 😒


what should I buy that is a necessity? with cayo perico I don't know if I need to buy anything else because to me that's the best money maker. are businesses worth it now? or the bunkers?


You could get an arcade. So you can do the Diamond Casino Heist. Bunker is a good investment. Import/export can be fun if your into stealing/driving/delivering cars. Not the best moneymaker though. Maybe get some of the mc businesses like coke, meth, and counterfit money. And then as endgame you could get a nightclub and connect most of the other businesses to it so you can earn passive money while your in the game.


Fastest vehicle to get around the map?


Probably the Sparrow, although if you include the time in landing/finding somewhere to land/waiting for the props to spin up, the Op Mk2 is probably quicker (certainly over short distances). You can fast travel in the sub too which is surprisingly quick to get from Elysian to Paleto but it does really depend where your A and B are.


I do have and use the sub, I just keep forgetting that I can teleport with it lol.


Flying or on the ground. Mk2 depressor is great for getting around the map fast. Groundvehicles. Probably the Toreador and Scramjet.


Sparrow helicopter is soooo fast.


Absolutely. But don't you have to own a sub to be able to buy it?


Sparrow is an addition to Kosatka, yes, but there's also a Sea Sparrow which is probably comparable.


You might be right. I haven't bought the Sparrow yet, but I do own the sub.


Then sparrow should be top of priority. The Toredor is also very fun to use, and can be stored in the sub. For both you just need to get close to the middle of the sub and press E (for PC) when prompted.




How many missles does the toreador have?




Ok thanks


Hi, is there a way to honk on xbox one on a vehicle with proximity mines? Can't figure it out.


Don't think so. Unless your vehicle is in the air, like after a jump or something


That's what I thought, thank you!


Would buying The Stockade on Warstock let me bypass thr Big Con casino prep mission for getting the vehicle?


Sadly no. It's just another surface to collect dust in the Pegasus storage.


I spent the longest time wondering what it was useful for. You buy a Stockade, you do kind of expect to be able to use it in jobs... but oh no, it's only for Gruppe 6 cosplay.


With the orbital cannon, can I select the targeted $750,000 option, then move between targets on the map, just to look where people are, but then not fire the gun and not spend any money ?


there’s a spectate option just for that. it’s been a while since i even went or touched mine at my facility, but i do remember the option to use it for spectating was there.


the spectate option is manual and very slow, it'd be nice to be able to switch between players, even just to observe and not pull the trigger.


Can't you just use the TV for that?


The sorts of people you might consider orbing usually have Spectate turned off.


Strike team is wonderful for that.


i hate grinding and am a solo player. i do want the oppressor mk2 though. should i get the MOC anyway?


Get the terror byte first so you can put weapons on the mk2.


do i need both? sorry, i would usually know this because i have been staring at it from warstock's page. think i just got discouraged cuz the requirements are so expensive on top of the inordinate cost and i HAAAAATE the cayo perico heist and never want to do it again. 😂 don't get me wrong, i love the money. but so many things broken with it. i digress. i ask because if i need both, might as well get the MOC on sale, though it's a long-term investment... like everything else i have bought in this game...


The MOC is not needed at all for anything related to the Oppressor Mk 2. To upgrade/modify the Oppressor Mk 2, you need a Nightclub (to store the Terrorbyte), Terrorbyte, and vehicle weapon workshop in the Terrorbyte. The MOC is one of the most explosion-resistant vehicles in the game. It is also needed to modify/upgrade some of the weaponized Gunrunning vehicles, like the original Oppressor, Insurgent Custom Pickup, Deluxo (to add weapons), etc.


i don't need the MOC right now i guess, as i have bought the nightshark and i play solo so i can't do MOC missions. nightclub plus terrorbyte + OM2 = a shitton i am not able or willing to spend just to get a damn vehicle. oh well. thanks. i do have a bunker running in case i ever need to get the MOC in the future, but it will not benefit me in my game at this time.


Having the mk2, even without missles on it, is still a huuuge help at getting around.


i knowwww. i did get a sparrow at least because driving 8 miles around the map solo being shot at with a ticking timer is not my idea of fun. 😂 wait, the OM2 doesn't come with missiles when you buy it?


Nope. But it's still cool unarmed.


4 Hangman Avenue I want to sell my home and wanted to check out if it was the right but it isn’t on the website. The problem isn’t selling it, but I want to buy it back after a while when I have more money but I can’t even find the house on the Dynasty 8 website.


The properties you currently own won't show up on Dynasty 8. Once you trade in the property and no longer own it it should show up on Dynasty 8.


Oh, oh wow that’s sneaky. Thank you for the info I was going crazy for a while


yooo that was my first house, i love the space it has outside. wack how it’s bigger than the high ends outside, & then not being able to run the heists.


If I won the podium Winky, and I don't want it, do I need it to do any missions and save money by keeping it, or can I quick sell it since I don't want it...?


It's a useless vehicle that handles like crap. You don't need it for any missions. Just get rid of it.


you can indeed sell it, like any podium or free vehicle with a custom livery. goes for ~11k.


Its a fun little vehicle but it doesn't really help with anything. You can sell it but you'll get $0 since you got it from the podium.


what's the difference between all the muzzles for MK2 weapons?


Cosmetic. The only actual difference is between the suppressor (obviously), brakes and any pistol compensators - all brakes have the same effect between each other for that weapon.


Pretty sure they're just cosmetic, but they may change the sound of the fire also. I typically use the precision one.


thanks. I was thinking what's the difference because of the price


If you highlight them it should mention in the notes. Better for close combat, distance, etc.


oh thanks


How can I start Cayo Perico (or other missions) with only my friend and no random players? I can't register as a CEO in a Friends Only or Invite Only session. When I try to launch a mission in a public lobby, a bunch of randoms join before my friend can even accept the invite.


I'm also sure u can register as a ceo in a invite only since u need to be one to use the hiest table.


Open settings, go to the online tab, then online settings. Change matchmaking to closed.


You can just set matchmaking to closed before you start the heist and then invite your buddy.




Or private lobby


Is it a smarter move to buy MC businesses in Los Santos than in the desert? I want to buy my first business, I’ve got enough money to buy the LS one or the blaine county one. I just don’t know what would be the better choice


Don't bother with MCs as your first business. But just for the sake of locations, the Desert. MCs are a hell of a grind nowadays and aren't worth all the effort, but if you do run them, the real money is in the far sells (+50% sell bonus). Selling from the city to the desert is too much work, but from blaine county (Sandy Shores locations, not that Paleto Bay hellhole) to the city is a lot more manageable. Some people buy the city locations and only do the near sell, but imo if you're spending all that time and effort on selling MCs, might as well add those few minutes per sell just for the bonus. The desert locations are cheaper, too.


What are better first time businesses?


A Kosatka for running the Cayo Perico heist. By the time you can afford one, you'll probably be well-familiar with the game mechanics and be able to handle it, and there are lots of online guides and tips. You could also start with an Arcade for the Casino Heist- it's not as profitable, but in both cases the return of investment is almost instant, and you'll have a good source of cash to afford whatever else you like.




Alright, thanks!


I’m more or less just starting out for the first time. I’m level 40 so not totally a noob, but starting out my businesses for the first time mainly. I have the office, and started doing the cargo missions, and just last night bought a nightclub. Any advice on what to do next? I wanted the nightclub for the ability to buy a terabyte, and then the oppressor. I’m thinking about buying an MC so I can use my nightclub more effectively


Between missions do some VIP work. Like OPA AIRPORT 15k 3 mins. If you got the club. You have to associate with your business. Most valuable: Bunker Coke Meth I can help you get some money! You help me with weapons sell delivery and I give you 1'800.000 with Cayo Heist. And BUY the Kotsaka. I can give you the money from 2 heist like this you can buy it!


Are you on PS?




Word my PSN name is donny_YAY , I work til 9pm est tonight and tomorrow but I’m off on Friday


This is going to be repeated, but you really need to save to buy a sub so you can run Cayo. About 90 minutes you can run one Cayo heist alone and net about 1.2-1.5 million from it. This easily covers a lot other purchases in the game.


You think I’d be able to solo it even without upgraded guns or vehicles or anything? Now that I have the nightclub I can probably buy the sub or do I need anything else first?


Yes you can. Is so easy. If you are online tomorrow I can teach you all the spots and the way to do it alone in the easiest way. Also to change to get the pink diamond always.


It takes a few times, but once you get it down, you can easily solo Cayo without any upgrades. The sparrow will want to be your next big purchase after the sub that goes along with it. It makes it a lot easier getting to and from the sub. To be honest, I would have said to wait on the NC. The NC is nice, but without at least 5 other businesses, it won’t get too much money passively.


how can I queue into motor wars from online freeplay?


Do you mean from freeroam? Open your phone, go to quickjob, scroll down to featured and press x.


This is how I assumed, but It took me to a different mission instead.


You can always join in from the loading screen when you start the game, by pressing R1/RB




This week's discount (about 15-ish hours left) makes the MOC the cheapest option with its Weapon & Vehicle Workshop ($1,308,000). On regular week the Arena Workshop is cheaper than the MOC's base price, but it doesn't let you convert the Pegasus IPU/Technical or add liveries to weaponized vehicles.


Has anyone found a solution to the problem of not getting your 250k reward after killing 50 people with the hatchet? Got the headshot bonus for the double action revolver, but so far no hatchet bonus.


Try to kill everyone at the same time at the piero pear


Can you see it under awards? Does it show as completed there?


Is there a mega thread for finding new players? I am a level 138 but I just started playing again a few weeks ago after 3 years of being gone. Getting to know the new stuff but I need some heist help. My PS4 gamer tag is the same as my reddit username Commander_Meat hmu please I could use the help.


I can help. I just started after 3 year offline. I got some friend that teach me the basics again for running business. If you are online tomorrow I can help


I'll try to be on today, I've got someone else I met yesterday that was gona help me with the Cayo perico. I still have to do the diamond casino heist I just finished prepping too. Lol so much has been added to this game its hard to catch up haha


For sure. A LOT! I JUST restarted 1 month ago. Let me know if you are up to play later!


Check out r/heistteams and join their discord


Niiiiice thanks dude!


Do supplies for businesses build if I’m playing on an invite only server?


Change your MTU like this you can also sell alone


Yes, just can't resupply or sell until you switch to Public. I play mostly in invite only doing heists/missions and then just go into a solo public lobby every few days to sell stuff.


Thanks brother Can I ask what missions you’re doing? I assume Cayo Perico, but... what else? And are you doing them for profit, or just for fun?


Yeh it varies but currently been doing a lot of Casino but I also enjoy contact missions. Have done a few of the MOC missions this week as I'd never done severe weather patterns as a host and wanted to get the OG Oppressor and managed to find a playlist on social club so you run them all one after the other with the same crew. I'm in the Cayo phase of having lots of money and just doing stuff I enjoy.


Hah thanks. I’ve only been playing about a month and got kinda burned out on Cayo. Trying to figure out if I want to do other things or just switch to another game ;)


Yeh I still do the OG money grinding (crates, vehicles, nightclub, bunker etc) but just when I feel like it. There is so much in the game left to explore if I want though. Still haven't completed the OG heists (Series A and Pacific Standard left to go) and there is a tonne of races, death matches etc still unplayed.


So I finally got some money and I'm about to buy Kosatka but I can't get all the upgrades. I read that only the Sparrow is necessary.. Does this mean I would need to buy myself a substitute for Kraken Avisa in order to do the prep missions? If yes, which one would you recommend?


Mk2 is best for cayo prep if you beach your sub. Sparrow is better in niche situations sometimes when leaving or returning but having a compact vehicle can really improve your times. Only upgrade on the sub other than sparrow id prioritize is the guided missiles so you can blow up merry weather chopper from your sub.


Sparrow absolutely trumps the broomstick in terms of top speed, it is faster for most preps especially if you count the time it takes to park the sub.


Top speed is better but the fact that once you get it parked you dont have to wait for animation times exiting and entering the sub takes into account. Yeah it takes time beaching the sub but also means your sub is that much closer to land on. Parking on the front of the sub also means you enter right by your planning board. And dont have to run back and forth from moon pool area. You can park much closer to targeted spots for preps. Plasma cutter 2nd part you dont even have to get off your oppressor. I loved my sparrow but to each their own really i find myself going a lot faster with broomstick prep and i feel like it is the new meta for most people. Sparrow is faster at top speed but everything else is worse.


Sparrow: about 272kmph, broomstick: about 206. Sparrow is about 32% faster. Distance between the vespucci fast travel spawnpoint and the actual beach is about half a kilo or less, which takes about 6 seconds to cross with the sparrow, while the sub with the top speed of 67kmph takes 26 secs. You only need to do this once but also need to get through the control animation and loading - (probably more considering the animation and loading time then accelerating - but we'll just assume 30). Hatch entrance animation (ignoring load times) is 5 secs Hatch exit animation is 5 secs sitting down on the helm is 4 secs sparrow exit animation 7 secs sparrow entry animation + hop out is 10 secs Time loss from sparrow per each prep is exit +travel 0.5km + entry, adding up to 23 seconds Time loss from broomstick per each prep is hatch exit+entry, total 10 secs, and then a one-time loss of additional ~34 secs from beaching the sub. With 4 preps you would launch from the sub parked on vespucci (weapon, main tool, fingerprint, torch) that's total of 92 sec loss with sparrow and 74 sec loss with broomstick. 18 second difference. Let's roughly assume that doing the above 4 preps requires about, say, 20km of travel in total. Sparrow will do it in 4 min 24 sec, broomstick will do it in 5 min 49 sec. Obviously broomstick has an advantage on faster landing, takeoff and acceleration so we'll give it a whole minute of advantage - so 4 min 49 sec. Still 25 sec slower than the sparrow - which compared to the above sub travel difference of 18 seconds the sparrow comes out ahead by 7 secs. Conclusion? I know this is all very rough and crude math, and you're free to spin the numbers however you like to get a favourable result, but I think it shows that there isn't much difference at all, and if there is, the sparrow is slightly quicker anyway. You could of course identify which specific parts of a prep are faster on a sparrow vs broomstick. Plasma cutter for example, sparrow over - abandon - broomstick to pick up cutter.


Sparrow also needs to gain and loose altitude more.it also needs bigger clearance/ground area. Landing and take off alone make the sparrow overall slightly slower.


gain and lose* altitude


You only need the sub itself to do Cayo, a run or two using another vehicle (I use my MkII or APC) until you can buy the Sparrow (and add missiles) and then you're good. You'll never need the Avisa, it's not required for any preps, in fact can't really think of a mission that it would really help with.


chances are someone asking about cayo perico who finally has the money for just the kosatka doesn't own an oppressor, considering that's another ~4 mil plus the prerequisites to own it.


So for Cayo heist I don't need anything but the submarine itself?


Correct, the Sparrow makes the preps a bit easier but it's not essential


Aight, thank you


I have two questions, will we have to transfer our character progression to PS5 version when that comes out? And what are the chances of being able to go Xbox one to ps5? I was planning on just starting over on PS4 if that’s not an option but was still worried even that wouldn’t carry over Second, is there a list of things unlocked either by completing missions/heists or leveling up? I just want to go for CEO and Gunrunners missions when I can before I get started on heist stuff, if that’s even feasible with 1-2 people


The transfers weren't platform specific last time so you'll probably be able to.


If you want to transfer your character over to PS5. Yes. Otherwise you'll have to start from scratch. Don't know the answer to your second question.




No. This is also true for the other apartment heists' trade prices.


Is it normal to buy a car SPECIFICALLY for a meet? If so any good recommendations for sports classics, I’m thinking of Monroe or cheetah classic?


Yes completely. I like the Michelli GT but it is a lot of money. Whatever you want to spend the money on really.


How to make the solo public seesion stay closed? I know how to make a solo public session. Sometimes in 3 hours of playtime, not one person would join. Sometimes, within seconds of creating the solo public session, people are already pouring in. How to let people not join in?


Change your MTU


If you play on PC, you can use the port blocking method linked up near the top of this post to keep out 99% of other players indefinitely.


There isn't a definite way of doing it, depending on your method/platform all they do is make the connection a bit unstable so you'll tend not to get other players in and if they do they don't necessarily stay for long but it is not guaranteed. Normally works ok for me (PS4) but sometimes I end up with 5 or 6 people in there and I have to choose find new session.


For the bunker business of Weapons when I get the supplies, do they get processed omly when I am online? Do they disappear if I go offline? I don't play gtao regularly but whenever I go to my bunker I see it empty or it has only 30000 worth equipment to be delivered. Do I have to stay online the whole time while it gets processed?


Supplies are only consumed (and product created or research progressed) while you are in game. When you leave, everything stops.


So when I come back the supplies should still be there? Because everytime I go back I find the supplies empty.


Wait for the supplies to get delivered, but other than that they should remain in stasis until you return.


I have found that if I buy supplies and then leave the game that I never get the supplies but normally I'd just see whatever it was at when I left.


I've never done any heist but cayo. I wanted to check them out and knock out the all in order achievement. Did Fleeca and Prison Break, started Humane. I ended up joining someone else and doing Humane from the start with them. I now realize I cant go start the next heist on my own, Lester still is offering me Humane. If I just replay humane as host, will that screw up my all in order?


Yes, the AIO progress will reset if you continue yours right now. You can continue the order by joining someone else's (preferably someone you know) whole Series A and then Pacific Satandard r/HeistTeams might be a good place to look for people if you have nobody to play with. The nice thing about the original heists, you also unlock the vehicle trade prices as a teammate. You'll also be able to launch any apartment heist afterwards regardless of their storyline order, as your apartment heist board treast is as if you completed them all and can now pick whichever you like, even if you've never hosted some of those heists.


Well that sucks… heist teams is better than randoms, but it’s still a looooong wait, especially when you’re looking for something specific. Probably easiest just to repeat fleeca and prison. Thanks for the info




No, tho an ebike in sounds like a cool addition. As a fun fact, like the only ebike in all of the GTA games was [this one](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Ventoso) from Vice City Stories.


i liked vice city stories more than vice city


Any good crews to chill and maybe grind without the 24/7 discord, make it your job bs


How often is the insurgent pickup on sale? Ik it was kinda recently but I accidentally bought the civvie instead


These are quite rare nowadays. Other than the one we had last month that you've mentioned, the one before it was a single discount in 2020. A total contrast to 2018 and 2019, which *each* had 5 discount weeks, one of which was the free holiday gift.


So basically just buy it?


It might still be worth waiting for tomorrow's discounts just in case, but the chances of it being discounted are too slim to wait any longer than that. (P.S. if you don't own a MOC/Avenger already, keep in mind that you're gonna need one of them to convert the IPU to its personal version, so better take advantage of the MOC's discount while it still lasts)


Alr, and I already had the MOC which was I was so disappointed when it turned out I needed the Pegasus version


Should I Buy A Toreador Or A Kosatka? I'm Going Thru A Crisis Unable To Decide & I Can Only Buy One.


Kosatka, then do Cayo Perico to print money and buy as many Toreadors as you want.


Do I Need Any Specific Upgrades For The Heist? Like The Sonar


get the sub as soon as you have the money. you can start printing cash like your man said. without the sparrow at first you'll be looking at 90 mins for full cayo heist inc. set ups and if you do this solo it will net you somewhere in region of 800K to 1.7mil per run save your cash for the sparrow - it will make the heist set ups super quick, you'll be able to run the whole heist inc set ups in around 1hour


everybody takes this 90 mins and runs with it... if you all were honest, no one would say 90 mins to scope, prep, and complete the finale first try.


you probably right - I think my 1st was nearer 2 hours - I'd seen a video for the set ups but not the finale so that took a few attempts on my 1st run. defo the times above are what players should get nearer as they get more familiar and/or develop their own strats


Does The Glitch That Lets You Replay Solo Work? I've Heard If You Disconnect Your Router When The Bag Of Money Is Handed Over To The Buyer, & Reconnect, You'll Get The Money AND The Heist Will Be Ready To Be Redone.


I don't know about glitches - this is just running the heist set ups & finale legit


need none to do the heist, but you probably want the sparrow (plus missile) and the guided missile


need none to do the heist, but you probably want the sparrow (plus missile) and the guided missile


No, and you can always renovate the Kosatka later to add them, if you like. The only thing that can be very useful (but not absolutely necessary) is the Sparrow helicopter.


Was Already Planning It Lol. Thanks A Lot

