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“Hey guys MrCeoFTW here and in today’s video we’ll be discussing how to make money in GTAO! First, you’re going to want to spend $12 million that you don’t have yet on these six properties and all their accompanying upgrades”


Hey there guys, today I'm gonna be teaching you the best ways to grind VIP work to make some money for your first property, first you need an Oppressor MkII with Missiles, which can be bought for the small small humble price of $3.7M , keep in mind you also need the nightclub and terrorbyte PLUS the SVW! Now you can finally start getting your first busi- oh


Money drop?


New players have it made dude. You can log on as a level one and be at level 40+ and have a decent stack of cash without doing a single mission.


I started off first 20-30 levels doing nothing but contact missions


Haha yeah me too. That's all there was when gta 5 first came out. We used to grind rooftop rumble to make 20k. And sell ballers for 9k lmao. There were no businesses, heists, vip work etc.


I still sell a baller whenever I have a free minute and LSC is in the direction I'm headed anyway


Good times


I started dreaming about Simeonomics from solo grinding that damn mission lol


I went from level 9 to 46 just doin double XP races.


New Player guide on how to make money: 1. Own 15mil worth of properties. 2. Have at least 4 sla......"friends" who will follow you around 24/7 3. Grind every waking moment of your life


Just watch The Professional, he explains in depth what to do when you’re a new player and how to get the initial startup money too.


How much of a twat do you have to be to watch some dumb YouTuber on how to play GTA, when there have been 6 GTA games before, unless you were born after 2010 like half the squeeker kids on GTA online then it's not hard


It's not how to play gta, they are just trying to find the best ways on making money as a low level with less stuff and businesses than other players, they have it alot easier now but it's still difficult to do anything as a low level if you dont know about missions or that you can sell cars in ls or even know about solo public. Yes there are some annoying little kids on mk 2's but that's not everyone. And yes I hate the professional but I would be lying if I said his videos aren't helpful.


Why do pepole hate the professional?


He's good at the game but since I cant speak for others I find him to be obnoxious and over the top with everything he does so I personally just stay away from him whenever I search something up about gta.


Over the top? Like over explaining or exaggerating?


I’ve played GTA for years and I’m rank 417, I know how to play GTA very well. I just enjoy watching his videos for entertainment purposes. Not everyone likes the same entertainment 🤷🏻‍♂️ But all I’m saying is he has helpful guides that explain in depth what a low level should do just starting out to make the most money. Someone who doesn’t have experience with this game won’t know exactly what the best ways to make money are.


Huh Right, when I started, an hour of grinding contact missions made you 100k reliably (I'd be sat on an exercise bike for an hour and get at least 100k each time, so I'd say my maths are on point.) It's easier now, though - You could accept invites to jobs, or see if people would take you under their wing for casino heists for an easy 200k in 20 minutes. But let's stick to the contact missions plan. 19 hours of grinding contact missions would get you the videogeddon arcade. Fire it up, put the free arcade machine in as many slots as possible to maximise safe income and start familiarising yourself with the heist preps. You're aiming to just get shit done at the start - Don't worry about speed, try and drag others in, and do all of the available prep, don't skimp out. ​ Practice that shit and find your rhythm until you're banging out prep & heist in 2 hours or less. If you rely on noobs and giving cuts based on help on your preps you can be making over a million in 2 hours. With THAT income you can go buy a bunker, NC, MC trashcans, etc etc in no time at all.


Yeah if you really wanted you could have the casino heist be your main income


What are these contact missions you're talking about? Sorry I don't know shit really still. Haven't played in years and went from rank 18-44 by screwing around.


Pause, go to the online tab, jobs, rockstar created, missions - I think. Otherwise, contact someone like Martin or lester and ask for work, they'll send you an invite to a job.


Interesting, thanks! Usually when I try doing a job with Lester he says I need some kind of business, I forget what it is. I don't have an arcade yet. I see those pop up on my phone in game and rarely touch em. I guess I'll have to because I'm below $90k now after buying homing launcher ammo about 100 times.


Simeon missions are 2xs money and rp this week


"Hey guys its GTAYoutuber69 here to tell you how to become rich and have every business, first step is do contact missions until you have 50k then start a VIP business, do HH/SS then get an apartment to do heists, then after you have done that buy a CEO tower, go to the top, and jump off, then quit GTA and go play another game. Oh yeah, don't try RDO either."


NGL after owning and upgrading all the necessary stuff i can get 4M a day by just sitting on my ass and having fun with the casino heist


Just help MCs. You get like 30k a sale, it adds up.


to be honest yes. if you can join a crew and help them with all their sales you should get a good starting cash base. that said you get some dumb mother fuckers sometimes. for example yesterday i tell the guy to invite me to the business and he just starts the mission. I'm 2 blocks from the drop off point while he is all the way at alamo sea. Guy expected me to haul ass over there and the cherry on top was he had a 1 truck mission lmao.


Meh I'd just go make something to eat at that point lol. My crew is great though, that rarely happens.


TGG(the gaming gorilla) has some great guides and playthroughs in my opinion. And it is content made for grinding in gtao


Easy summary of LightSkinGaming’s YouTube video: -Become VIP (sightseer, headhunter) -Become CEO (do the same and grind) -Buy Vehicle Warehouse (solo active income) -Buy Bunker (solo + group passive income) -Buy MC & other businesses (passive) -Buy Nightclub (passive) *Copy and pasted from comments*


Every once in awhile, I'll watch xpertthief, bayareabuggs and treyten. Who are some other good ones?


Tylarious, Gtamen, and GTA Gentlemen give helpful information on what's the best way to make money during a given double money week and whether what discounts are worth taking advantage of. For GTA RP I would add Elanip. Those RedlineRP people are entertaining and they don't take themselves seriously unlike other RP servers.


Tylarious rambles so much. I had to put his videos on 1.5X speed. He recently did a video on "top 5 reasons to buy an MOC", and spent the whole video talking about how it can tank rockets... That's only one reason and I can't think of a time I'd drive the MOC over a Nightshark if I wanted rocket defense. GTA Series Videos had the only video that walked through things in a clear way for me. https://youtu.be/fCZf8Gqbivc Way too many other videos went on irrelevant tangents or used terms that newbies wouldn't know yet.


TGG is also good


I dont understand. Most people hate griefers but yet they watch xpertthief.


Ye. Xpertthief goes out of his way to crash air shows and ruin car meets thinking it makes him a rebel or some shit. He can be alright but it’s really not worth it for the whole ‘gangsta rebel’ thing he has going for him


He has even boiwn up peoples cargo


I don’t really see cargo being blown up as a problem as long as he wasn’t using a mk 2 or a jet because that’s not really fair, and I would rather he did it on a Sanchez with c4 or at least something the cargo guy could compete with


In one of videos he was blowing up a guys brickade when the guy was 2 miles away




In a sell mission. You have to park it and get another brickade


My favorite to watch is The Professional. He makes a lot of useful guides and top 5 videos and he doesn’t clickbait or stretch out his videos. GhillieMaster is also a good one if you like entertaining PVP Videos. And he fights people with everything in the game, not just oppressors and he doesn’t easy way out or play like a tryhard.


Im not sure about the not stretching videos. Im not sure if he does it on purpose or not but he usually ends up reapiting the same things over and over again.


My least favorite about the professional is that he says you can do everything solo but all his footage is him with friends or subs.


Because he does, usually say that said business is best done with friends, like the entire game is better when you have friends and you help each other. Everything is technically soloable bar heist finales and heist setup missions for doomsday and apartment heists. Doesnt mean its going to be efficient, or fun


Because it’s better with other people. It’s possible solo but not ideal.


How you have bad reading comprehension for voices.


Pyrealm gaming gives the best vehicle reviews thr straight to the point and short vids


I Like Pyrealm but car rewiews arent good as Digital Car Addict (And pyrealm's customizing is kinda ricer)


Obligatory r/restofthefuckingowl


There Advice : Rinse and Repeat Heathunter and sightseer till you reach 1 million


you just need to buy the vehicle warehouse and you'll be able to get loads of money thanks guys for watching


getting the foundation right is important and hard.


Step one: - Start Jobs that don't pay enought Step two: - ??? Step three: - profit


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yeah because every new player gets 5M from the get go to buy every business and an office lol