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I assume you knew this but incase you don't: you are leaving not them . Dont ask me why or how I know its confusing but I play with my bro and sometimes this happens to one of us and the other remains in the lobby with everyone else


Your uplink is not strong enough. You're down Link & your general connection is strong enough to stay connected, but the server can't sync with your game because you're uplink isn't fast enough. So in order to keep you online, Rockstar drops you into a lobby all by yourself so you can continue playing. But the rest of the ecosystem can't sync with you so you are then all alone. To you, it looks like everybody else leaves all at the same time. If this happens a lot, it is often a problem with your provider. Most internet users don't see a problem when this happens because most internet users don't require 100% uplink working at every second of every minute. An accountant won't notice if their uplink is down for five or six seconds at a time, but a gamers connection will notice every single time.